Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (2024)

Table of Contents
Curriculum Vitae Current and Former Lectures taught at UZH: Weiterführende Informationen Kern Alexander was Co-Director of the 2023 Oxford Bank Governance Programme at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. Call for Abstracts - 2024 Conference on Recent Developments in Commercial and Financial Law: Insights from Law and Data Prof. Kern Alexander criticizes the Swiss Government’s bailout of Credit Suisse and attributes it to weak FINMA regulation Guest Lecture on "International Monetary Fund and Financial Law: Law Reform and Financial Markets" Professor Kern Alexander presents paper at International Monetary Fund, 29-30 June 2022 Prof. Alexander publishes in the Oxford Business Law Blog Oxford Bank Governance Programme 11-15 July 2022 SNSF Research Project on Financial Sanctions Conference: ESG Regulation and Expectations: Spill-overs from the financial industry to the real economy? - 17 May 2022 Prof. Alexander comments to the BBC on how financial sanctions can be imposed on the Russian oligarchs Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities high-level conference on financial education and literacy 2022 UBS Impact Finance Lab Conference: International Financial Regulation and Sustainability - 9 November 2021 "Bank of Slovenia’s Bail-in Powers Come Under Constitutional Scrutiny by the Strasbourg Court" Sustainable Finance - Hot off the Press Exclusive UBS Webinar on ESG - 10 June 2021, 8:30-9:50 CEST Routledge Handbook of Financial Technology and Law Publication 'Financial Inclusion and Proportionality', University of Luxembourg SUSFIN - Geneva-Zurich Sustainable Finance & Digitalisation Seminar, 25 March 2021 EBI Annual Conference 2021 EUTIP Network Conference: The Future of EU Trade and Investment Policy Virtual Workshop – Kyoto University and University of Zurich “Advanced Technology and Law” Comments on the Responsible Business Initiative Call for papers: 2nd Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance and Digitalisation - 25 Mar 2021 The Challenges of Bank ESG Investment Strategy - Webinar Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance - Disclosure and Sustainability Risks, 12 Nov 2020 Seminar: Blended Finance and Transforming Urban Areas, 21 Sep 2020 Article on ECB Inflation Policy Post-Covid-19 European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) ELSA Panel Discussion on Brexit ECB Book Panel Discussion 6th Annual QED Conference on Cross-border regulation of financial services R20 Austrian World Summit UNCTAD Conference in Geneva Presentation on Brexit and book publication Principles of Banking Regulation Harvard Panel Discussion on Bank Stress Testing Unterseiten von Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander References

Chaired Full Professor of International Banking and Financial Law, and Chair for Law and Finance, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich.

Curriculum Vitae

More about Curriculum Vitae

  • Academic Career
  • Publications
  • Research and Professional Activities
  • Book Reviews
  • SNSF Research Project
  • European Parliament Commissioned Reports
  • Google Scholar Citations

Current and Former Lectures taught at UZH:

  • International Finance Law (2023) (PDF, 177 KB)
  • Gesellschaftsrecht (II) / Prnciples of Corporate Law (2022) (PDF, 134 KB)
  • International Financial Law (2022) (PDF, 185 KB)
  • European Economic Law (2016) (PDF, 226 KB)
  • International and Europeam Financial Law (2012) (PDF, 110 KB)

Weiterführende Informationen

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (2)

Kern Alexander was Co-Director of the 2023 Oxford Bank Governance Programme at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.

In this year's programme bank board members from around the world participated. During the week a number of cutting edge issues confronting bank leaders, including financial market turbulance caused by the SVB bank failure, strategic issues arising from climate change and evolving risks in digital finance and blockchain were addressed.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (3)

Call for Abstracts - 2024 Conference on Recent Developments in Commercial and Financial Law: Insights from Law and Data

The Center for Legal Data Science (CLDS) and the Society of Commercial and Financial Law (SCFL), in association with Loyens & Loeff, invites academics, scholars, and practitioners with diverse perspectives from the civil and common law to present papers on recent developments in commercial and financial law.

Please submit your abstract of approx. 500 words (2'500 characters) by November 30, 2023 to the SCFL Secretariat at Submission of a full paper before the conference is optional. The Editorial Board will confirm whether your proposal is accepted by Mid December 2023.

Conference 2024 - Call for Abstracts

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (4)

Prof. Kern Alexander criticizes the Swiss Government’s bailout of Credit Suisse and attributes it to weak FINMA regulation

Credit Suisse Collapse, And Switzerland Went Back to Making Money

“The regulatory culture in Switzerland is weak and not based on a meaningful set of rules,” says Kern Alexander, chair of the law and finance program at the University of Zurich, “but instead on a light touch principles regime that leaves the regulator too much discretion not to take action and to allow problems to fester until they reach a breaking point.”

Bloomberg Article, 4 August 2023

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (5)

Guest Lecture on "International Monetary Fund and Financial Law: Law Reform and Financial Markets"

Monday, April 3rd 2023 at 12:15pm in RAA-G-01

(extra credit will be provided for the students attending the event)

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (6)

Professor Kern Alexander presents paper at International Monetary Fund, 29-30 June 2022

The International Monetary Fund invited Kern Alexander to present his paper ‘Banking Regulation and Climate Change’ at a high level seminar hosted by the IMF at its headquarters in Washington DC on 29-30 June 2022.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (7)

Prof. Alexander publishes in the Oxford Business Law Blog

Professor Alexander, along with Rosa Lastra, published an essay, "International Banking Regulation and Climate Change" in the Oxford Business Law Blog.

Read the essay here.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (8)

Oxford Bank Governance Programme 11-15 July 2022

Kern Alexander was Co-Director of the 2022 Oxford Bank Governance Programme held at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. Participants included directors and senior managers from leading banks and investment firms in Europe, the UK, Asia and Africa. Prof. Alexander led discussions on bank strategy, regulation and the legal duties of directors. Sustainable finance and cryptocurrencies were also important themes addressed throughout the week.

Prof. Dr. Alexander is leading a research project on ‘Multinational Financial Sanctions’ supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. It will analyse the implementation and enforcement of financial sanctions in G7 countries, the European Union and Switzerland and assess the institutional and legal challenges for having more harmonised financial sanctions regulations.

  • Kern Alexander and Dora Peric, Legal and Comperative aspects of the Swiss sanctions against Russia (PDF, 122 KB)
  • Kern Alexander und Dora Peric, Rechtliche und rechtsvergleichende Aspekte der durch die Schweiz verhängten Sanktionen gegen Russland (PDF, 133 KB)

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (10)

Conference: ESG Regulation and Expectations: Spill-overs from the financial industry to the real economy? - 17 May 2022

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander will be speaking about developments in ESG disclosure regulations in the EU and UK at the conference hosted by SwissHoldings and SWIPRA.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (11)

Prof. Alexander comments to the BBC on how financial sanctions can be imposed on the Russian oligarchs

More about Prof. Alexander comments to the BBC on how financial sanctions can be imposed on the Russian oligarchs

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (12)

Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities high-level conference on financial education and literacy 2022

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander will be giving a keynote lecture on sustainable finance and disclosures at the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities high-level conference on Financial Education and Literacy.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (13)

UBS Impact Finance Lab

Prof. Kern Alexander gave the keynote lecture at the UBS Sustainable Finance Impact conference on November 4th 2021. He discussed recent developments in sustainable finance regulation in Europe and Switzerland and the preliminary results of his study analysing the preferences, attitudes and objectives of UBS customers towards sustainable finance and related legal developments in Switzerland.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (14)

Conference: International Financial Regulation and Sustainability - 9 November 2021

We are pleased to invite you to the conference "International Financial Regulation and Sustainability - Implementation and Enforcement Challenges". The conference takes place virtually on 9 November 2021. If you are interested in virtually participating in the conference, please register by clicking on the following link:

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (15)

"Bank of Slovenia’s Bail-in Powers Come Under Constitutional Scrutiny by the Strasbourg Court"

More about "Bank of Slovenia’s Bail-in Powers Come Under Constitutional Scrutiny by the Strasbourg Court"

Professor Alexander's most recent editorial blog piece for EU Law Live, commenting on the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights in Pintar and Others v. Slovenia.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (16)

Sustainable Finance - Hot off the Press

More about Sustainable Finance - Hot off the Press

Dr Xenia Karametaxas’ newest publication on Sustainable Finance, ‘Sustainable Finance: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Gesetzgebung der EU und der Schweiz’ will be coming out in the next days in the 01/2021 issue of Ex/Ante.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (17)

Exclusive UBS Webinar on ESG - 10 June 2021, 8:30-9:50 CEST

More about Exclusive UBS Webinar on ESG - 10 June 2021, 8:30-9:50 CEST

Join us for the exclusive UBS Webinar on “Sustainable investing: Freestyletoday and mandatory tomorrow?” - 10 June 2021, 8:30-9:50

The increasing pressure that pension funds are experiencing today could soon be underpinned by further regulations from the legislator. What can institutional investors and asset managers in Switzerland expect? A review by Salome Kohler.

This is part of the larger Research Report on Investor Perceptions of Swiss Sustainable Finance, conducted by Prof. Alexander and his team, on behalf of UBS.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (18)

Routledge Handbook of Financial Technology and Law Publication

More about Routledge Handbook of Financial Technology and Law Publication

Xenia Karametaxas and Kern Alexander published a book chapter on 'Digital Transformation and FinancialInclusion'in the Routledge Handbook of Financial Technology and Law (2021).The chapter explores some of the main regulatory concerns and market barriers created by the digital transformation of the financial services industry and the implications for a more socially inclusive financial system, particularly in developing and emerging market countries.

There will be two online book launches: at UCL on 24 June, 17:00-19:00and at IALS on 3 September, 9:30-11:30.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (19)

'Financial Inclusion and Proportionality', University of Luxembourg

More about 'Financial Inclusion and Proportionality', University of Luxembourg

Kern Alexander was invited to give a lecture on 'Financial Inclusion and Proportionality' on April 22, 2021 at theHouse for Sustainable Governance and Markets (HSGM)at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Financeof theUniversity of Luxembourgas part of theLuxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (LSFI).

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (20)

SUSFIN - Geneva-Zurich Sustainable Finance & Digitalisation Seminar, 25 March 2021

More about SUSFIN - Geneva-Zurich Sustainable Finance & Digitalisation Seminar, 25 March 2021

Join us for the Geneva-Zurich Seminar Series on Sustainable Finance, with a special focus on"Sustainable Finance and Digitalisation" via Zoom.

Date: 25th March 2021

13:15 – 17:15 (UTC/GMT +1)

Hosted by: The University of Zurich & the University of Geneva

Scientific Committee: Dr. Xenia Karametaxas / Prof. Aline Darbellay / Prof. Kern Alexander

Link to the Programme

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (21)

EBI Annual Conference 2021

More about EBI Annual Conference 2021

At the EBI Annual Conference 2021, Professor Alexander, along with Nicolas Veron and Professor Grünewald, will be holding a joint panel on the topic of "Flexibility and forbearance: Supporting the economy without endangering prudence". The Conference will be held on 11 February 2021; the panel will be from 16:20-16:50.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (22)

EUTIP Network Conference: The Future of EU Trade and Investment Policy

Professor Alexander gave a presentation at the virtual EUTIP Network Conference: The Future of EU Trade and Investment Policy, which was held on 14 January 2021 in collaboration with the University of Birmingham and the IFW Kiel Institute for the World Economy, and is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (23)

Virtual Workshop – Kyoto University and University of Zurich “Advanced Technology and Law”

We are very pleased to be a part of the Kyoto University - UZH partnership, whereDr Karametaxas presented on "Digital Transformation and Financial Inclusion"intheVirtual Workshop – Kyoto University and University of Zurich “Advanced Technology and Law”, organised by Prof Peter Picht and Prof Tatsuhiko Inatani.


Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (24)

Comments on the Responsible Business Initiative

More about Comments on the Responsible Business Initiative

Professor Kern Alexander comments on the impact of the Responsible Business Initiative on Swiss companies.

Click here for more information

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (25)

Call for papers: 2nd Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance and Digitalisation - 25 Mar 2021

More about Call for papers: 2nd Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance and Digitalisation - 25 Mar 2021

Call for papers for the 2nd Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance at the University of Zurich - 25 March 2021 on Sustainable Finance and Digitalisation.

Submit abstractsno later than 1 February 2021.

Click here for more information

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (26)

The Challenges of Bank ESG Investment Strategy - Webinar

More about The Challenges of Bank ESG Investment Strategy - Webinar

'The Challenges of Bank ESG Investment Strategy' webinarwas hosted by Professor Kern Alexander via an online zoom webinar on29th October 2020, 1-2pm GMT,and featured as the speaker Dr Karsten Guettler, Senior ESG Investment Specialist from the UBS, in collaboration with University of Oxford Saïd Business School.

Watch it here

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (27)

Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance - Disclosure and Sustainability Risks, 12 Nov 2020

More about Geneva-Zurich Seminar on Sustainable Finance - Disclosure and Sustainability Risks, 12 Nov 2020

We are very pleased to welcome you to our first Geneva-Zurich seminar on Sustainable Finance with a special focus on Disclosure and Sustainability Risks

12 November 2020
3:30 p.m. (UTC/GMT +1)
Access to theSeminar via Zoom
(no pre-registration required)

Hosted by:
The University of Geneva and the University of Zurich

Scientific Committee:
Prof. Kern Alexander / Prof. Aline Darbellay / Dr. iur. Xenia Karametaxas

Link to Programme

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (28)

Seminar: Blended Finance and Transforming Urban Areas, 21 Sep 2020

More about Seminar: Blended Finance and Transforming Urban Areas, 21 Sep 2020

Prof. Alexander and Dr.Karametaxas, founders of SUSFIN, in collaboration with Ben Mansfield (Director and Founder,RCDC) and Dr. Lindsay Blair Howe (ETH) from the RCDCwill be hosting a seminar on Blended Finance and Transforming Urban Areas at the University of Zurich Law Faculty.


Date: Monday, 21 September 2020

Time: 16:00-18:00 CEST

Room: RAI-F-041


Click here to watch the presentation.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (29)

Article on ECB Inflation Policy Post-Covid-19

More about Article on ECB Inflation Policy Post-Covid-19

The Center of Competence for Sustainable Finance at the University of Zurich published an article on “Sustainability is Price Stability — Covid-19 Crisis Pushes the ECB to Re-evaluate Inflation Policy” on 11 June 2020, citing Professor Kern Alexander and his ECB Report co-authored with Professor Rosa María Lastra.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (30)

European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON)

More about European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON)

On 4 June 2020, the European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs(ECON) is holding a hearingentitled 'The European Central Bank's Mandate: Perspectives on General Economic Policies'. Kern Alexander and Rosa Maria Lastra will give evidence at the hearing based on their ECON report 'The ECB Mandate: Perspectives on Sustainability and Solidarity' (June 2020).

Click here for the hearing's live streaming link


ELSA Panel Discussion on Brexit

On 26 November, Prof. Alexander is presenting on Brexit at the ELSA panel discussion at theUniversity of Zurich. The lecture will take place in KOL-F-101 at 18:15.

ECB Book Panel Discussion

Professor Alexander was a panelist at the ECB on 11 November 2019 and spoke on the topic of 'The Centralisation of Banking Supervision: Building Effective Linkages Between Macroprudential Supervision, Monetary Policy and Resolution from a Comparative Perspective'.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (31)

6th Annual QED Conference on Cross-border regulation of financial services

Kern Alexander chaired the European Union QED Conference on Cross-Border Financial Regulation in Brussels on 4 June 2019. The conference addressed some of the main cross-border regulatory challenges, including third country equivalence, implenting harmonised standards, and Brexit.

In the photo from left, Nick Collier, Managing Director, City Corporation of London, Almoro Rubin de Cervin, Head of International Affairs, DG FISMA, European Commission, Kern Alexander, Eve Finn, Managing Director, L&G Investment Management, Matthias Heer, Managing Director, Swiss Finance Council, and Sharon Yang, Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, US Department of Treasury.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (32)

R20 Austrian World Summit

More about R20 Austrian World Summit

Prof. Alexander and Dr. Karametaxas represented the Faculty of Law at the R20 Austrian World Summit 2019 in Vienna on 28 and 29 May 2019. In the Breakout Session "Blended Finance", Prof. Alexander served as an expert on Sustainable Finance. The efforts for a sustainable future continue, and will be the subject of future research.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (33)

UNCTAD Conference in Geneva

At the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva on 1 and 2 May 2019, Kern Alexander speaks on 'Digital Financial Services and Financial Inclusion'. The conference was attended by academics, trade policy representatives and regulators from many countries, including China, Nigeria, Indonesia and Mexico, and the European Commission representing EU states. Alexander led a discussion on how digital financial services can be regulated to support economic growth.

Featured: Kern Alexander with Pamela co*ke-Hamilton, Director, UN Division on International Trade and Commodities.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (34)

Presentation on Brexit and book publication

Kern Alexander lectures on the risk of Brexit for financial stability.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (35)

Principles of Banking Regulation

More about Principles of Banking Regulation

New textbook by Prof. Kern Alexander, Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (36)

Harvard Panel Discussion on Bank Stress Testing

More about Harvard Panel Discussion on Bank Stress Testing

Expert panel discussion on how to regulate bank stress testing at Harvard University Loeb House on 16 November 2018

Speakers included: Alison Scott (Bank of England), Hal Scott (Harvard Law School), Randal Quarles (Federal Reserve Board Vice-Chair), Denise Peck (Boston fed), Stefan Gelman (State Sreet), Yu Xiao (China Cenral bank), and Professor Kern Alexander (Univ of Zurich)

Unterseiten von Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publications
  • Academic Career
  • Research and Professional activities
  • Book Reviews of Principles of Banking Regulation
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publications
  • Academic Career
  • Research and Professional activities
  • Book Reviews of Principles of Banking Regulation
Prof. Dr. Kern Alexander (2024)


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