Top Posts Tagged with #i'll try my best to introduce all of my ocs eventually | Tumlook (2024)


Mar 14

Could you please do the drivers reaction to driver reader bringing a boy to the race?

Formula one grid x female!driver!reader Male!OC x female!driver!reader

Summary - Being youngest on the grid meant that Y/n was heavily protected by many other drivers so when she gets a partner it's mixed emotions all around

Warning - Small anxiety

Reader drives for Mercedes

Part two


"Are you sure? I know that some of the fans can be a little crazy about my private life..." In the past few months, Y/n had started a relationship with a guy she matched with on tinder. Not many people knew of the relationship, only her family and her management team.

Although that would change today, it was the first race of the season and they had wanted to hard launch their relationship. Adam, her new partner, was a lawyer and had his own wealth behind him but he was really proud of Y/n and loved to support her.

He could tell how nervous she was, seeing how she kept fidgeting with her hair and teamwear. "Hey, it's okay. Plus if any thing happens and you have to take legal action, you have a great lawyer on your side" He would often use humour to calm down his f1 driver girlfriend, loved to bring even the smallest of smiles to her face.

Adam took hold her hand, stopping her from fidgeting so much and started to drag her to the paddock entrance where fans stood behind barriers waiting to catch a glimpse of a driver.


As they began to walk past the barriers, fans were shouting her name and some were asking questions about the man who held her hand. They both had proud and confident smiles painted on their faces, any anxiety seemingly disappeared.

"Y/n! Y/n! Is that your new partner?"

Nodding her head, Y/n stopped to sign some merch and greet some fans. "Yes, yeah he is. Meet Adam" Looking over her shoulder, she felt how Adam had his hands gently resting on her waist. They were both very big on pda.

Thankfully the fans had reacted well to the new face. Some softly threatening Adam not to hurt their favourite driver, which got a laugh out of Y/n and some fear out of Adam.

Soon they started toward the main entrance of the paddock, waving goodbye to the fans and individually scanning their passes. Yet as soon as Y/n set foot into the paddock, dread and anxiety plagued her mind once again.

Only now remembering that she'd have to introduce Adam to her fellow drivers, her adopted big brothers. If today weren't such an important day, she would've turned around and made her way home. Procrastinating the eventual doom.

As usual, the man still held her hand in his could sense her fear. And he knew exactly why. "Look I know I have never meet them and I know that they very protective of you but I'll try my best to earn their approval, I promise..." He coached her to take a deep breath but pulling her forward to continue the walk.

They were passing by the Ferrari hospitality area when we heard a loud shout before some softly running of feet. "Disculpe! Y/n!" A strong spanish accent mde itself known behind the new couple.

Whilst Y/n tensed, Adam turned around fully with a confident smile. "Hi you must be Carlos right? It's lovely to meet you" He started a positive conversation, only to be met with a glare and scowl from Carlos.

"Yes, that's me. And who are you?" The spanish driver snapped back, snatching Y/n's arm and pulling her away from her partner. "What do you want from Y/n?"

Taking her arm back out of his grasp, Y/n moved back to Adams side with a sign.

She knew that the other drivers would be just as protective and some even more than Carlos. "Carlos..." Her voiced broke through the awkward silence that he created. "This is my new partner, Adam. You can chill out..."

All shoulders relaxed as she explained, a small guilty smile replaced the scowl on Carlos' face. Reaching out his hand towards Adam as both an apologie and a better introduction.

After a small conversation between the three, Y/n realised that the couple had to continue down the paddock. Saying goodbye to Carlos, the two were walking down to her team garage once again but were quick stopped once again.

This time by her old teammate and the reigning champion the grid. "Y/n, um who's this?" Unlike Carlos, Max was more shy and cautious rather than forward and hostile. Something Adam was thankful of.

"Hi I'm Adam, I'm Y/ns partner. It's nice to meet you, also I promise to take good care of Y/n..." After his last interaction with Carlos, Adam tried even harder to prove himself. "Please, I promise I love her a lot and-"

Max raised his hand to stop the ramble from the younger man. He had a small smile on his face, slightly amused by his fear. "It's okay, I don't doubt it. I'm sure you'll prove yourself over the next couple of weeks..."

Giving Y/n a quick hug and Adam a pat on the shoulder, Max told them that he had an important meeting to attend and he'll see them around.


Finally they arrived at the Mercedes hospitality and when they first entered, Adam eyes turned to the other driver in the room. Lewis, he was sat at one the table along with some of his management team.

Much like Adam, Lewis immediately noticed their presence in the room and beckoned them over to him.

"Hi Lulu!" Y/n quicking moving to give her beloved teammate a hug before moving back to her partners side. "Lulu meet Adam, he's my partner and Adam meet Lulu, my teammate."

Unlike the other two drivers, Lewis had a reassuring smile on his face whilst getting up from his seat to give Adam strong handshake. "Well it's nice to meet you Adam, I assume you'll take good care of that crazy women right there. I wish you the best"

It was short and simple but it meant a lot to Adam. Immediately he felt approved by a legend in the sport and by someone who Y/n considered a father figure.

"Thank you, I'll take good care of her"


>Seb!-Seb!!!-SEB OMG I HAVE NEWS!!!>What?!>It's about Y/n!!>Well go on tell me!!!!!>She has a partner!-His name is Adam and tbh I can see them getting married!!!>THATS BOLD>IKR But it's true!-They're perfect for eachother!!!>I need to meet him first and approve him first before they can even think about engagements>Ofc ofc


#formula one#formula one x reader#f1#f1 x reader#formula 1#formula 1 x reader#carlos sainz#carlos sainz f1#carlos sainz x reader#max verstappen#max verstappen f1#max verstappen x reader#lewis hamilton#lewis hamilton f1#lewis hamilton x reader#scuderia ferrari#redbull racing#mercedes amg petronas#formula one x y/n#f1 x y/n#formula 1 x y/n


Aug 19, 2023

Wanna Be Yours 001

Originally posted by tipannies

Maybe not all good girls are good, and not all bad boys are bad. It’s all about perspective and experience, for not everything in life is a clear black or white. Sometimes you will find gray, brown, or silver… Possibilities are endless. And Byun Baekhyun is too god damn fine to resist.

◤“Stop smoking, it isn’t attractive.”“Stop swearing, it isn’t either.”“f*ck you.”“When.”◢

Main Masterlist|Bookclub zone|Chapter 1✓


pairing—Baekhyun x Monica (OC)

word count—3.8k

genre— biker! baekhyun, bad boy! baekhyun, enemies to lovers! romance, slight angst, fluff, smut (one chap - eventually)

[This chapter contains:an introduction 🚲 ]

A/N: Hello! I'm introducing one of my AFF-exclusive, BBH stories to Tumblr! I'm posting this chapter to see if readers on here want to read it 🥰 This story doesn't have a tag list, so let me know if you wanna be tagged for future chapters either in my ask box or the comment section! 🌸 I'll continue writing this when I finish my other story: Only Forever 🌊

Chapter 1

Look around, lovely

I’ve been through many things in my life. From my ex leaving me for a “slim thick” girl who lived three blocks away to my best friend, making it their goal to break my spirit from the inside out. I had to cut ties with my treacherous family. I had to change my name, eye color, and wear a purple wig to flee from another crazy ex to Hawaii. I almost had to file for bankruptcy when my twin sister bought three foreign sports cars in my name.

—I’ve been through a lot, but I never expected to find myself in the middle of this sh*tstorm.

“Yo, Chen, move your ass!”

“I’m almost there!” This so-called Chen hisses into his phone, tugging me behind him by my arm. He glares back at me when I stumble over a recycling bin. “Shut it.” His grip turns painful when I slow down my pace. He stomps hurriedly down shaded alleyways and dimly lit streets. I'd scoff at his audacity if I wasn’t so busy trying to form a plan to escape and not fall flat on my face in the process.

“Yo bitch.” He throws another nasty look over his shoulder, “keep up, will ya?”

My eyes narrow as I purposely stomp on the back of his foot. “Oops,” I chirp when he yelps, hiding my smirk while he curses and hobbles on one leg. “Guess that’s too close, eh?”

He bares his teeth at me. The smirk quickly falls off my lips when the ground is suddenly approaching my face at an alarming rate.

I brace my hands against the pavement at the last second, but my right arm buckles under my weight, sliding my frantic hands across the rugged surface, scraping against the sidewalk with a painful burn. I groan at the fire hot pain shooting up my forearm.

“Oops,” he mocks, his leather boots stepping into view. He bends down in front of me with a tilt of his head. “Guess that was too soon, huh?” His victory smirk on his curled lips would have been sexy if I didn’t have the urge to punch him in his pretty face.

I keep my eyes on him, slowly bringing myself back to my feet. It takes everything in me to ignore the pulsing pain in my knees and the warm liquid running down my elbow as he stands back to his full height. His unimpressive 5’8 stature seems intimidating while I’m poorly hiding my injured arm behind my back. It doesn't help that he has a tattoo of a snake on his bicep, the green ink peeking out from under the sleeve of his black t-shirt. He’s not tall, but he is buff, and that is enough for me to keep my mouth shut... for now.

He runs his eyes over my quiet defensive stance, his smirk turning even more cruel before he yanks me forward by my injured arm. “If we’re late, that’s your ass.”

I roll my eyes to distract myself from the tears threatening to fall, biting my tongue. My hands and arm throb painfully in sync. That hurt like a bitch and he’s two seconds away from being smacked like one.

After walking a few more empty blocks, the rev of an engine reaches my ears—and it’s not from a car. My heart plummets when the realization sets in and the beaming headlights of shiny black vehicles come into view. Two motorcycles stop a few feet away from us in a deserted parking lot. The riders are wearing black helmets with matching clothes, blending in with the night. Their faces are shaded under the dim light of the moon when they take their helmets off.

Dusk is on the rise, concealing the moon behind thick clouds as the world waits for the sun to peek over the horizon. The darkest hour of the night… Looking around at the buff asshole and two newcomers, I can only hope that I’ll make it to see the sunrise. I swallow my nerves while Chen impatiently drags me over to the others.

The guy on the left is the first one to notice us. He shakes his hair, the brunette strands catching light before he switches off the headlights. He’s tall with beautifully toned skin, whistling when we step off of the sidewalk. “Damn hyung, took you long enough.”

Chen shrugs. “Catching the prize was a bit of a struggle.” He rattles my arm for emphasis, his smirk visible under a flickering streetlight.

“Oh?” The brunette’s eyes trail over me, focusing on my pulsing arm before shifting back to the prick next to me. “Looks a bit like damaged goods, hyung.”

“That wouldn’t be the case if it had acted accordingly.” He shrugs, nonchalantly looking me over.

My eyes and mouth twitch. It is really taking everything in me not to say something.

“Hopefully hyung doesn’t mind,” The other tall guy speaks up, eyeing me warily while I stare at his unnaturally orange hair.

“Byun won’t do sh*t,” Chen waves him off, pulling me closer to a parked bike three parking spaces away. “He hasn’t before and he won’t start now.”

The orange-top guy starts to reply until a loudly revved engine fills the air, announcing the arrival of more motorcycles entering the deserted parking lot. I glare at the biker driving in front, from his laid back posture alone he must be the leader.

“Baekhyun!” Chen yells into the still night with a co*cky grin, laughing gleefully. “So happy for you to finally join us. I feared we’d start without you.”

The leader calmly parks his bike a couple of feet away, pulling off his helmet while the other five bikers join him. I bite my cheek to hold back my gasp when his face is revealed. What I expected was some forty-year-old gang member with a huge tattoo, crooked beard, and salt/pepper hair. Not a twenty-something-year-old with one of the most attractive faces I’ve ever seen in my life.

His light brown hair ruffles in the wind, the salty scent of the sea rolling in. He shakes his bangs out of his eyes, looking at the man next to me with a blank expression on his face. Baekhyun’s eyes slowly follow Chen’s arm down to my own in his tight grasp. His eyes linger on my injured arm, the clench of his jaw and flare of his nostrils has my eyes shooting down to look at it myself.

The sight of blood steadily dripping from my ripped sleeve has me wincing. I bite my lip hard to hold back a pain-filled whimper.

Baekhyun cuts his eyes back to Chen with a murderous glare, “Jongdae.” He hisses venomously.

Chen stiffens, his grip loosening on my arm, “Byun?” He’s caught off guard, the confusion rings loudly in his uncertain voice.

“What the f*ck is this?” Baekhyun looks at my arm then at him again, his voice growing louder by the minute. “Why the hell is she bleeding?”

“She wasn’t…” Willing to come? Willing to follow a stranger? Willing to get pulled out of a store for nothing? “Very compliant.”

“And you brought her here anyway?” Baekhyun gives him an incredulous look, his eyes narrowed at the latter’s silence. “What. The. f*ck. Did. You. Do.”

I shift on my feet, highly uncomfortable just witnessing this exchange. The other bikers watching them quietly doesn’t calm my nerves in the slightest. I know one thing for certain—the tension can be cut with a knife, and I’m not about to be in the middle of this hell much longer.

“I was walking with her down the street, and she fell.” Chen chooses to say.

I crack my neck when I whip it around to face him. “Really?” I snap. “You purposely yanked me forward and let go, yet dare say I f*cking fell?!”

Chen scowls at me. “Well if you weren’t being such a bi‒” He pales when I sense a dark aura behind me.

I turn around to a furious Baekhyun. His brown eyes blaze brightly in anger amongst the pitch darkness of the night, the wind tousling his hair across his forehead. The urge to take a step back is high until I remember who is right behind me. Baekhyun takes one look at me then turns his fire-filled gaze to the fearful man behind me. “I’ll deal with you later.”

I look down at the sudden hand gently grabbing my uninjured arm, meeting Baekhyun’s eyes before he takes a step back. And for some reason; I follow. He keeps his eyes steady on mine before turning to address the others. “I’m calling it off.” His gaze meets every individual one of theirs. “Any objections?”

No one even so much as moves.

Baekhyun firmly nods, peering down at me with a raised brow. “Come with me?” Even while he asks, I’m already being led over to his bike. He grabs his helmet and pauses, turning to me, the dim street lights reflecting the mysterious glint in his brown eyes. “Have you ridden a motorcycle before?”

I look at the bike then back at him, narrowing my eyes. “Are you planning to kill me with it?”

The corner of his lips twitch up, “that’s a no then. May I?”

Eyeing the helmet in his hands, I nod, quickly muttering, “if I die, I’m suing you,” when he starts to place it on my head.

Baekhyun chuckles. “Don’t worry.” He adjusts the helmet with a teasing little grin, his voice low enough for only me to hear. “You’re in good hands.”

“Uh huh—oof!” I yelp when he suddenly lifts me up and sets me on the back of his vehicle—that seems one hundred times more intimidating now that I’m sitting on it. “I swear, Byun, if I fall‒”

“You won’t.” Baekhyun affirms. He throws his leg over the motorcycle and climbs onto it with grace, throwing one last look back at me before starting the engine. It purrs in a way I’ve never heard before. The low, crispy sound vibrates through my entire body when his deep voice reaches my ears. “Hold on tight.”

When he revs the engine, I wrap my arms tightly around his waist. The fear of death is greater than the pulsing of my bleeding arm. We speed out into the street, the others becoming mere specks of shadowy figures in the distance as we go further down the dirt road.

My eyes stay partially closed until I remember that I’m wearing a helmet, and if anyone has to do that its Baekhyun. Which is f*cking scary considering the fact that he is the one driving! Steering this two-wheeled vehicle that tilts side to side depending on the gravitational pull of the earth and the wind.

I flinch when we roll over a bump in the road, gripping the front of Baekhyun’s shirt. I can’t tell if it’s the motorcycle or his chuckles causing the vibrations in his chest when I rest my head on his back. The sun is slowly rising, pale light peeking over the horizon. It bounces off of the calm ocean water in the distance. It’s fascinating, how the ocean and the cloudy sky meet, like a snowglobe full of cascading sparkles.

The blur of buildings comes into focus when we slow down, Baekhyun resting his feet on the ground when we reach a red light. Recognizing the slightly run-down buildings, my heart rate picks up. “Baekhyun? Where are we going?” I ask warily. Instead of replying, he pats my clenched fist in a pacifying manner and takes off once the light switches to green.

Gulping down my nerves, I make sure to take note of every street we go down in case I have to hightail my ass out of wherever we are headed. The sight of small brick houses and wide front porches brings a wave of nostalgia over me—and not in a good way. All I can do is hold onto him and hope I stay in one piece until we reach our destination. The weight of my knife concealed in my left boot gives me little reassurance.

We start to slow down on a street that welcomes us with the largest maple tree that I’ve ever seen, followed by small but surprisingly well-kept homes. It’s pretty for the infamous neighborhood that we are in, and the house we stop in front of in particular is the nicest one.

Baekhyun drives up the driveway and parks, getting off the motorcycle with grace before helping me down as well. I flinch when I try to straighten my injured arm. It hurts worse than it did earlier, burning every time my denim jacket sways in the wind and brushes against it. I keep my arm bent at the elbow while clutching it to my chest.

Baekhyun notices but doesn’t say anything. He walks up to the house while I linger behind, taking in the flower-filled yard. Pretty pink roses and beautifully bloomed dandelions take up most of the land. Growing steadily alongside the driveway and sidewalk, their healthy petals awaiting the sunlight.


Turning back to Baekhyun, he crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe of the open door. The sun shines down on his caramel-colored coat, black graphic tee shirt, and leather pants. The more I look at him, the more confused I get. How on earth is he in a bike gang? He has no visible tattoos, no piercings. The only things “gangsta” about him are his sharp brown eyes, confident stance, and authoritative aura.

Baekhyun clears his throat, jolting me from my thoughts. He raises a brow with a tilt of his head, the corner of his lips twitching. “Come in.” He disappears into the house before I can give any sort of reply.

Pulling my phone out of my bra, I snap a picture of the street sign and send it to my friend so they know my whereabouts—just in case. I tuck it back under my shirt and take one last look at the quiet neighborhood before entering the house.

The only way I can describe the interior is warm. With light brown walls and darker carpeted floors. The living room alone is full of worn-in couches with pretty throw blankets. When I start to take off my shoes, Baekhyun pops up, shaking his head, “there’s more dirt on this floor than out in the yard.”

He walks off into another part of the house with his heeled boots and loud footsteps. I spot a bright orange crumpled leaf and a patch of dried grass in the center of the room. Heeding his advice, I take a wary glance at the unlocked door before going to look for him. Walking to the other side of the living room, I’m met with a doorway to the kitchen on my left and a hallway to my right. Finding no sign of Baekhyun in the tidy room, I venture down the hall.

“In here,” he calls out just as I pass the first door on the left.

Backtracking a few steps, I look inside the bathroom while he rummages in the cabinet under the sink. My eyes move back to him when he swears.

“I know I left it somewhere,” he mumbles just as his eyes caught sight of something. With a tug, he pulls back to close the doors, standing up with a familiar red box in his hands. “Have a seat,” he beckons me over, gesturing to the closed toilet lid with his chin.

I settle myself on the cold surface, the white porcelain chilling my skin through my jeans. Watching him carefully while he sets the first-aid kit beside the sink and takes out antibacterial wipes. When he reaches for my arm I flinch back.

Baekhyun gives me a look. “May I?”

Sighing deeply and gritting my teeth, I nod with a roll of my eyes, slowly taking off my ripped jacket and dropping it in the bathtub. I look away when he draws nearer with the wipe, clenching my hand into a fist. The sting brings tears to my eyes.

After what feels like hours, Baekhyun gets to work on the gauze, gently wrapping it around my arm and taping it together. I take a few deep breaths as he moves over to the sink, focusing on the sound of running water instead of the irritated skin of my scratched palms.

“You won’t need stitches,” Baekhyun murmurs thoughtfully, his voice breaking the silence, echoing across the tiled walls of the room. He dries his hands on an indigo blue towel hanging from a high bathroom rack attached to the wall. “...Are you okay?”

The hint of concern in his voice is surprising, it prompts my eyes shift over to him. “Yea—f*ck!” I hiss loudly, quickly bending my elbow back to its position. The tender wound throbs painfully in sync with my racing heartbeat.

His brows raise. He crosses his arms, leaning his hip against the counter and giving me another knowing look. I only glare back at him.

Baekhyun sighs tiredly. “I’ll get you an Advil.” He shakes his head, making his way out of the room and venturing further down the hallway. I clutch my arm to my chest, sending a quick text to my friend to come pick me up. Thankfully she’s right around the block, passing through the neighborhood on her way back home from work.

A smile curls on my lips when she sends a picture of the great maple tree at the nearest red light. The bandages crinkle when I stand up, grabbing my jacket and tentatively closing the first-aid kit before heading back towards the front of the house. Heavy footsteps have my head whipping back around to find Baekhyun in the hallway with a box of Advil in his hands. “Hey,” he cracks an awkward smile, his hair slightly disheveled.

I narrow my eyes at him.

The smile slowly falls off his face. He clears his throat, gesturing to the box in his hand. “I got you the Advil.”

“I see.” I don’t take my eyes off of him for a minute, shifting my weight so I can retrieve my knife if the need arises. His body language is off and his intentions are not clear. I make sure to keep distance between us; I’ve been in this situation a million times before. Whatever he is trying to achieve with this small talk, I am not up for sticking around to find out.

“Do you, uh‒” he runs a hand through his hair. “Do you need a ride?”

“No, I called a friend,” I smile tightly.

“Oh.” His hand falls down to his side. He shoves it into his pocket and outstretches the box in his hand towards me. “Here, half the box is left. You probably need them more than‒” his eyes catch mine and he clears his throat again, “me.”

I look him up and down and carefully take the box from his hand, avoiding making any contact. My lips twitch in a mixture of amusem*nt and annoyance. “Thanks.”

Baekhyun nods, shoving both hands in his pockets, the velvet green underside of his coat showing when he parts his lips again. “About what happened earli‒”

The rev of a sports car engine cuts him off. “Hop in, bitch!” my best friend yells, breaking the tranquil atmosphere of this shady neighborhood in the early hours of the morning. “We’re going home!”

I glance at the open door then shoot him a forced, polite smile. “Thanks um… Baekhyun, was it? But there’s my ride. I got to go.”

Baekhyun nods while I make sure I have everything, tucking the box of medicine under my good arm. “See you around,” he speaks up when I’m halfway through the door.

Darting my eyes back to him with my hand on the screen door, I smile my fakest smile, letting it slam shut behind me. “Bye!” With a roll of my eyes, I match down the driveway to my friend’s car and hop in with a passive-aggressive smile.

“What the hell happened to your arm?” she raises a perfectly arched brow.

“A situation you never want to be in while shopping for hairspray, Alison. Now drive.”

Part 1✓ |Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6| Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |

A/N: If you would like me to continue posting this story on Tumblr, reblog or comment to let me know! (^-^)

#baekhyun smut#supermnet#bbh-net#exo x reader#baekhyun fanfiction#baekhyun romance#baekhyun x reader#baekhyun fanfic#baekhyun ff#baekhyun x oc#exo baekhyun#exo romance#Wanna Be Yours


Dec 19, 2022

~Lost and Found~ (Larissa Weems x Student!reader)

The reader is 19 in this fic!!! The show makes it clear they have students well above the age of consent.


Please don't murder me for this being so late!!! I wasn't doing great mentally after mocks so took a break from writing so this was written in small chunks over the course of nearly two weeks so I'm very sorry if it's super disjointed!

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (1.7k words)

There isn't a lot of larissa in this chapter because I wanted to focus on some world building and finally properly introduce you guys to the readers friends/my OCs.

Thank you as always to @thefangedman for editing this and with such a quick turn around so you guys didn't have to wait any longer for an update!

The room was large but not overwhelming. It had an almost comfortable aura despite this being my first time inside, as well as despite my reason for being trapped inside.

I slowly made my way to my feet, drifting throughout the room; searching. For what? I don't know. It is drawing me closer. An overwhelming feeling hits me in progressively stronger waves as I make my way towards what I can only assume is the en suite. I slowly push the door open, uneasiness slipping into the atmosphere.

Something isn't right.

I can't tell what is wrong. My eyes quickly dart to all corners of the room, seeing nothing out of place. That's when I see it. A small cigarette case, tucked beside the rather nice clawed bathtub. So that's where the funding goes, Weems is living in luxury while I can barely get a hot shower most days, for f*ck’s sake. I'll be bringing this up with her later.

I approach slowly, bending down to collect the case and look inside, to figure out what the source of this strange aura is. I turn as I hear sharp knocking, followed by a very angry - yet almost concerned voice?

"Y/N M/N L/N! Come out right this instance! I will break this door down if I have to, don't snoop through my drawers. I know you've been thinking about it. I just wanted to talk."

I turn back around, moving towards the sink to lift a metal nail file, before making my way to the window, attempting to unlock it. I try to as quickly as possible make my way through it. Weems’ bangs get louder, until I hear one exceptionally loud one and the clicking of heels.

I am just about free when my sleeve snags on a rogue nail, pinning me like a frog in a biology lesson, ready for my dissection at the hands of Weems. As I am struggling with my sleeve she bursts into the bathroom.

I manage to get free just before she can snatch me, darting away; lungs burning as I do more exercise than I've done all week.

I look around: I was at the back of the school in a place I’d never been before, however, my worry of being followed meant that I didn't want to stop and get my bearing - at least until I wasn't so out in the open.

Eventually, after much running and much pain, I find my way into - an abandoned section of the school? I've never seen this place before, which is strange, considering I've searched high and low for the best hide outs on campus to go while... not fully present, let's put it like that.

The corridor I have taken refuge in is dilapidated, walls crumblings with a thick layer of dust clinging to everything. I wonder what happened that they left this place in such disrepair, especially since Weems is always complaining how we don't have enough space, and the board wants to let in more students so they can make more money.

Fine, sometimes I do eavesdrop on Weems... I get bored sitting in her office most days, and she doesn't let me read or draw because it's a punishment so I'm apparently "not meant to be enjoying it".

I crouch down in an alcove close by, reaching into my jacket pocket. Silently I curse myself, realising I've left my book in Weems’ office. Knowing I'll have to go and ask for it back if I ever want to finish it makes me cringe. I can already hear the lecture I'll get from Weems.

Eh, it'll be fine, I'll just sneak in after curfew so I can avoid seeing her again. Resting my head against the wall behind me, I take out my box of cigarettes and my lighter. Weems thankfully didn't find it in my pockets and take it for the 10th time this week. I'm old enough to smoke, I don't get why she's so annoying about it.

It's not even like I'm smoking anything serious in front of her - it's just nicotine, so I don't get what the issue is, especially since I've seen the ash tray hidden the the bottom drawer of her desk. She's definitely a stress smoker.

I shake off the thoughts of her, quickly lighting my cigarette and taking a drag, wondering why I still feel so on edge even though I have reached safety away from her gaze. As I take another drag, I remember the cigarette case. No wonder I'm so on edge, that thing has some of the worst energy I've felt in weeks.

I take it out, slowly examining the gold casing. It wasn't fancy but it was well made and loved. The roses engraved on the front and a small inscription on the back were worn down and the casing itself had seen better days, small scratches and dents littering it. I did my best to make out what the message said.

"My dear___ ______a, I will never forget the ____ we shared together. I will re____ to you soo_, _ith love M_______."

It was pretty easy to fill in the gaps, but the names left me at a loss. I careful open the case and inside there is a single half smoked cigarette with a distinctive dark berry lipstick stain. I pick it up and my veins go black, the loss flooding my body as a specture of the past appears before me.

They are clearly crying, sitting on a set of steps holding the cigarette between their fingers, rain beating down from the sky soaking them - but they don't seem to care. It takes me a few minutes before I recognise the person as my very own principal, but before I can question her I am dragged back to the land of the living. My own cigarette is long abandoned on the floor as my hands shake, my body trembling at the sudden rush of emotions.

Once I return to normal - veins blue and not black - I take a deep breath and return the cigarette to its case, pocketing as I get to my feet. I slowly make my way back to the in-use section of the school building.

I make it back to my dorm, Wilde Hall, without any staff spotting me. Thankfully, they don't typically patrol the older students' dorms, as they are more concerned with the younger students drinking underage and such. Also, unless repeating, we attend by choice, so typically the students behave better than the younger ones, who's parents force them to be here.

I push the door open, only to be met with my two best friends destroying my room.

"What the f*ck do you think you are doing?" They both turn to me with guilty smiles. Noah is the first to speak.

"Hey N/N, we didn't think you'd be back so soon... we were just... um, looking for that book you borrowed from me?"

I roll my eyes at his ill attempt at lying. "The book that is clearly sitting on my desk, and for no reason would be in my wardrobe?" I stand with my arms folded glaring at them both, waiting for one of them to reveal the truth behind their chaos.

Kat is the first to break. "Noah was looking for your leather jacket because he wants Ajax to think he's cool so that he'll ask him on a date!"

They are so f*cking annoying I swear, but deep down I love them for it. "You could have just asked, you know I would have lent it to you, so I don't get why you needed to destroy my room looking for it. Also, you should ask him out yourself, instead of waiting for him to make the first move - I've been telling you for months he's into you."

Noah rolled his eyes before arguing back, "Firstly, you nearly murdered me when I took your tweed trousers, and secondly, you say that about everyone! You think that everyone is into everyone, just cause you can't keep in your pants."

Kat chimed in, doubling down on the attack. "You're a total slu*t! I swear you've been with half the school at this point!"

I grab Noah's book from my desk and fling it at them, causing the pair to throw curses at me. "Both of you are just jealous because I can actually pull unlike you both. Plus I only got mad because I had planned the outfit I was wearing that night around those tweed trousers - I had to completely redo the outfit at the last minute, you're lucky I had a back up outfit!"

Before they can reply, the door swings open and a disheveled Miss Thornhill enters. She is out of breath and has bags under her eyes, likely researching new plants late again, remembering that time I found her passed out in the greenhouse at 4 in the morning, her coffee and notes both left half finished.

"Y/N... I hear you've been getting on Principal Weems’ bad side again. Can you not even go one week without annoying her? She's already stressed as it is with the new student who is due to arrive today, which is likely why she's requested you to be assisting her the rest of the week instead of attending your regular classes. She would like you to start immediately after the disappearing act you pulled this morning."

I groan audibly, before trying to bargain with Miss Thornhill.

"Please, Miss, can I not work in the greenhouse with you, I'm so much better with plants than paperwork."

She gives me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry Y/N, I tried to get you out of it, but you've really managed to annoy her this time. What did you even say to her? You know what. I don't think I even want to know.”

She turns her eyes away from me, addressing Kat and Noah. “And as for my two favourite students, class starts in 5 minutes - hurry up and grab your books or I'll feed you to my carnivorous plants!"

A mock offended expression makes its way onto my features as I dramatically slam my hand over my heart. "Am I no longer your number one student? After all I've done for those plants, I'm now I'm being replaced? I see how it is, Thornhill. You're no longer my favourite teacher anymore - and to think I didn't skip a single botany class because of how much I cared for you!"

She shakes her head at me, exasperated by my antics, and I slowly trudge my way down to Weems' office, dreading the coming week. I knock on the large wooden door to her office, a chill running down my spin as I hear her almost cruel tone.


-Tag list-

@the-bagel24 @suckerforcate @zerolovestpn513 @multifandomlesbianic @littledollll @freshmoneyalmondathlete @jinxscatbomb @khajiit-trading-caravan

#larissa weems x reader#larissa weems#marilyn thornhill#oc x character#student x professor#morticia x gomez#wenclair#ocs#ajax petropolus#t4t mlm#wednesday#enid sinclair#wednesday addams#mortica addams#gomez addams


Nov 18, 2023

Random question, because I thought of other jttw/sun wukong media with characters ya don't see cross over to new works, are there any of those lil fellas, ladies or others that ya want to bring to your lmk one since it is your au and you can dictate of say a certain jade rabbit and bodhisattva have a weirdly friendly relationship while in the books they would have been more butting heads?

I'm not trying to direct anything just figured I would use those two dynamic in 2010's "The Monkey King" instead of trying to push some six eared macaque stuff since we know how ya feel on his character in ya au.

Like far more media on the table for ya to pick from but just curious in general if we may see some characters that are possibly based off designs from each media or if maybe just add a character that only showed up in one of the other jttw adaptations besides of course lego and the jttw novel since those are main staples in your au and all.

(Sorry if confusing just figured I would ask ahead of time instead of being that random "who's that" ask box peep when I see someone new that isn't exactly an oc but also not from either main parts of the au)

i get what you mean but i'm not quite sure tbh! smth like that might crop up eventually as i delve further into the story and worldbuilding, but i do want to keep to JTTW as closely as i can. anything that goes outside of it will mostly be set on the AU's present time and i'll do my best to offer proper context for them when i introduce them!

i miiiight do some references to FSYY but i'm not sure i'll go too deep into it cus it IS a different story with not much connection with JTTW besides general Chinese folk religion characters and deified historical figures.

i do enjoy the concept of Ao Bing and Nezha becoming friends post-FSYY, for instance, so i might explore that later on!

#lmk au#by the book au


Jan 29

Hey there! I love your oc Quint! His design is so cool, and no matter how much he says he´s not HW Sire, his attitude certainly convinces nobody lol.

Any hc about him? About his relationship with HW and his s/o? Anything you are willing to tell, really. Your fanart is so damn good dude


first of all, thanks so much!!

I won't go too much into quint's backstory- there's a few key players I haven't introduced yet, so I'll just focus on him and heatwave

so, I imagine their story goes that optimus notices how bored heatwave is (there's pretty long stretches of time between each emergency, and a ton of downtime) so he figures that heatwave could use some mentorship from an older, more experienced firetruck, and of course quint agrees immediately. he was abandoned by his creators, but picked up by a bot named diehard and his peripheral, saint.* so, he's always had the mindset of paying it forward, and basically tries to adopt any kid that comes his way.

his relationship with heatwave is really tumultuous at first- heatwave wants nothing to do with him, doesn't think he needs a mentor, would rather be doing anything else etc., but after about a hundred times of getting his ass kicked he realizes he might be able to learn a few things from quint. and then it gets emotional because quint really obviously cares about heatwave the more he learns about him- and starts taking an active part in his life outside of just teaching him to fight and use his attributes properly. heatwave's also convinced quint doesn't know his name or any of the other rescue bots' names because he calls them nicknames (hw: kid, kiddo, champ. ch: sport. bl: bud, buddy. bo: spud. these are the nicknames my gramps used for me and my siblings)

quint's also the first to notice heatwave is an outlier (I share the hc that heatwave's a psychic outlier- my guy predicts literally everything in that show) because he is also an outlier (I have plans to introduce his power in a comic soon).

for quint and baz, they started out hating each other. baz is the reason he, quint and another bot, quicksilver, are all stranded on earth. the only reason he's not dead is because he was key to their survival, and as time passed, he and quint slowly fell in love. quint is really bad at showing romantic affection, he's much more an acts of service/words of affirmation guy, but while he's got nicknames for baz, none of them are pet names. in fact, baz is the only one who's name he actually uses on a regular basis. baz is much more the affectionate and pet names one.

as for baz and heatwave, they do not like each other, but grow on each other. heatwave is immediately distrustful because of baz's decepticon symbol, and baz doesn't like heatwave's attitude. they both try for quint, and eventually reach a tentative understanding through sh*t talking people and stretching.

okay so that's a lot! I have a bunch more comics planned to introduce my other ocs and with quint and the rest of the rescue bots, but thanks for the question!

*diehard is a semitruck, so his peripheral, saint, turns into his trailer. saint is also an outlier, with an ability best described as the polnareff turtle from jjba part 5

#transformers#maccadam#transformers ocs#tf quint#tfrb heatwave#tf baz#transformers rescue bots#tf ocs#oc lore#thanks for the ask!!#woosh ocs


Aug 1, 2023

KH OC Week Day 1

Hello! How fun that KH OC Week is finally here! Actually, even though I've known about it since it started, I've never actually taken part in it. But I'm trying it! I'm trying so hard!I've been writing for a very long time, but only started dabbling in KH-related stuff because of @hinataoc. My characters were really originally mostly made to help support her characters and her stories, but the ol' writing bug would bite me every here and there and eventually I started writing little stories and adventures of my own for them. I've got a few now, but this week I think I'll just focus on the two OCs that started this journey for me. So... uh, here we go.

Day 1: Introductions

◾Tell us about your OC!

To start off my first OC Week, I’d like to introduce two of my characters - Velcia and Velcia! …Wait, what?

Yes, I’m afraid that it may seem a bit confusing at first. Both characters share the same name and very similar appearances, but they are in fact very different people! So let me introduce them both and tell you a bit about each one.

First, credit to the amazing @amyhayanora for the wonderful art of these two for me! She did such a good job of bringing them to life.

Now, to get started!On the left we have the first “Velcia”, who lived in Daybreak Town as a Keyblade Wielder up until the Keyblade War.

KHx-Era Velcia:

Her true name is “Valencia Florere”, but when she arrived in Daybreak Town all alone at the age of 3 years old she was unable to pronounce her own name properly. Nobody in Daybreak Town could have known otherwise, and so her mispronunciation “Velcia” was how she was known. For just this one introduction, I’ll use her ‘real name’, though don’t expect her to recognize it!!

As a toddler, Valencia was rescued from the Lanes Between Worlds by The Master of Masters, who did not deem fit to provide to anyone else an explanation of how she ended up there. Not having the faculty to raise a babbling baby, The Master of Masters created a digital data world modeled after Enchanted Dominion. This snippet of a world was completely devoid of danger, and it was here that Valencia was raised alongside a digital Aurora by the Good Fairies.

Pleasant and peaceful though it was, being raised by digital facsimiles of real people does tend to leave one a little odd, and by time Valencia was old enough to leave this fictional nursery she was quite an odd girl indeed.

Shy, awkward, and almost entirely lacking in social skills, Valencia was nonetheless an aspiring artist who quickly honed her craft as she worked to document as many Wielders and events in Daybreak Town as she could as a sort of reclusive self-styled historian. Her fingers and hands usually have pencil smears on the sides from all her drawing. She does wipe them off constantly, but she’s also drawing constantly so it’s a bit of a self-defeating endeavor.

She doesn’t try to be annoying or obnoxious but has a vague sense that there are things that she does that bother other people that she can’t really seem to change. This leaves her with a bit of a lack of confidence, but she’s always so eager to learn more and add more things to her books she pushes past her awkwardness anyway.

Poor Valencia is terrible at fighting and quite a pushover, who did her best to stick to the periphery and hope nobody would notice her working quickly to sketch them into one of her many books. It wasn’t until she finally met a young man named Balthazar that she was really able to find a stable friend and companion.

Valencia found she had a strong affinity for the World of Olympus, dearly loving everything about it. Of all the Projected Worlds, Olympus was where she spent the most time and as soon as she was able she bought a set of Olympian Robes from the Moogle in Daybreak Town; but stuck to wearing her more familiar boots, pants, and other various accessories. She didn’t know what her true homeworld was supposed to be, but she hoped beyond hope it could be Olympus.

The events leading up to the Keyblade War were nearly as devastating to Valencia as the War itself, and during the war she was struck with what should have been a fatal blow and left for dead - but a very odd thing happened. An unusual Heartless appeared on the battlefield and whisked her away from the chaos, bringing her to Olympus and healing her before ultimately being destroyed.

Now living on the world of her dreams, Valencia eventually managed to put the traumas of her past behind her and start a family. Her now-powerless Keyblade and the name “Velcia” were both passed down through the generations, and each time one “Velcia” passed away the next-born daughter received the name and the heirloom Keyblade, and after some time that brings us to…

KHII-Era Velcia

Velcia Anthes, daughter of Hephestus and Ioanna Anthes, was raised in Thebes as a Potion-Maker and Alchemist by her father after her mother mysteriously vanished when she was two years old. Named after her Keyblade-Wielding Ancestor from her mother’s side, Velcia received the Heirloom Keyblade and grew up hearing stories of wielders from her grandmother and marveling at the tales.

Coming from a family of scholars on her father’s side, Velcia is keenly interested in learning everything she can about the fundamentals of both magic and potion-making; and her devotion to learning magic hit an all-time high after her father and cousin were killed by Vanitas during the events of KH:BBS.

After this, she was taken in by her aunt and uncle who helped her to stay strong and focus on her studies as they worked together to overcome the pain of losing their loved ones. Thanks in no small part to their support and the integrity of her father, Velcia is kind, graceful, and has every bit of the elegance that her KHx-era ancestor lacked; but most of all she is driven and determined to help anybody she can, especially if it means they can avoid the sorts of losses she dealt with growing up.

Thanks to time spent participating in events at the Coliseum when she was younger, Velcia combined her effective if rudimentary physical fighting skills with her growing array of spells to become a competent red mage who was very confident in her magic abilities. In her mid-twenties during the events of KHII, Velcia thought that her life as a potion-maker was perhaps all she would ever be.

One fateful day she meets a visitor from another world named Samantha, and almost the next thing Velcia realizes she’s being asked to come use her magical powers and knowledge to help Sam and Hinata chase down a dangerous Replica called Thaanix. This, it turns out, is only the start of her adventures…


That’s about it for my introductions! I will include answers for both Velcias going forward for the rest of the week, but will likely have more information and pictures posted for the Modern-Era Velcia as I have more stories and art for her. Truth be told, the picture above is really the only proper picture of KHx-Era Velcia I have! Thank you for reading these little bits about my characters, I really hope you’ve enjoyed them.

Anyone who would like to read any of the stories I've written can find them either on my AO3, or on @hinataoc's page (which also has a plethora of other very good stories by her that you should check out). Archive of our

In addition, I have been in the middle of posting a new story about the Modern-Era Velcia called "Return to Eos", with a new chapter posted every weekend. I'm trying to post a little snippet of the chapters here on Tumblr as they go up, so if you are interested you can keep an eye out for those, too.Lastly, thanks very much to the @khoc-week crew (small as it may be this year) for hosting this event. :D

#KHOCWeek2023#KHOC Week#Kingdom Hearts#Velcia#Two?!#sheeshers cheepers


Oct 14, 2023

So! Of all the Oc's you've created, who's your favorite? Like, is there someone whose backstory or personality or character design that are just so simply sublime that you can't help but giggle when you think about them?

Sorry for the super late reply! To be honest, I took AGES to finish answering this because I couldn't name just a SINGLE one if you put a gun to my head; I can't say I consider any of them full thought-out/developed and I actually love them almost equally Dx...also I struggle to decouple what I love about them as a character from the narrative....For the sake of my sanity (and mayhaps yours) I'll try to focus on Sierra for now (I'm still figuring her out tbh) TwTI did my best to omit *some* of the stuff that wasn't directly related to her so this ended up being more like a collection of stuff related to her that I think are neat and are very loosely in chronological order xDLet me just put this under a readmore cuz I'm a bit shy about answering these publicly TLDR: Sierra's a poor little meow meow who puts on a tough front but is an insecure, lonely mess inside and I enjoy that very much.

⦁ It wasn't intentional at first, but I really like that Sierra is a bit of a subversion of how Mesa (the archetype) is usually depicted/seen as? Mesa is generally depicted as this badass that's cool as a cucumber, confident in her abilities to the point that she handicaps herself with a bandana to "give herself a challenge". But the Lotus also introduces her as a vagabond/outcast, and I couldn't help but wonder why and wanted to put that into context.

⦁ Sierra is most of these things, but it's a front she puts on to act tough and reliable. She's lonely and insecure but would sooner gnaw her own leg off than let her vulnerabilities show.

⦁ She's confident in her ability to kill, but she has to be because it's the one and only thing she's good at and she can't stand the thought of making someone suffer.During the Old War, as one of the few sane autonomous warframes, she was often forced to put down her brothers and sisters that were too much trouble to keep alive because her abilities were perfect for the job, and since they were built to be durable, she often witnessed them suffering before dying, and cursed herself for it. The guilt became too much for her to bear and it became part of the reason she eventually lost her sanity and was placed in cryo for the rest of the Old War. As a result, she's very meticulous about modding her pistols, making sure they get the job done as fast and as painlessly as possible.⦁ On the flip side, she's insecure about her abilities being nowhere as potent and as impressive as other warframes and felt inadequate in comparison to them. But it had never been much of a problem until The New War, when Tala went to face Erra and Ballas in her Excalibur instead of going with Sierra.Tala only intended to protect her, knowing how many Tenno were lost in the War at this point, but Sierra blamed herself for not being strong enough to be relied on, believing she could've saved Tala if she were there.

⦁ Vastly outnumbered by Narmer forces, she was desperate enough to resort to the Helminth system for healing and augmenting herself with abilities that weren't her own out of desperation, which ate away at her sanity over time. She also refused to open up to Drifter Tala, afraid that she'll abandon her (like she thought Tala did) if she perceived her as weak and unreliable.

⦁ She's aloof, distrusting and tries to keep her distance (especially when she first met Operator Tala and Drifter Tala) because she's afraid of becoming attached and going through the pain of losing someone dear to her again.

⦁ Sierra was the bastard child of a Dax and a commoner, and her hard work in honing her marksmanship (which landed her in the Warframe program) was so she could prove herself in the war and hopefully elevate her commoner side of the family to a better station and reunite with them, but the Old War and becoming a warframe made that dream impossible, and the scars it left made her close off emotionally, not wanting to hurt any further.

⦁ When she was rescued by Tala (who only went by "Operator" at the time) from Alad V, Sierra barely remembered anything from the Old War.Tala was convinced she was a Tenno despite their ship Cephalon not detecting any traces of void energy in her, because she was moving on her own despite being cured of the Mutalist infestation (mind you, Tala at this point also barely remembers anything from before the Dream, so she believes the Tenno were just beings that possessed warframes), and also because there was a time where Tala couldn't use her void powers either, so the two dumbasses convinced each other that Sierra was just an amnesic Tenno and she just needed time to remember. Tala would even try to teach her things like switching from one warframe to another, to no avail.

pictured: scrunkly, committer of warcrimes

⦁ In the meantine, Sierra took a liking to Tala's defective, diminutive Kubrow which had been given off to Tala because it was too small to be used for combat, and its presence also set her at ease. She really likes how soft they are to touch. (They'd eventually get more consigned kubrows later on.)

⦁ After some point Sierra recovers enough and warms up enough to the Operator to follow them around, sometimes accompanying them on their missions and observing the ordinary folk in the colonies when off-duty, but she's still afraid to use the guns connected to her forearms. For a while they were just two low-rank Tenno sharing the same barely functional Orbiter, bickering over which missions/bounties to take and arguing over the Tenno's values and their unquestioning loyalty to the Lotus. Still, they help each other earn enough to repair the ship and buy better equipment.

⦁ It's only until the events of the Second Dream happen (Kanami was entrusted with the mission and was personally targeted by the Stalker, but she called Tala and Sierra to assist), when they find out Tala's real identity and they fail to find Sierra's pod that Sierra begins to doubt her identity as a Tenno, but she hesitates to confide in Tala, not that she could find the time to tell her-- Tala's still shaken by the fact that the Lotus kept their real nature from them and struggled to take care of herself as a human after living as a warframe for so long that Sierra had to step in and take care of her, asking Kanami for help and even taking up cooking later on.

⦁ It took a long time for Tala to even transference into Sierra, because Tala always considered Sierra her own person even after she suspected she wasn't a Tenno, and wanted to respect her autonomy, especially knowing that Alad had controlled her against her will in the past. She transferenced for the first time with Sierra as a last resort after Kanami and Rouge tracked them down on Earth and the two of them working separately were no match for the vanguard-class warframe and operator working together. (Tala had gone AWOL earlier after losing all trust in the Lotus.)

⦁ Similarly, Sierra used her Regulators for the first time since she was awoken during the fight after Tala transferences into her, doing her best to deflect Rouge's incoming fire with her own to buy herself and Tala time, and Tala assisting with close quarters combat when Rouge runs out of energy and resorts to melee.

⦁ SIerra's memories only return to her in full when Rouge goes berserk from Kanami trying to stop her from killing both of them, having been kept under a tight leash for so long. Rouge's frenzy during the final confrontation with her reminded her of the crazed warframes she was forced to put down.

⦁ Even if Rouge pursued them relentlessly and nearly killed her and Tala in the past, Sierra couldn't bring herself to fully hate her; at some point, Rouge hesitated long enough for them to escape, and it reminded her of the fact that some of the warframes she had to kill weren't all beyond saving. (honestly the desertion arc and Kanami's complicated relationship with Rouge and their backstories is a whole other post xd)

⦁ While they were AWOL and roaming Earth on their own, they came across the spot that would be called the Drifter Camp later on.

⦁ Both of them returned to the fold when the New War broke out and proved themselves in Operation Scarlet Spear and Operation Orphix Venom, gaining a lot of combat experience in the process.

⦁ When Tala left to take the fight to Ballas and Erra directly and left her, Sierra damaged the Orbiter enough for Ordis to relent and prepare the backup landing craft, but Tala's void energy signature had already been gone by then. They're still making the Orbiter spaceworthy again to this day.

⦁ Sierra was much more ruthless when she was fighting on her lonesome against Narmer, not being able to afford being merciful, but also because she felt like she had lost everything she cared about.⦁ Narmer never found Sierra despite her proving to be a thorn in their side for some time; Rouge had taught her in guerilla tactics and how to keep her tracks hidden, and she learned from Tala when they did covert operations together, but more importantly, Sierra wasn't a real Tenno and didn't have any void energy signature for Narmer forces to track.

⦁ Sierra was too injured to fight when Drifter Tala made the choice to go to Hunhow for help, but she followed after her anyway despite her weakened state, and she was given a new, stronger set of pistols after Drifter Tala was given the Nataruk.

⦁ When Operator Tala came back, Sierra took a moment to hug her, something she rarely does. ⦁ Sierra and Operator Tala act like rowdy siblings together living on their own, bullying each other, bickering about which missions to take, paying the bills, and repairing the orbiter from time to time, and Sierra appreciates that a lot because it makes her feel like nothing much has changed since she became a warframe.⦁ Sierra isn't as close-knit with Tala's older self, but Sierra often takes her along on her trips on Earth while she tries to get Drifter Tala acclimated to the Origin System, knowing how it feels like to be in a world that's completely different than the one you know.That's all I can think of for now; if I let myself include more of the story this would be way, WAY longer...

#warframe oc#noir's warframe oc headcanons#mesa sierra#...:]#I went back and forth between wanting to describe Rouge and Kanami's dynamic and Tala and Sierra's dynamic#before I realized I could just talk about Sierra alone but I was unsure about some aspects of her at the time#i feel dum#I can't believe how long it took to answer this sob#anyways I hope you find some of these neat#but yeah I wanted to get this out of the way first before anything else. if you somehow still want to talk in DMs after this I don't mindxd


Dec 12, 2022

Thank you to all of you who encouraged me to post this and said I should write more. Not sure if this is that good either, but if I got good feedback on the other fic hopefully this is good too. Again, thank you to all of you, because I wouldn't have the courage to post this without you ❤️ this is similar to my other story, it's a shy reader ( so similar to my personality, or it is an unamed oc, can be read as either)

Warnings: None that I can think of except maybe bad grammar and writing by me 😂 if there is any let me know

Hope you enjoy ❤️

Hi, so my name is y/n. Let me introduce myself. I'm very shy, and I've never been in a relationship before. I have no experience being in a relationship. It's not that I don't want to date. Honestly I do. I would love to spend my time with someone. To be happy with another person. But I just am too shy to talk to a guy. And guys don't seem to want to talk to me either. I'm not popular. I'm not that pretty. It seems like no one seems to notice me.

"You should talk to him" Robin said when we were at lunch, as I was looking (maybe staring) at Eddie while he was making a scene like he usually does in the cafeteria . Robin is one of my best friends. We met in science class freshmen year. We sat beside each other, and we became best friends pretty quickly. Also we have a lot in common. One thing being that we talk a lot. Well I mean she talks a lot, and I talk a lot when I'm comfortable around people. And since we're friends, we both talk a lot to each other. We've been friends since freshman year, and now it's our senior year. The year we are going to graduate. The year that maybe, just maybe I can get rid of my fear and talk to the boy I've been crushing on for a while. Eddie Munson.

"I don't know what you're talking about. "

"Oh, come on! You have been staring at him for the past 5 minutes, don't act like I haven't noticed you dingus."

"Hey!" "Sorry, but you are a dingus! Why can't you tell him you like him?" "Robin you know I can't do that. I'm way too shy. I'd just embarrass myself, and then he would never want to talk to me again. "How do you know if you never try?" "Look Robin, I know we're best friends. So as my best friend you should be the one telling me it's not a good idea to talk to him."

"It's just, I know you're sad about Steve and..." "It's ok Robin, I should have known Steve didn't feel that way about me. I mean did I really think I would have a chance with "king Steve"? But it doesn't matter. Me and him are still friends, and I think it's better that way. "

"Yeah, to be honest, I think I would gag if you dated him. You are way too good for that dingus." "But you and Steve are friends." "Yeah, but he is still a dingus. Just be glad that you don't have to work with him."

"You know, if you don't want to talk to him, you could get Dustin to tell him." Robin suggested. "Don't get me wrong, I love Dustin, he's like a little brother, but I don't think it would be a good idea to get him involved in this."

"Ok what about you write him a letter? Wait... That's a great idea. Write Eddie a letter!"

"Shhh!! Do you want everyone to hear you!? And what do you mean write him a letter?" "Sorry... I mean write a letter to tell Eddie how you feel about him. Like a secret admirer. "

"Secret admirer huh? I mean, that's not a bad idea. I can tell him how I feel about him, and he doesn't have to know it's from me!"

"But don't you want him to know it is from you eventually? I mean, how are you going to know if he likes you back?"

"You got a point. Maybe I can give a hint of who I am, just to see how he responds. And maybe if he responds back I'll tell who I am, eventually, not right away." "I guess so" Robin agreed.

"Can you write it? My hand writing is messy. He wouldn't be able to read it, plus since we're in the same class, he may recognize it."

"Mines not much better, but sure, since you're my best friend I'll write it. Just tell me what to write.

Ok, so before I continue with the story, let me answer a question a few of you may be asking. How is it that I have a crush on Eddie Munson? Well, I have the same question to be honest. Me and Eddie are like complete opposites. I'm a goody to shoes who doesn't like to break the rules. I always try to do my best in school, so much so that I stress myself out. I am a shy girl, who doesn't like to talk to others unless needed to. Eddie is very much the opposite of me. He is a outgoing guy, who isn't afraid to tell his opinions, and he also doesn't care what others think about him ( which I highly admire that quality about him, how confident he is) He is half the schools drug dealer. He has failed senior year, at least twice. He is known as the school freak. But I don't think of Eddie as a freak. I think he is a good guy, he is just misunderstood. I'll admit, I was kinda scared of Eddie at first, like everyone else is. But one day Steve had to pick up Dustin from Dnd because his mom had to work a longer shift, so me and Robin went with him. I volunteered to go inside and tell Dustin it was time to go home. When I got inside, they were just finishing up, and I saw how Eddie was with Dustin. He seemed so enthusiastic about the game, and he seemed to be so good with Dustin, almost like a big brother to him. He didn't seem like the kind of guy everyone thought he was. That was when I realized that maybe I had a crush on Eddie. And yes I did have a crush on Steve before I got my crush on Eddie. I mean he's "King Steve". He's popular and attractive and he's kind. He's also a great babysitter to the kids, and he's a great friend to me. He found out that I had a crush on him, and he told me he didn't feel the same way, but that he still wanted to be friends. And yeah, that hurt. Like a lot. I was put in the friend zone. And honestly I was heartbroken he didn't feel the same way. But then, over time I realized he was right, we were better off as friends. And I think that was the best decision because that helped lead me to the right person for me.

"What am I supposed to say to him? I mean he's already going to think i'm a weirdo who can't talk to him in person. "

"I mean you kinda are a weirdo who can't talk to him in person."

"Robin! " "Sorry. Look, he won't think you're weird. How about this... "

Hi, I'm sorry I can't do this in person, but I'm too scared to tell you I have a crush on you. So I thought the best way to tell you is through this note. If you would maybe like to talk, you totally don't have to, but if you do you can write me a letter back and give it to Robin Buckley. She'll be waiting near the water fountain after school today. Sincerely, your secret admirer

"I guess that will work. Do you know which locker is his?" "No, why would I know? I don't stare at him all the time like you do." "Seriously, are you trying to help me or make fun of me right now?" "Why can't I do both?"

So, the next day when we found out where Eddie's locker is, we put the letter in his locker. And now I just have to wait and see what happens.

"So it looks like Eddie got the letter."

"Yeah, but I can't tell what he's thinking. Do you think he'll write me back? I don't know, we'll have to wait until after school. "

After school- "You're Robin right?"

"Yep, so you decided to write back huh?"

"Yeah, so you're not my secret admirer are you? I mean, you don't seem the type to have a crush on me. "

" I'm not. Sorry you're not my type. But let's just say I know who does have a crush on you. "

"You do? Could you tell me? No one's ever told me they have a crush on me before. "

"That's kinda pathetic, but I've never had anyone tell me that either so I guess we're both kinda pathetic. But I can't tell. Maybe she'll get the courage to tell you herself sometime."

"Ok, well I guess I'll see you around? I mean, if she reads my letter and chooses to write back."

"Yeah, see you around Munson."

"So, did he write me a letter back?"

"No, sorry he didn't" Oh, ok. Y/n said sadly. "No I'm just kidding he did!" "Robin don't do that to me! You know I have anxiety! " "Sorry, I just had to, but the look on your face... Ok I'll shut up now. Now what does it say?"

So, secret admirer huh? I don't know what to think about this. At first I thought it was a mean joke or some prank. I mean who would have a crush on the freak? But then when you said that if I write back to give it to Buckley, I didn't really think it could be a joke. I mean I don't think she would prank me. So I of course would like to find out more about you, I mean like I said no one else seems to like me, but I understand if you're shy. I used to be like that too, but then I realized no one seems to like me anyway, so I stopped caring what other people think about me. I don't know why I'm writing all this, I don't even know who you are. Anyway, I appreciate your letter. I don't get many compliments. So thanks.

From, Eddie

ps... What kind of music do you like? I'm in a band, maybe you can come see us sometime. I mean if you'd like. I know you're too shy to tell me who you are right now, but maybe sometime.

"What does it say?" "Well, he thought it was a joke at first" "I wouldn't blame him, I mean everyone calls him a freak. "But he knows it's not a joke, and he wants to know more about me. And he wants me to maybe see his band perform sometime. "

"Wow, see, maybe you have a chance with him. "Yeah, but he doesn't even know it's me. If he did, he might not like me"

"Come on y/n! He obviously would like you! I mean anyone who takes the time to write a letter to someone. You need to stop doubting yourself and let something good happen instead of stopping it before it ever does."

"Wow, that was great advice Robin. Thank you!" "Of course! What are best friends for? Now what are you going to write him back?

Dear Eddie, I got your letter back. Thank you so much for writing back. It means a lot to me. I know you said you think it's not a prank, I just need to make sure you know it is not. I know how mean kids can be. I know they treat you badly. But believe me, I would never, NEVER do that to you. Honestly though, I can't blame you for thinking that. I mean I would think the same if someone wrote me a letter. No one seems to care about me enough to do that for me. I barely get noticed in this school. Robin is my only friend really, and that's why she is the one that is helping me with this. Also I would love to watch your band play sometime. I just don't know if I'm ready to tell you who I am yet. I have had my heart broken before, and I really like you Eddie. I'm just scared if you know who I am, you may not like me, and my heart will be broken again. Honestly I think you're too good for me. But maybe, one day I can get the courage to show you who I am, that just may take some time.

Sorry for the long letter,

Sincerely, your secret admirer

So the next day we put the letter in Eddie's locker. And then, again after school, I got one back from him.

So, listen I know you're shy, and I know you're nervous to show who you are, but I would really like to meet you. How about after school? In the woods behind the school. I won't try anything, don't worry. It's just kinda become my spot, you know I do deals there, but I also sometimes go there you know, just to get away from people. If you don't want to that's fine, I just really want to meet, and get to know you better.

From, Eddie

"So... " "He wants to meet me" "Really? That's great!" "I don't know if I can do this Robin."

"Yes, you can. Come on, you can't just keep leaving notes like this forever." " But what if I go, and he's disappointed it's me? " Y/n, he won't. But if he says that to you, I will hurt him. " "Thanks Robin" "Now go, you're going to meet him today, you need to get ready. "

So today is the day. I'm meeting Eddie after school. I'm really nervous, I can barely pay attention in school. The time has finally come. I went to the woods like Eddie said, but I walked very slow, my nerves getting the better of me. What if he is disappointed? What if he hates me? What if I'm not good enough? What if... I just had all these what ifs in my head. But then I saw him, sitting alone at the table. It's too late to turn back now.

"Um... hi." "Y/n? Hi..." "Sooo....." "Sooo...."

"If you want I can leave I know I'm.... "

"No! Don't leave, I'm sorry I just didn't expect the letters to come from you. "

"Oh... "

"I don't mean that as a bad thing, I'm just surprised."

"Oh.... So...." "I like you too!" Eddie blurted out. "What??....."

"Y/n, I've liked you for a while, I'm surprised Dustin hasn't ratted me out, I mean he's a great kid, but he's wanted me to tell you for so long. "

"I don't know what to say. I didn't think you would like me back."

"Well, I do. And since you feel the same way, I don't feel weird doing this." He kisses her. And it was a perfect kiss. They both could feel that. After the kiss, they stared at each other with eyes full of happiness that they both felt. "Well, so what do we do now?" Eddie finally broke the silence.

"I don't know, maybe we could do that again... You know, only if you want to. "

Of course I do, my lady. Eddie happily said.

They kissed again, and for the first time, y/n wasn't shy around Eddie, because she knew that he felt the same way she did.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.