Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (2024)

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I woke up with an itch… the road trip itch.

I nudged my husband. “Let’s get out of town… go someplace for the day.”

It’d be a happy day, full of picture taking, shopping for props at antique stores, prancing through fields while notes from The Sound of Music filled the air.

We all pile in the car… 45 minutes later than we had planned because that’s how it goes when you have four kids and try to get out the door. But all is good. We’re going to have a happy day… a whimsical, carefree, spontaneous road trip kind of day.

5 minutes into our trip, Leah is screaming because her seat belt is too tight. Ella and Jacob are fighting over space. Kelly is giving us a play by play of every ones wrong doings. I try to tune it all out. We are going to have fun, dammit!

20 minutes into our road trip, things have only gotten worse. The kids are in full sibling rivalry mode… every thing they do is annoying the other one. “Ella, stop breathing so loud!” “Jacob, stop kicking my seat!” Blah, blah, blah…

25 minutes into our road trip, the car comes to a halt. “Do we really want to do this?” my husband looks at me and asks. No… no we don’t.

We turn around and head home, much to the dismay of the wailing kids in the back. They come into the house and are sent straight to their rooms. If we aren’t road tripping, they are going to clean.

I make a beeline to my new blender and decide the reality of my fantasy at least deserves a co*cktail.

So, no road trip with the family… but a delicious, creamy, peachy co*cktail creation instead. Fantasy versus reality… and suddenly it’s not all that bad.

Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (3)

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Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail

A peachy frozen co*cktail!


  • 2 parts Peach Schnaps
  • 2 parts Whipped flavor Pinnacle Vodka
  • 2 parts heavy whipping cream
  • 1 splash vanilla
  • 2 cups ice


  • Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (4)Dana says

    Sorry that your trip didn’t work out, Kristen. We had a nearly identical trip yesterday, where the car got turned around and headed back home. It can be so frustrating, but at least you have a positive attitude about it! That co*cktail would have made me happier yesterday!

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (5)Kristen says

      Oh my attitude wasn’t so positive when we turned the car around. I can promise you that! I hope the rest of your weekend went well, Dana!

  2. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (6)The Husband says

    Sorry your day wasn’t what you wanted it to be.

  3. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (7)Barbara | Creative Culinary says

    Ah…such memories. I recall waking almost every Saturday morning with some idyllic notion when my kids were young and they managed to put the brakes on that pretty quickly with the first, ‘MOM…she’s got my ‘something.’ It’s probably good I didn’t segue to a co*cktail at 9am but at then end of the day this would most definitely be called for.

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (8)Kristen says

      Kids are great at that, aren’t they? Will you think less of me if I said it was mid-day when this co*cktail and I became friends?

  4. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (9)Rachel - A Southern Fairytale says

    So sorry the roadtrip didn’t work out, but it sounds like you made the best of it 😉 🙂

    K – your photography is so gorgeous <3

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (10)Kristen says

      Thanks, Rachel! It’s part of life with kids. You’d think I’d be used to it by now.
      And thanks for your sweet comment 🙂

  5. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (11)Julie says

    I thought when you were first describing the vision of your day that your kids must have been at Grandma’s. Sounded way too perfect, considering 4 kids. 🙂

    Ah yes, a lovely co*cktail makes it all better!! I love all of the new flavored vodka’s.

  6. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (13)Terri Hendricks says

    Sounds like the day at least ended better! Maybe the kids (at least the older 3) will learn a little bit of a lesson. Not much fun for the parents, though!

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (14)Kristen says

      Let’s hope 🙂

  7. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (15)Rachel @ Baked by Rachel says

    I know this road trip. If only kids knew they’d have to clean if they didn’t behave, surely things would’ve been different!

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (16)Kristen says

      Oh they were warned…. apparently they don’t mind cleaning 😉

  8. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (17)Crystal @ Crystal's Cozy Kitchen says

    I had that itch to go somewhere this weekend earlier in the week. The next day, I think we realized that traveling 5 hours in a car with a 1 month old was really a bad idea, because that 5 hours would have turned into at least 8 with stopping to feed the baby! I’m glad we faced reality…
    Haven’t had to deal with the sibling rivalry issue yet. Sorry your trip didn’t work out!

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (18)Kristen says

      You were so much smarter than I was! Road tripping with kids just isn’t as fun as it should be 😉

  9. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (19) says

    So simple. And easy! Love the idea of frozen co*cktail. This would be so good for summer party!

  10. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (20)Deborah says

    Oh my goodness – I can totally see this happening in my family. I get scared every time I get in the car! You just have to hope for better luck next time, right?? 🙂

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (21)Kristen says

      You never now how things might end up, right? 🙂 Gotta love kids!

  11. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (22)Sanjeeta KK says

    Awee…All is well that ends well (with the gorgeous co*cktail)! Lovely clicks, K.

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (23)Kristen says

      Thanks friend!

  12. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (24)camille says

    “I’ll turn this car around!” Good for you for showing them that they ruin their own day by ruining yours. Like someone else said, maybe next time they’ll remember this and make more of an effort to be cool. At least the drink looks good, hey?

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (25)Kristen says

      Yes… I heard my dad in my threats to them 😉

      The drinks were awesome. Totally made up for it!

  13. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (26)shelly (cookies and cups) says

    OK, I love this post. This is pretty much the story of every vacation we have ever decided to take. The “you’re breathing too loud”…omg, I thought my children were the only ones sensitive to breathing.
    I need a co*cktail and it’s only 8:00 in the morning!

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (27)Kristen says

      Seriously – what’s up with the breathing issues and kids. I never knew they were so sensitive to the sound of breathing. Apparently it’s something we need to take very seriously… this whole breathing loud thing.


  14. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (28)MooNFaCe says

    Hmmm…I can Totally relate…Nice post !

  15. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (29)Katrina @ In Katrina's Kitchen says

    Well sorry about the road trip! But good for you for sticking to your guns. I find it is so hard to give my kids a consequence that will ruin my plans too.

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (30)Kristen says

      Same here… but we knew it would be just as painful for us if we kept going!

  16. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (31)Courtney says

    isnt it funny how our minds block out what actually is going to happen! glad you blender came to the rescue!

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (32)Kristen says

      Everytime I think about antiquing with the kids or sometimes even something as simple as the Farmers Market, I’m reminded that there are not many places that are sane to take 4 kids to 🙂 Maybe 1 or 2, but it is never a sane idea to go out in public with 4. lol

  17. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (33)Sandy @ RE says

    Oh, friend … we’ve been there before. Yes! LOL

    Glad it ended well.

    Happy Tuesday!

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (34)Kristen says

      That gives me hope! 🙂

  18. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (35)DeAnnG says

    I commend you and your husband for sticking together and going back home. Sticking to what you say shows the kids you do not approve of their behavior and their behavior has consquences. Our girls are grown but some of the hardest times when we took activities away from them and sticking to it. It caused us more grief and inconvence than it did them. Stay strong and it will pay off. Love the drink!!!

  19. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (36)Bev @ Bev Cooks says

    Oh maaaaaan! Well, I’ll take 35 glasses of that co*cktail please.

  20. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (37)Ali | Gimme Some Oven says

    Aw, so sorry the road trip happened. But you two are amazing parents — bravo for standing your ground! Hope that the day ended better. 🙂

    And THIS looks like it would make any day better. Beautiful!

  21. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (38)Sues says

    This looks incredible. Straight up my alley and makes me want to have a co*cktail Tuesday…. Starting NOW!

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (39)Kristen says

      I’m totally in support of a co*cktail Tuesday. Sounds good to me 🙂

  22. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (40)Minnie@thelady8home says

    Sorry that your trip didn’t work out, but your story is so similar to mine that I couldn’t help laughing through it.

    I made something very very similar two days back. But it was a smoothie, no Vodka. Love this co*cktail.

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (41)Kristen says

      I’ll have to go check out your smoothie. We’re all about whipping up whatever we can in our blender these days.

  23. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (42)JulieD says

    Oh that stinks about your road trip but glad you had the good sense go back home. This co*cktail looks perfect for summer!!

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (43)Kristen says

      It was the perfect co*cktail to end the weekend. I may welcome the next one with it too 🙂

  24. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (44)Natalie @ Cooking for My Kids says

    I am so sorry about your road trip, but I love the idea that you made co*cktails out if it. 🙂

  25. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (45)Jamie | My Baking Addiction says

    I’m kinda thinking this gorgeous adult beverage is better than a road trip – just sayin’.

    • Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (46)Kristen says

      I’m kinda thinking you are absolutely right!

  26. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (47)naomi says

    Oh, Kristen, hugs to you. I have those moments too – fantasy: happy family on a carefree joyous day; reality: bickering siblings and Matt and I raw with rattled nerves. I like your ending way better than mine though!

  27. Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (48)Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles says

    You actually turned around!! I love your version of making lemonade from lemons, in peach form. 🙂

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Fantasy Versus Reality {Recipe: Peaches & Cream Frozen co*cktail} (2024)


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