I didn't give you my consent! (Station 19 fanfic) - Chapter 17 - FieryFictions (2024)

Chapter Text

Carina and Vic sat down beside Mila for a few more minutes. She fell asleep almost immediately after lying down, the pill and the lack of sleep made it easy for her.

Vic spoke to Carina once she was sure that Mila was asleep:

"How long do you think the pill will last for?"


"I gave her a slightly weaker dosage. I think in 3 to 4 hours, just before your shift ends, we can start trying to wake her up. With her lack of sleep, she'll get enough sleep tonight by the time we put her up with one of us."

Vic was very worried about Mila. She looked over at her, who was finally sleeping peacefully.
If she could have taken away the pain Mila was experiencing right now she would have taken it immediately:

"Has anyone contacted Diane yet? I think she should talk to her as soon as possible. I'm really worried and I'm truly heartbroken to see her like this."


"I'll try to get her to talk to Diane tonight, or tomorrow at the very latest. If necessary, we should take her to Grey Sloan... I can at least find her a therapist there who can talk to her for now if necessary..."

Vic nodded, not quite sure how to ask Carina some of the questions that were on her mind:

"Carina... You think that Mila..."

Carina looked at Vic expectantly and worriedly and waited for her question, while Vic was afraid of getting an answer that would worry her even more.

"...do you think she could be a real danger to herself? I mean after what happened to her yesterday, along with her past and her attempt to hurt herself yesterday..."

Vic looked worriedly into Carina's eyes and knew that Carina knew what she was referring to:

"do you think she might have been thinking of suicide as well after what happened to her before with her family and yesterday?"

They both swallowed deeply, but Carina knew that it was difficult to really find out what was going on inside Mila:

"I'd really want to say I don't believe it, but I actually can't. Mila has always tried to suppress and cover up her feelings and thoughts. We have to keep a close eye on her over the next few days. Watch her and listen to her, give her the support she needs and, above all, let her process everything in a safe way."

Vic nodded to Carina with a worried expression and got a heartfelt worried smile back.

They just sat there for a few more minutes. They couldn't just leave Mila alone yet. The pill made sure that she wouldn't get up on her own before 1 p.m., but they still wanted to keep an eye on her for at least a little while longer.

Meanwhile, Maya was already carrying the cardigan and sweatpants out of the bedroom. The idea was to shake them out a bit on the balcony before washing them to remove the biggest glass pieces.

It was now 8:15, so only three quarters of an hour to go before the line up. Enough time to do the washing and freshen up oneself, Maya thought, and headed towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Maya saw that Ben and Andy had already finished cleaning up the glass and breakfast. Both of them were now talking while leaning against the counters.

Andy and Ben noticed Maya standing in the hallway with the laundry and Ben asked worriedly about Mila:

"How is she, is she finally asleep?"


"Yes, she fell asleep right away. She seems to be really exhausted from all the bad stuff that happened yesterday. But at least the pill is helping her to get some rest now."


"That's good to hear, you're going to do her laundry and then come down too, aren't you?"


"Yes, I just need to shake it out and get the rough bits off before I throw everything in the washing machine"

Ben nodded sympathetically and Andy joined Maya in doing the laundry:

"I'll walk you out for a minute, I've got nothing else to do at the moment, the B-shift can clean up the hoses if necessary. Fresh air certainly won't do me any harm right now."

Andy was just as confused as Maya about the whole situation that had happened earlier. They still knew nothing about what Vic, Carina and Ben knew.

Ben was understanding that Andy needed some rest and time with Maya and went down alone.

Maya and Andy just stood there for a moment.

Andy cautiously and with hope asked Maya if she knew anything about Mila through Carina. She was wondering if Carina had mentioned things or if Maya had heard something by chance.

After all, all either of the two of them knew was that Mila was already living alone at an surprisingly early age of 21. Furthermore, Andy wasn't supposed to contact Mila's parents yesterday after the rape of their own daughter...

And then there was also the conversation from just before, they had "reasons" to commit Mila and put a 72-hour psych hold on her.

To Andy's disappointment, though, Maya denied the question of whether she had any information:

"Carina never said anything, never mentioned anything or any of that. She often talked to Mila, or treated her in hospital, but I never heard anything that would explain what happened apart from yesterday.

They walked past the dining table to the balcony and Maya gave Andy the sweatpants so they could each shake out a piece of the laundry. Andy covered the grill to protect it from possible shards and went to the side, one leg of the pants in each hand.

Maya shook out the cardigan a little and Andy started to shake out the pants as well. They both shook the clothes in a way that sent the shards flying to the floor but without hitting them.

Small glittering shards flew to the floor and everything was relatively unspectacular until a small wrapped packet of toilet paper flew out of the sweatpants Andy was holding.

Andy stopped and looked at it skeptically, which also made Maya stop.

They both looked at the package that had fallen in the center of both of them.

Andy looked at Maya questioningly and confused:

"Did that just fall out of Mila's sweatpants?"

Confused, Maya looked at her, what was Andy implying? There was nothing wrong with a small packet of toilet paper, right?

"Yeah, I think so, probably her tissue. Just leave it, I'll sweep it up in a minute."


"No, no, no... Maya, a packet just like that fell out of Mila's hand yesterday after she came out of the shower room..."

Maya was beginning to understand why Andy was making such a fuss about it:

"Carina and Ben were extremely weird, worried and almost panicked when they saw it..."

Andy picked it up and as she held it in her fingers she looked back at Maya:

"I'll sweep the balcony, you get the washing started and then we'll deal with it... One thing at a time."

She dropped the small packet into her jacket pouch and took the broom from the side.

Nodding, Maya went to do the laundry and after Andy was done sweeping, she met Maya back in the kitchen in a good hurry.

"Carina and Vic are still in Mila's room, do you want to go down and talk to Ben?"

Andy nodded and they went downstairs to look for Ben, only to find a bored Travis sitting at the desk:

"Hey, everything okay, you guys look stressed, did something just happen?"

Andy didn't want to say anything about what happened when Travis had already left the table and simply asked for Ben:

"Do you know where Warren is or what he's doing right now? We need to ask him something."

Travis sat up straight and eyed them both with concern and confusion:

"He just went to get gas with Sullivan, why? Is something wrong with Mila?

Andy sighed, why did Ben have to drive to get gas right now and Carina still has to sit with Mila with Vic?

Maya saw no problem in telling him a bit more and answered his question:

"We just put her laundry in the washing machine and found something we wanted to give to Ben. Mila's fine though, she's sleeping right now."

Andy reached into her bag and put the packet on the desk:

"Here, she had the same packet last night, she dropped it in front of the shower. You remember Carina and Ben's reaction."

Nodding, Travis pulled the package towards him with a pen lying next to him:

"Have you looked inside to see what it is? Are there any drugs, pills or something in there?"

Andy shook her head:

"We haven't looked inside yet, but there's a hard object in there, you can feel it... so it could be some kind of drug."


"Should we maybe just open it up to be clear?"

Travis looked at Maya and Andy waiting for an answer:

"I'm just afraid that it might be drugs or medication and she has taken them, we should act regardless of whether ben is there for Mila's safety"

Andy looked at Maya, got a nod in response and turned to Travis:

"You're right, this is all too weird and we should open it up and check for her own safety. Better to search and find nothing than not search and leave something bad unrevealed.

Travis took the small package in his hand and unrolled the paper around it. Maya and Andy watched intently.

He stopped after a few seconds, continuing to hold the almost-unwrapped mysterious package in his hands, without unwrapping it any further.

He stared at it and a cold sweat ran down his back. Maya and Andy realized that something was off and Andy asked in a panic what the problem was:

"Travis, what is it, is it serious?"

Travis looked worriedly at the two women standing in front of him and didn't quite know the right words to say:

"I-I think it's a blade.... And... I haven't fully unwrapped it yet, but... but you can see some rather fresh blood stains on the paper..."

Travis put the barely recognizable blade in front of him and maya began to walk up and down. Andy put both her hands on her head and looked at Travis:

"Do you think she has..."

Travis interrupted her and finished her sentence with a suitably sad answer:

"...Yeah, I think she might have done just that."

Maya now rejoined the other two:

"We should call up to Carina or Ben, this is absolutely not good and at least they both seem to know about this problem already."

Travis nodded, took the package and stood up:

"Let's go to Carina's, Ben's probably driving right now and won't answer anyway"

They walked up the stairs together to tell Carina about the package.

Quite worried with the thought that Mila had supposedly harmed herself with what looked like a blade they entered the Upper floor...

When they stopped at Mila's door, Andy opened the door to Mila's bedroom a bit and whispered in panic:

"Carina, we need to talk, it's urgent!"


How will Carina and Ben react?

And how will they approach Mila that they found out?

I didn't give you my consent! (Station 19 fanfic) - Chapter 17 - FieryFictions (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.