Erik Ringmar, Malice in Wonderland - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/2/2019 Erik Ringmar, Malice in Wonderland


    Malice in Wonderland: Dreams of theOrient and the Destruction ofthe

    Palace of the Emperor of China

    Erik Ringmar

    abstract: This article explains the destruction of theYuanmingyuan, the imperial palacecompound located north-west ofBeijing, by an Anglo-French army in 1860. Bracketingthe politicaland military context, we look at how the palace of the emperor ofChina hasbeen interpreted in European cultural history and how itwas understood by the people

    responsible for the destruction. To Europeans, the Yuanmingyuanwas a place of wonder,and it was more than anything thetransformation of the language of wonder whichmade the palacevulnerable to European aggression. Inter-cultural aestheticjudgments,we will conclude, always have political implications.

    To Europeans, for centuries, the palace of the emperor of Chinawas a main feature

    of their dreams of the Orient.1 Not surprisingly, the fewEuropean visitors who

    actually had seen the place came back with accounts filled withwonders. Medieval

    friars and travelers outdid each other in tales of the beauty ofthe palace and of the

    immense power wielded by the Great Kaan. And although subsequentreports

    from Jesuits stationed at the imperial court were more measured,they too spoke of

    its beauty and its many varied delights. And then, in 1860,during the Second

    Opium War, the imperial palace, the Yuanmingyuan, was firstlooted and then

    burned to the ground by a contingent of British and Frenchtroops. J'ai march

    pendant deux jours sur plus de trente millions de francs desoieries, de bijoux, de

    porcelaines, bronzes, sculptures, wrote Armand Lucy, a Frenchsoldier, Je ne crois

    pas qu'on ait vu chose pareille depuis le sac de Rome par lesBarbares.2 The light

    was so subdued by the clouds of smoke, Garnet Wolseley, one ofthe British

    1 I am grateful to Julie K. Allen, Allen Chun, Nigel Leask,David Porter, Maria Tatar,Yana Zuo, an audience at Academia Sinica,Taipei, and the indefatigable efforts ofthe librarians for help with a previous version of this paper.Onthe destruction of the Yuanmingyuan, see Ringmar, LiberalBarbarism and the

    Oriental Sublime.2 Lucy, Lettres intimes, 96.


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    officers, remembered, that it seemed as if the sun wasundergoing a lengthened


    The aim of this article is to explain this destruction. Mostexplanations focus

    on the political and military context of the time: the lack ofdiscipline in the French

    army and a British desire to take revenge for the brutaltreatment which a group of

    hostages received at the hands of the Chinese.4 Yet when itcomes to the

    destruction of an object that hitherto has featured mainly indreams, political and

    military contexts are never going to be enough. A properexplanation must also

    consider the status of the palace of the Chinese emperor inEuropean cultural

    history, and in the minds of the people responsible for thedestruction. The

    question, in other words, is not so much whythe destructionhappened as how it

    could have happened. Investigating the conditions of itspossibility, we need to

    understand how the imperial palace has been described byEuropeans and how the

    descriptions have changed over time.

    In European accounts of the imperial palace recourse was alwaystaken to the

    latest aesthetic principles embraced not in China, but inEurope. As a result, the

    descriptions changed, often abruptly, not because the palaceitself changed, but

    because of changes in European conceptions of beauty. Comparingtwo eighteenth-

    century accounts of the Yuanmingyuan, written only fifty yearsapart, shows how

    dramatic these transformations could be. Everything there isgrand and truly

    beautiful, the Jesuit missionary Jean Denis Attiret assured hisEuropean

    correspondent in 1745, and I am all the more struck by it, sinceI never have seen

    anything like it. Everything is of a beauty and a taste which Icould never

    3 Wolseley, Narrative of the War with China, 279; on the historyof the palace, seeMalone, History of the Peking Summer Palace,279.

    4 On September 18, 1860, the Chinese took 39 hostages, includingtwenty Indiansoldiers and Thomas Bowlby, the correspondent for theTimes. In the end only 18of them were returned alive. SeeD'Escayrac de Lauture, Rcit de la captivit,II:349-355; Loch,Personal Narrative; For the official rationale for thedestruction,

    see Stanmore, Sidney Herbert, II:349-355; Knollys, Remarks onthe FrenchMarch, 214-225.


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    express.5 Yet in 1793, John Barrow, a member of the Macartneymission to China,

    who spent five weeks inside the palace, saw none of thoseextravagant beauties

    and picturesque embellishments, which had made Yuanmingyuanfamous

    throughout Europe.6

    Of those parts contiguous to the palace, which may be supposedthemost carefully cultivated, and the numerous pavilionsandornamental buildings in the best order, I can say nothing inpraise;no care whatever appeared to be taken of any, nor regard hadtocleanliness.7

    As we will discover, the language of wonder has implications forthe distribution of

    power between the wonderer and the thing wondered at. Wonderlandmay be a

    magical place, but it is political through and through. Byeliciting wonder, the

    palace of the Chinese emperor had a power over its visitorswhich they either could

    resist or passively submit themselves to. Submitting themselves,the medieval

    travelers acknowledged the immense power of the emperor andtheir own

    inferiority. Refusing to marvel, the British commanders in 1860emphasized the

    powerlessness of the Chinese in the face of Europeanimperialism. In this way the

    language of wonder provides us with a way of characterizing therelationship

    between Europe and China, and its transformation over time. Thequestion is who

    the wonder-inducing power belongs to, but also how the wonderersreact to what

    they experience. The transformation of the language of wonder,the argument will

    be, allowed for a reinterpretation of the Yuanmingyuan whichmade it vulnerable to

    European aggression.

    the marvel of medieval travelers

    The language of marvel was the preferred idiom of medievaltravelers.8 In the

    5 Attiret, Lettre du frre Attiret, 389-390, 393.

    6 Barrow, Travels in China, 85-86.

    7 Ibid., 85.

    8 Daston and Park, Wonders and the Order of Nature, 25-38;Greenblatt, MarvelousPossessions, 52-85; Bynum, Wonder, 12-14.


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    Middle Ages travelers always marveled at what they saw, andsince marvels were

    thought to be more common in the margins of the world, they weremore

    common in the East.9 This supposition was amply confirmed in thethirteenth-

    century when Pax mongolica made it possible for Europeanmerchants and

    missionaries to travel all the way to China. In their accounts,the palace of the

    Great Kaan featured prominently. The most famous description isby Marco Polo,

    who reached Beijing in 1266 and spent some 24 years in China,but Odoric of

    Pordenone, who set off from Padua in 1318, also mentions thepalace, as does

    Giovanni de Marignolli, who visited Beijing in 1342; William ofRubruck left an

    account of the palace in Karakorum which he visited in1254.10

    The emperor's palace is not just a single building, thetravelers explained, but

    a vast compound some four miles in compass, and within thisspace be many

    other fine palaces, and an enclosure were the Khan lives withhis family.11 There is

    an artificial hill planted with trees, and an artificial lakewith bridges across. Much

    of the compound is filled with birds, but also wild game so thatthe emperor can

    follow the chase when he chooses without ever quitting thedomain.12 The main

    palace has 24 pillars and the walls are hung with skins of redleather; in the middle

    of the building is a large jar from which visitors can drink,and there is a collection

    of artificial peaco*cks and, amazingly, a tame lion is walkingaround from room to


    Everything in the imperial palace is great in size and number.The emperor's

    family is so numerous, Odoric explained, and his courtiers forman innumerable

    multitude, and so do even the birds of his artificial lake.13And everything is

    9 Or, for that matter, in Ireland. Daston and Park, Wonders andthe Order of Nature,34-39.

    10 Polo, Book of Ser Marco Polo; an influential collection ofprimary sources, firstpublished in 1614, is Purchas, Purchas HisPilgrimage, which included all the thenpublished accounts of Jesuitmissionaries in China; see Markley, Far East andEnglishImagination, 81; Ruysbroek,Journey of William of Rubruck.

    11 Friar Odoric, The Friar Reacheth Cambalech, 130.

    12 Ibid.13 Polo, Book of Ser Marco Polo, 261.


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    exceptionally beautiful. The artificial hill is the mostbeautiful in the whole world;

    the red leather on the walls of the palace are the world'sfinest; and if there be

    in the whole world any fine and large pearls they are sure toadorn one of the

    emperor's ladies. Plenitude and beauty emphasized the emperor'swealth; the 24

    pillars of the palace were made from gold and so were theartificial peaco*cks; the

    drinking jar was carved from a precious stones which exceededthe value of four

    great towns, and the pearls which adorned the coats of hiscourtiers were each

    worth some fifteen thousand florins and there were no fewer than14,000 of


    Plenitude, beauty and wealth, in turn, were expressions of theemperor's

    immense power. Before his throne, the visitors first fellsilent, then they prostrated

    themselves performing the koutou, the three kneeling and threeknockings of

    the head prescribed by the court protocol.15 And yet theirsilence was more a

    result of sheer dumb-foundedness than fear of incurring theemperor's wrath. The

    palace was a marvel' and a wonder to behold. In short, Odoricconcluded, the

    court is truly magnificent, and the most perfectly ordered thatthere is in the

    world.16 To koutou before such a ruler, was a sign of submissionto be sure, but

    then again the European visitors were few in number and they hadnothing but

    their good behavior to back up their modest demands for tradeand for the right to

    preach the gospel.

    Returning home, the marvels of the East featured prominently inthe

    travelers' accounts. Marco Polo was nicknamed Millione for hisreputation for

    exaggeration, but believable or not, plenty of marvels wererequired if the stories

    were to find an audience. Marvel was what travelers weresupposed to do, and

    when they did, it helped to make sense of their long journeys.17By making their

    14 Friar Odoric, The Friar Reacheth Cambalech, 132.

    15 For a description, see Rockhill, Diplomatic Audiences,28.

    16 Friar Odoric, The Friar Reacheth Cambalech, 134.17Greenblatt, Marvelous Possessions, 77-79.


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    listeners marvel in turn, the tales, and their tellers, borrowedsome of the magic,

    and power, of which they spoke. But just as the travelers'initial reaction, the

    response of their audiences was not one of fear. Behind the manywondrous

    objects, animals and people, there was an emperor who was thesource of them all,

    and his person, in the end, was the true marvel.18 Seeing him inhis attributes and

    in his actions, but rarely catching more than a glimpse of theperson himself, the

    Europeans were amazed.

    the curiosity of the Jesuits

    Following the example set by Matteo Ricci, the Jesuitmissionaries in China pursued

    a top-down strategy of conversion.19 By first convincing theimperial court to

    embrace Christianity, they hoped later to convert the wholecountry. To this end

    they presented the emperor with various examples ofEuropean-made technology

    and arts, and offered their services as painters, cartographers,astronomers, clock-

    makers and even cannon-founders. The letters home from theJesuit mission

    published in Paris as Lettres difiantes et curieuses provided,in the seventeenth-

    and eighteenth-centuries, the most authoritative source ofinformation about China.

    The Lettres were widely read, not least by defenders of royalprerogatives in

    England and, in France, byphilosophes Voltaire most famously forwhom

    China became a model of rational government and socialorder.20

    Although their access was restricted, their work in theYuanmingyuan allowed

    a few of the Jesuits to put together a reasonably comprehensivedescription of the

    palaces and gardens. The most famous account is found in aletter written in 1745

    by Jean Denis Attiret, a painter at the court.21 Attiretdescribed a park, complete

    18 Bynum, Wonder, 13-14, 20, 24.

    19 On Ricci, see Mungello, Curious Land, 44-73; Porter,Ideographia, 83-108.

    20 On the sinophile fantasies of the English architect andamateur scholar John Webb,see Markley, Far East and EnglishImagination, 76-79; cf. Porter, Ideographia, 124-

    132.21 Attiret, Lettre du frre Attiret, 387-412, translated intoEnglish in 1752.


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    with palaces, pavilions, tea-houses, temples, pagodas and lakesfilled birds and

    magnificent boats. The emperor has selected 40 locations fromwhich the garden

    presents itself in a particularly attractive fashion, heexplained. Among them are

    buildings taken from around China and the world: temples fromMongolia and Tibet,

    a hamlet and a river scene from Hunan, gardens from Suzhou andHangzhou, and a

    set of European-style palaces.22 Yuanmingyuan even had afaithful replica of a

    regular Chinese street filled with shops, stalls, hawkers,customers and beggars,

    where the emperor moved around at his own leisure, and his womenstruck

    bargains with the eunuchs who played the part of vendors.23 Inaddition there was

    a farmhouse, complete with fields, animals and all kinds ofa*gricultural equipment.

    Most remarkable, however, was the beautiful disorder andanti-symmetry

    which governed the lay-out and the design. Buildings of verydifferent kinds were

    placed close together; the paths were not straight, butmeandering; the bridges

    across the lakes were zigzagging; the doors and windows were notsquare but

    round, oval, or shaped in the form of flowers, birds or fish.24Although such a

    description may sound ridiculous, Attiret admitted, seeing it inperson you think

    differently and begin to admire the art with which thisirregularity is put together.

    Since nothing can be taken in by one glance, you are forced toexplore the gardens

    on foot, and each new turn of the path provides new vistas andimpressions. This

    admirable variety gives the visitor a delightful and enchantingfeeling, which

    makes the Yuanmingyuan into a pleasure ground rather than animperial palace.

    Il y a de quoi s'amuser longtemps, et de quoi satisfaire toutesa curiosit.25

    The person for whom these amusem*nts had been assembled wasthe

    emperor, but in the Jesuits accounts he was no longer theomnipotent ruler the

    medieval travelers had described, but instead something likeapetit prince who

    22 Wong, European Buildings with Chinese Characteristics;Thomas, YuanmingYuan/Versailles, 133-134.

    23 Attiret, Lettre du frre Attiret, 396-397.

    24 Ibid., 401-402.25 Quotes in this paragraph are from Ibid.,400-401.


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    walked around in his enchanted garden surprised and delighted ateverything he

    saw.26 The Yuanmingyuan, in its variety and comprehensivenessrepresented all

    there is: times past and times future, exotic locations, amazinganimals, flora and

    fauna, high mountains, oceans, the countryside and the city. Andthe emperor was

    the unquestioned ruler of this bijou universe. Moreover, sinceeverything was

    harmoniously ordered and at peace, the garden gave ampleevidence of the virtue

    of his reign.

    In terms of the aesthetic categories popular in theeighteenth-century, this

    was all very curieux.27 In the Jesuits' letters the medievallanguage of beauty and

    terror has been replaced by impressions of delightfulmultiplicity. The

    Yuanmingyuan was transformed into a rococo palace: a vastcabinet of curiosities

    filled with life-like automata and trompe l'ileffects.28 It wasa cornucopia which

    constantly produced things at the same time overwhelming andsurprising. There

    is, says Attiret, an unsurpassed fecundity in the spirit of theChinese. In fact, I am

    tempted to think that we are poor and sterile by comparison.29In an earlier era,

    such fecundity would have served as proof regarding the locationof Paradise. After

    all, Paradise too was a garden where everything constantly andeffortlessly

    rejuvenated itself. In a later era, the same fecundity wouldbecome a sign of the

    productivity of the Chinese soil and the riches of Chinesemarkets which were

    waiting to be tapped by European merchants.30 But for theJesuits themselves it

    was above all a feature in which to take a curious delight.

    the sublime of the poets

    Attiret's account of the Yuanmingyuan had a far-reaching impactin Europe. Fitting

    26 Attiret, Lettre du frre Attiret, 403; Cf. Porter,Ideographia, 147-155.

    27 Daston and Park, Wonders and the Order of Nature,273-274.

    28 On cabinet of curiosities, see Daston and Park, Wonders andthe Order of Nature,255-290; Benedict, Curiosity, 134-135.

    29 Attiret, Lettre du frre Attiret, 399.30 Markley, Far East andEnglish Imagination, 79.


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    perfectly with the already well-established fashion forchinoiserie, Attiret helped

    inspire the creation of Chinese-style gardens and gardenfeatures across the

    continent.31 Only a few years after the publication of hisaccount, Fredrick the

    Great built a Chinesisches Haus at Sans Soucis; Catherine theGreat a Chinese

    palace at Oranienbaum; and Adolf Fredrik, king of Sweden, builta Kina slottat

    Drottningholm. In 1761, the architect William Chambers erected afifty meter tall

    pagoda in Kew Gardens, as well as a House of Confucius.32

    In contrast to his colleagues, Chambers had actually been toChina.33 As a

    young man he visited Guangzhou twice in the 1740s, on boardships of the Swedish

    East-India Company. Here he had studied Chinese architecture andgarden art, and

    once back in Europe he published, in 1757, a short pamphlet, Onthe Art of Laying

    out Gardens among the Chinese.34 There are three different kindsof scenes in a

    Chinese garden, Chambers explained, the pleasing, horrid, andenchanted.35

    While the pleasing and the enchanted corresponded to categoriesalready discussed

    by the Jesuits, his emphasis on the horrid was something quitenew. These horrid

    scenes, Chambers insisted, were filled with ill-formed treestorn by tempests,

    impending rocks, impetuous cataracts, and buildingshalf-consumed by fire.36 They

    were, in short, designed to elicit feelings of the sublime.

    The sublime was an aesthetic discovery of theeighteenth-century.37 Originally

    defined as a rhetorical device a certain heightening of languageit gradually

    came to be applied to natural features: in particular to highmountains, and to

    31 For a survey, see Sirn, China and the Gardens of Europe.

    32 The Chinesisches Haus dates from 1755; Kina Slott from 1753,and the Chinesepalace at Oranienbaum from 1762. On Kew gardens, seeChambers, Plans,Elevations, Sections.

    33 In 1743-44 and 1748-49. See Harris, Chambers.

    34 Originally published in The Gentleman's Magazine, May 1757,and reprinted inChambers, The Art of Laying Out Gardens, quotesfrom 129, 144.

    35 Chambers,A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, 35-40; onChambers, see Porter,Ideographia, 155-162, 175-181; Porter, Beyondthe Bounds of Truth; Liu, Seedsof a Different Eden, 6-10.

    36 Chambers,A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, 131-132.37Nicolson, Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory, 271-323.


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    vistas seen from high mountains, but also to other dramatic,obscure or mysterious

    sceneries. Traveling in Italy in 1688, John Dennis discoveredhorrid, hideous,

    ghastly Ruins, but was surprised to find that they gave him adelightful horror

    and a terrible joy.38 Developing the concept, the Third Earl ofShaftesbury and

    Joseph Addison described the sublime as that awe which fills usas we contemplate

    supreme beauty or the infinite powers of God. The concept was oneveryone's lips

    in the spring of 1757 when Edmund Burke published The Origin ofOur Ideas of the

    Sublime and the Beautiful, only a few weeks before Chamberspublished his

    pamphlet on Chinese gardens. As Burke explained, the sublimeastonishes us,

    overwhelms our senses and suspends our power of reasoning, butthe effect is

    pleasurable, not scary, since we know we never will come to anyactual harm.39

    The sublime is a game we play, and as Addison pointed out in hispraise of its

    irregular aesthetics, a Chinese garden is a perfect setting forit.40 Chambers

    emphatically agreed.

    In a subsequent and longer work,A Dissertation on OrientalGardening, 1772,

    Chambers returned to the garden of horror, and used theYuanmingyuan as an

    illustration. After describing the pleasures induced by its manymeandering paths

    and enchanting vistas, he turned to the scenes of terror: gloomywoods, deep

    vallies inaccessible to the sun, impending barren rocks, darkcaverns, and

    impetuous cataracts rushing down the mountains from allparts.41

    Bats, owls, and every bird of prey flutter in the groves;wolves, tigersand jackalls howl in the forests; half-famishedanimals wander uponthe plains; gibbets, crosses, wheels, and thewhole apparatus oftorture, are seen from the roads; and in the mostdismal recesses ofthe woods, where the ways are rugged andovergrown with weeds,and where every object bears the marks ofdepopulation, aretemples dedicated to the king of vengeance, deepcaverns in therocks, and descents to subterraneous habitations,overgrown withbrushwood and brambles.42

    38 Ibid., 279 on Shaftesbury and Addison, see 289-323.

    39 Burke,A Philosophical Enquiry, 41-43.40 Addison quoted inNicolson, Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory, 316-318;

    Lovejoy, The First Gothic Revival, 113-115.

    41 Chambers,A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, 37.42Ibid.


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    Chambers had clearly overdone it.43 The Dissertation wasmercilessly ridiculed by

    the defenders of the classical English garden who refused tobelieve that anything

    of value could be learned from the Chinese, and who objected towhat they saw as

    Chambers' defense of pointless embellishments and theexcessively decorative.44

    Chinese gardens were too cluttered, the critics argued, and thisgave them a

    contrived and unnatural feel. And of course Chambers' outlandishaccount of the

    garden of terror was an easy target for ridicule. In theEmperor's garden of

    Yven-Ming-Uven, near Pekin, William Mason noted sarcastically,fine lizards, and

    fine women, human giants, and giant baboon, make but a smallpart of the superb

    scenery.45 Hurt by such attacks, Chambers inserted an apologeticexplanatory

    discourse when the Dissertation was republished, and there wasabsolutely nothing

    Chinese or ornamental about his next major commission, theclassically

    Neoclassical Somerset House in the center of London.46

    And yet the sensibility of which Chambers' account was anexpression could

    not easily be held back. To Romantic writers of the turn of thenineteenth-century,

    the wonders of the Orient were a source of exotic reveries and,once again, the

    palace of the Chinese emperor was a favorite topic. In October1797, Samuel

    Taylor Coleridge took a few grains of laudanum, read a few pagesfrom Purchas His

    Pilgrimage a collection of medieval travelers' tales andpromptly fell asleep.

    When he woke up, he wrote a poem, describing a sublime paradisewhich inspired

    both longing and dread:

    In Xanadu did Kubla Khan

    43 Sirn, China and the Gardens of Europe, 102.44 See thediscussion in Bald, Sir William Chambers and the Chinese Garden,287-

    320; Lovejoy, The First Gothic Revival, 120-122; Porter,Ideographia, 175-177;Liu, Seeds of a Different Eden, 6-10.

    45 Mason, Heroic Epistle, 3-4; As Burke's Annual Register notedin an obituary: "Thehorrible and strange devices described to existin the Chinese gardens have beenmuch ridiculed, but are no morethan had been before published by father Attiret,in his account ofthe Emperor of China's gardens near Pekin." Burke, Anecdotes oftheLate Sir William Chambers.

    46 Bald, Sir William Chambers and the Chinese Garden, 307-310;As Lovejoy points

    out, sudden switches between Neo-Classicism and the Neo-Gothicwere alsocommon. Lovejoy, The First Gothic Revival, 151-152.


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    a stately pleasure-dome decree,where Alph, the sacred river,ranthrough caverns measureless to mandown to a sunless sea. ...

    A savage place! As holy and enchantedas a'er beneath a waningmoon was hauntedby woman wailing for her demon lover.And from thischasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,As if this earth in fastthick pants were breathing,A mighty fountain momently wasforced:

    And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from farAncestral voicesprophesying war! ...

    And all should cry, Beware! Beware!His flashing eyes, hisfloating hair!Weave a circle round him thrice,

    And close your eyes with holy dread,For he on honey-dew hathfed,And drunk the milk of Paradise.47

    Coleridge is clearly moving in the same poetic territory asChambers. It cannot be

    very far from his caverns measureless to man to Chambers' deepcaverns in the

    rocks.48 But it is equally not very far from the account whichMarco Polo once had

    given. What Coleridge had seen in his dream was the palace ofKublai Khan, which

    Polo had visited, and Polo's account was reprinted in PurchasPilgrimage which

    Coleridge read before he fell asleep.49 Coleridge is unashamedlymedieval in his

    references, relying on dreams rather than on empiricalobservations, and the

    violent, intoxicating, images are, much like the descriptions ofmedieval travelers,

    combining the marvelous with impressions of overwhelmingmight.50 Subjected to

    a Neo-Gothic transfiguration, the wonders of Polo's palace havebecome sublime.

    What has been added, that is, is a Burkean aesthetics of thevicarious frisson: the

    47 Coleridge, Kubla Khan, 276-279.

    48 Nicolson would see them both as sharing a number ofeighteenth-centurycommonplaces. Nicolson, Mountain Gloom andMountain Glory, 289-290.

    49 "In Xanadu did Cublai Can build a stately palace,encompassing sixteen miles ofplain ground with a wall, wherein arefertile meadows, pleasant springs, delightfulstreams, and all sortsof beasts and chase and game, and in the middle thereof asumtuoushouse of pleasure, which may be removed from place to place."Purchas,Purchas His Pilgrimage, 415.

    50 On the written sources of the poem, see Lowes, Road toXanadu, 356-425; on thenatural sources, see Holmes, Coleridge, 164;as Lovejoy shows, Chinese and Gothic

    references were often invoked by the same author. Lovejoy, TheFirst GothicRevival, 159.


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    intense pleasure which comes from a knowingly unjustified fearof imminent and

    grievous bodily harm.

    The contrast with the Jesuits' accounts is most clearly broughtout by the

    sexual references implied. While Attiret's emperor may have beena wide-eyed

    petit prince, ignorant of the desires of grown-ups, the world heinhabited was

    constantly rejuvenated thanks to its joyous, unrestrained,fecundity. By contrast,

    the palace described both by Chambers and Coleridge is alocation of

    sadomasoch*stic orgies. It is a place of devastation and fear;where women wail

    for demon lovers, and close their eyes in holy dread. Ruled bythe orgiastic and

    the Dionysian, the imperial palace is the source of anunstoppable life-force which

    simultaneously both creates and destroys. Yet its destructiveeffects are more

    obvious than its regenerative; this world is more barren thanfecund, and the

    sexual encounters that take place, like the futile coupling ofeunuchs, leave no

    issue. Like rape fantasies, these Orientalist visions are lessabout sex than about


    the picturesque of the diplomats

    In August 1793, a British diplomatic delegations led by GeorgeMacartney arrived in

    Beijing with the aim opening up the enormous Chinese market totrade in British-

    made goods. Arriving at the imperial palace, clearly expecting asublime

    experience, the diplomats were sorely disappointed.51 From everything I can

    learn, Macartney concluded, it falls very short of the fancifuldescriptions which

    father Attiret and Sir William Chambers have intruded upon us asrealities.52 John

    Barrow, the Comptroller-General to the mission, who spent fiveweeks at the

    Yuanmingyuan, agreed: Chambers' descriptions were extravagant,and the Jesuits

    51 There is a parallel here with eighteenth-century Englishtravelers who cameprepared for sublime experiences when crossingthe Alps. Nicolson, Mountain

    Gloom and Mountain Glory, 355.52 Macartney quoted in Barrow,Embassy to China, 133.


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    had their own motives for presenting the place in the mostfavorable light.53 Our

    task, Barrow concluded, should be to divest the court of thetinsel and the tawdry

    varnish with which, like the palaces of the Emperor, themissionaries have found it

    expedient to cover it in their writings.54

    Their own descriptions make a clear distinction between thebuildings, their

    content, and the gardens themselves.55 With the buildings, theBritish visitors were

    far from impressed. The palaces, said Aeneas Anderson, were toosmall, too

    heavily decorated, and not only destitute of elegance, but in awretched state of

    repair, giving an appearance of neglect.56 These assemblages ofbuildings, said

    Barrow, which they dignify with the name of palaces, are moreremarkable for

    their number than for their splendour or magnificence.

    A great proportion of the buildings consists in mean cottages.Thevery dwelling of the Emperor and the grand hall in which hegivesaudience, when divested of the gilding and the gaudy colourswithwhich they are daubed, are little superior, and much lesssolid, thanthe barns of a substantial English farmer.57

    And while Macartney himself was more positive calling thebuildings perfect of

    their kind what he appreciated were not the structuresthemselves but the way

    they were arranged in the landscape, creating a pleasingcomprehensive view.58

    As for the imperial collections, the diplomats were moreimpressed.

    Macartney praised the stupendous vases of jasper and agate; thefinest porcelain

    and Japan; and spheres, orreries, clocks, and musical automatonsof exquisite

    53 By exaggerating the power and magnificence of the Chinese,"their own triumphwould be all the greater" once the countryeventually was converted to Christianity.Ibid., 123.

    54 Ibid., 2.

    55 On the separate development of the aesthetics of gardens andof architecture ineighteenth-century Britain, see Lovejoy, TheFirst Gothic Revival, 157-158; asNicolson points out, althoughAddison defended irregular garden art, his view onarchitecture wasperfectly Neo-Classical. Nicolson, Mountain Gloom andMountainGlory, 318.

    56 Anderson,A Narrative of the British Embassy to China,111.

    57 Barrow, Travels in China, 124; Barrow's assessment was echoedby James Mill,

    among others, see Mill, Review of M. de Guignes, 425.58Macartney quoted in Barrow, Travels in China, 136.


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    workmanship.59 And yet, overall, the visitors were notenchanted. Valuable and

    rare though the items may have been, they were sing-songsandtoys.60 To the

    British, the imperial collection was a cabinet of curiosities,filled with assorted exotic

    bric--brac, designed to astonish rather than enlighten. Childrencould be amused

    this way, and people of no education, but it was not of muchinterest to men of

    learning. And men of learning was precisely what the members ofthe Macartney

    mission considered themselves to be. Educated in the latestadvances of European

    science and technology, they had little interest in exceptionalcases and gaudy

    displays.61 The gifts they had brought along to give to theemperor reflected their

    outlook. The emperor was to be presented with a planetarium,celestial and

    terrestrial globes, telescopes, an air-pump, a hot-air balloon,a microscope, a

    burning-lens.62 As the British diplomats were at pains to pointout, these were

    scientific instruments, not automata or sing-songs.

    In Britain the fashion for chinoiserie had peaked in the 1740s,and by the

    1790s things Chinese were often regarded as vulgar, at leastamong men of

    Neoclassical tastes.63 From a Neoclassical perspective, theChinese style, much like

    French rococo or Neo-Gothic architecture, was considered asoverbearing and false.

    This was art for fops exotic, effeminate, clutter to whoseseductiveness real

    men succumbed only at their own, emasculating, peril. Chineseart had no balance,

    no order, no perspective and no truth. Its veryundecipherableness was an insult to

    man's intelligence and a threat to one's sense of propriety and,more generally, to

    peace and social stability.64 A simple, naked statue, finishedby the hand of a

    59 Ibid., 129.

    60 Sing-song was the generic European term for mechanicalgadgets and automatasold in Guangzhou. See Braga, Seller of'Sing-Songs'; Cranmer-Byng and Levere,A Case Study in CulturalCollission, 509.

    61 Cf. the discussion of "the Enlightenment and theAnti-Marvelous," in Daston andPark, Wonders and the Order ofNature, 329-363.

    62 Schaffer, Instruments as Cargo in the China Trade, 217-246.63The rise and fall in the fad for Chinoiserie is traced in Porter,Ideographia, 133-192;

    and Porter, A Peculiar but Uninteresting Nation; on theContinent, however, the

    fashion peaked only in the 1780s. See Harris, Chambers.64Porter, Ideographia, 166-172.


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    Grecian artist, as James Mill put it in 1809, in a comparisonbetween Chinese and

    European art, is of more genuine value than all these rude andcostly monuments

    of Barbaric labour.65

    It was only for the gardens and the grounds of the imperialpalace that the

    British diplomats showed real enthusiasm. It is one of thefinest forest-scenes in

    the world, said Macartney of the gardens at the imperial summerretreat at

    Chengde.66 Reaching the summit of one of the hills, atwenty-mile vista suddenly

    opened up below him, and certainly so rich, so various, sobeautiful, so sublime a

    prospect my eyes had never beheld.67 What particularly attractedthe British

    visitors was the sense of balance and proportion offered by thegardens. As they

    discovered, all of the Yuanmingyuan was made up of scenes,well-composed

    tableauxdesigned to be contemplated from designated points alonga meandering

    path. A given building, Barrow noted, should be seen at acertain distance through

    the branches of a thicket, and a particular sheet of water ispurposely hemmed in

    by artificial rocks.68

    In terms of aesthetic categories, the imperial gardens, to thediplomats, were

    examples of what by the 1790s was known as the picturesque.69First made

    popular by William Gilpin's Observations on the River Wye, 1782,the notion of the

    picturesque was in subsequent decades enthusiastically employedby English

    gardeners, architects and aesthetes. It denoted a landscapewhich was framed to

    look just like a picture with some objects in the foreground,others in the

    middle, and some trees in the offskip.70 And while naturenaturally was capable

    of producing such pictures on its own, it often needed help froman artist. At the

    hands of the skilled gardener different colors, textures, andmaterials were

    65 Mill, Review of M. de Guignes, 427.

    66 Macartney quoted in Barrow, Travels in China, 134.

    67 Ibid., 134-135.

    68 Barrow quoted in Davis, The Chinese, 266-267.

    69 The seminal statement is Gilpin, The Wye Tour; lampooned inCombe, Doctor

    Syntax; for an overview, see Hussey, The Picturesque; Kliger,Whig Aesthetics.70 Macartney quoted in Barrow, Travels in China,128.


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    combined in irregular, undulating, and jagged patterns. Perhapsa tree, or the ruins

    of an abbey, would improve a composition or, as in China, apagoda.

    The notion of the picturesque achieved an ingenious compromisebetween the

    idea of the beautiful and the sublime, and this, no doubt,explains its popularity.

    Portraying nature in all its diversity, and not hesitatingbefore the dark, the

    tempestuous and the irregular, the picturesque tapped intosublime, Neo-Gothic,

    sensibilities. And yet, while the truly sublime defied andoverwhelmed all

    boundaries, the picturesque always contained its subject matterwithin a perfectly

    self-contained frame. By balancing contrasting elements againstone another, and

    creating order among diverse objects, the overall impression waspeaceful,

    pleasing, and not in the least terrifying. The landscape wasmade, and perfectly

    controlled, by human beings.

    In Britain, by the end of the eighteenth-century, the naturalwas no longer

    equated with Neoclassical geometrical ideals. In fact, as far asgarden art was

    concerned, the British had fully embraced what lookssuspiciously like a Chinese

    aesthetic. After all, the quintessential English garden too isirregular, meandering

    and picturesque. The French were quick to pick up on thissimilarity, referring to it

    as the hyphenated aesthetic ofle jardin anglo-chinois. In 1793,the visiting

    diplomats too were constantly struck by the similarities. In thecourse of a few

    hours, said Macartney, after riding around the imperial gardenat Chengde,

    I have enjoyed such vicissitudes of rural delight, as I did notconceivecould be felt out of England, being at different momentsenchantedby scenes perfectly similar to those I had known there, tothemagnificence of Stowe, the softer beauties of Wooburn, andthefairy-land of Paine's Hill.71

    The question is how this similarity best should be explained.The inclination of

    English writers has always been to ascribe the picturesqueaesthetic to an

    indigenous genius, often associating the freedom of the Englishgarden with

    English political liberties, and contrasting both with thetatisme of the political

    71 Macartney quoted in Ibid., 130.


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    system, and the gardens, of the French.72 Non-English writershave been quicker to

    point out that the first discussions of the new aestheticsalways made explicit

    references to Chinese gardens. After all, it was only onceChinese anti-symmetrical

    ideals became known in Europe that English gardeners abandonedtheir geometrical

    layouts.73 Yet questions of influences are, as always, difficultto settle. As

    Macartney himself put it in 1793: Whether our style of gardeningwas really copied

    from the Chinese, or originated with ourselves, I leave forvanity to assert, and

    idleness to discuss.74

    the politics of wonder

    Lets step back for a moment and consider the larger patternwhich these various

    reactions produce. Invoking a more comprehensive conceptualcategory, we realize

    that the marvel of the medieval travelers, the curiosity of theJesuits, the sublime

    of the poets, and the picturesque of the diplomats, all can beunderstood as

    variations on the notion of wonder. Wonder was always the mostbasic way in

    which Europeans related to a culture as different, and asstrange, as the Chinese.

    Yet wonder is far from a precise analytical term, and, as wehave seen, it includes

    many different, even contradictory, reactions.75 Moreover, thevocabulary of wonder

    varies over time, forming a cultural history which the differentdescriptions of the

    imperial palace allow us to retrace.

    Bringing a semblance of order to this permutating terminology,the language

    of wonder can be divided into two radically different, yetrelated, usages. Or,

    differently put, wonder makes the wonderers take up two quitedifferent postures.76

    72 For a defense of the English origin of the jardinanglo-chinois, see Jacques, On theSupposed Chineseness,180-191.

    73 Lovejoy, The Chinese Origin of a Romanticism, 99-135; a morerecent discussionis Liu, Seeds of a Different Eden, 98-100.

    74 Macartney quoted in Barrow, Travels in China, 134.

    75 On this cluster of meanings, see Daston and Park, Wonders andthe Order ofNature, 15; cf. Bynum, Wonder, 1-7, 23-25; cf.Greenblatt, Resonance and

    Wonder.76 On the physiological reactions associated with wonder,see Darwin, Expression of


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    The first is an inquiring attitude. Wonder, as Aristotle put it,is the beginning of

    philosophy, that is, the beginning of thought.77 Here, to wonderabout something

    is to ask what something is; how it came to be, and how it has,and will, develop.

    To wonder is to ask questions about causes and consequences; itis to conduct

    investigations and pursue science. Thus understood, wonder is anactive passion,

    and often as imperative as the desire for food or sex. Likethese kindred passions,

    wonder is strongly associated with a need for control. It isonly by controlling the

    object we wonder about by isolating it in a laboratory, byholding and

    manipulating it in our hands that it can be properlyinvestigated. This is the

    connection between wonder and colonial appropriation. Arrivingin a marvelous

    land, encountering marvelous things, the Europeans firstwondered, then they took

    the land and the things.78

    The second, radically different, posture is one of imposedpassivity. We

    wonder at the wondrous, and the wondrous is best understood as aforce which

    strikes us with wonder, makes us marvel, and fills us withawe.79 Here the

    wonderers are caught off guard; their senses are overwhelmed andthey

    temporarily lose the use of their faculties.80 Like thralls,they are enthralled by an

    all-powerful, external, force which they have no option but toobey. First their jaws

    drop, then they fall to the ground. The sensation may be one ofsheer amazement

    or one of terror, but the experience may also be pleasant.Indeed, as John Dennis

    was the first to notice and as Edmund Burke affirmed, theexperience can be

    pleasant because it is terrifying.81 This is the rape fantasy ofproverbial Victorian

    women, where the thing we fear the most also constitutes ourmost secret desire.

    Emotions in Man.

    77 Aristotle's Metaphysics quoted in Daston and Park, Wondersand the Order ofNature, 14; cf. Bynum, Wonder, 7.

    78 This is the function of wonder emphasized by Greenblatt,Marvelous Possessions,52-85; Todorov, La conqute de l'Amrique.

    79 Daston and Park, Wonders and the Order of Nature, 14-15;Bynum, Wonder, 3-6.

    80 Burke,A Philosophical Enquiry, 53.81 Nicolson, Mountain Gloomand Mountain Glory, 276-289.


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    Politically speaking, these wonderers make no claims to colonialappropriation; they

    do not manipulate anyone; and they are not in a position toimpose their will.82

    How wonder strikes us depends on the objects we confront, butsometimes

    the same object can result in either posture. To a considerableextent our reactions

    depend on our expectations, conditioned by the culture in whichwe live. This

    explains the variation in the reactions we have surveyed. It wasthe aesthetic

    presumptions of their time which made European visitors to Chinatake up one

    posture rather than another. But postures also depend on thedistribution of power

    between the wonderer and the thing wondered at, and,importantly, a given

    distribution of power will be reinforced or undermined dependingon the posture we

    adopt. This is why wonder in China never had the same politicalconsequences as

    wonder in the New World. In the Americas, the Europeans metlittle organized

    resistance and wonder, more often than not, resulted inappropriation. In China, by

    contrast, the Europeans could not simply take what they wonderedat, but had

    instead to ask for an opportunity to buy it. Very frustratingly,the requests for

    trading privileges were usually rejected by the Chineseauthorities.83

    As we saw, the first European travelers to China were asked toassume a

    reverential posture. The power of the emperor overwhelmed them,they were

    struck by awe, and obligingly they quickly prostratedthemselves. The European

    visitors were utterly powerless but this was not a great concernsince they had no

    illusions regarding conquest or control. Although they were atthe mercy of the

    emperor, their reactions expressed amazement rather than fear,and amazement

    was also what their tales conveyed to their listeners back home.The relationship

    between the emperor and the Jesuits was always quite different.The Jesuits

    82 "Medieval theories of wonder," Bynum insists, "made the pointthat wonder is non-appropriative yet based on facticity andsingularity." Bynum, Wonder, 24.

    83 Greenblatt notices the difference between Marco Polo andColumbus, but basing hisaccount on European relations with the NewWorld, he exaggerates the role ofwonder understood asappropriation. Wonder is treated by Greenblatt as a

    discursive rather than a political relationship. Greenblatt,Marvelous Possessions,53.


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    ingratiated themselves with the court by providing uniqueservices for which there

    was no ready substitute. As their letters make clear, this madethe emperor their

    benevolent, if somewhat unpredictable, friend. And while theJesuits certainly

    koutou-ed before his throne, this was done as a matter ofcourtesy and not in awe.

    The posture of the Jesuits was instead one of unashamedcuriosity.84 Steeped first

    in the Hermeticism of the Renaissance and, by theseventeenth-century, in the

    creeds of the Scientific Revolution, the missionaries were keento learn the

    language, and as much as possible about Chinese customs,philosophy and

    religion.85 In addition, the Jesuits wanted to show that theywere doing good work

    and that they made progress advancing Christianity. Throughtheir well-publicized

    Lettres they recruited curious readers across Europe who sharedtheir interest in

    China and their conviction regarding the importance of theirmission.

    Next, compare the wonder expressed by poets and by diplomats.Clearly it

    was quite impossible for someone of Coleridge's sensibilities tobe satisfied with

    picturesque descriptions. Having no interest in a place thatlooked just like Kew,

    he preferred medieval traveler tales to the accounts of theMacartney mission.86

    Coleridge's version of the imperial palace is a perfect exampleof the sublime, as

    defined by Dennis and Burke. It is a dream of the pleasures oftransgression,

    intoxication and sexual submission. Subjecting ourselves to thepower of an

    Oriental ruler, we relinquish all claims of our own. Politicallyspeaking, Kubla

    Khan can be read as a renunciation of the white mans burden anda plead for

    colonizers and colonized to trade places. Chambers, by contrast,was not so quick

    to abandon himself. He praised the Chinese not only for theterror, but also for the

    delight inspired by their gardens. On both accounts, however, hemet criticism

    back home. Enchantments were effeminate and to be struck byterror was

    unworthy of a brave Englishman. Chambers, the critics suspected,was too quick to

    84 Mungello, Curious Land, 13-14.

    85 Ibid.86 See, however, Leask, Kubla Khan and Orientalism.


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    koutou to royal power, English as well as Chinese.87

    This was a line of criticism developed by the British diplomatsin their

    accounts. Making few distinctions between real Chinese art andcheap chinoiserie,

    the imperial palace was given the same treatment which rococoaesthetics was

    given by all Englishmen of Neoclassical tastes. This was art forchildren and fops,

    people easily taken in by gaudy displays. But to slavishlyfollow Chinese fashions

    was unacceptable also on political grounds. The British shouldstand up for their

    own achievements, and this was never more important than inrelation to the

    obscure forces of the sublime. The diplomats insisted thatBritain be treated as

    equals with China and, breaking with the etiquette of theChinese court, they

    refused to koutou before the imperial throne. What they wantedwere trade

    concessions, but the emperor which the poets had described withflashing eyes

    and floating hair was clearly not the kind of ruler with whomyou conclude

    commercial agreements. In the end, although the British nevergot their treaty, the

    pretensions of the Chinese were exposed. The palace, theydiscovered, was

    nothing but a brightly painted barn. In the best tradition ofBritish empiricism, the

    diplomats pointed out that the emperor was naked.88

    The idea of the picturesque had far more benign implications. Inthe

    picturesque landscape, every plant, brook and grove was free totake on its own

    preferred form, yet the whole was always appropriately framedand maintained in

    perfect balance. Indeed, according to the picturesqueaesthetics, balance requires

    the coexistence of highly diverse and irregular entities: alarge tree needs a large

    rock and only a meandering stream can hold both together. Thereis a perfect

    analogy here to the market mechanism advocated by Adam Smithwhere balance

    87 On the traditional connection between English monarchists andapologias forimperial China, see Markley, Far East and EnglishImagination, 76.

    88 In these respects the British diplomats reacted much as thelittle boy in H.C.Andersen's story of "The Emperor's New Clothes."That Andersen had readaccounts of the Yuanmingyuan is evident fromhis story "The Nightingale" which isset in the imperial garden.There is, however, no direct evidence that the naked

    emperor was modeled on the Chinese. See Andersen, TheNightingale; cf.Oxfeldt, China as a Source of Political Satire.


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    was achieved through the free interaction of radically diverseinterests. In both

    cases, what looked perfectly natural was actually a product ofart. The hidden

    hand of the authorities that regulated the market correspondedto the hidden hand

    of the master gardener who pruned his plants and prodded histrees.89 Not

    surprisingly, the British aristocrats who made up the Macartneymission of 1793

    were both landowners and government officials.

    destroying a wonder

    On the morning of October 7, 1860, French and British troopsmade their way into

    the Yuanmingyuan. Despite orders from the commanders, thecompound was

    looted by the French, while the English, quick to spot abusiness opportunity, put

    the remaining articles up for sale. On October 18, the buildingsand what was left

    of their content were burned to the ground by British troops.There is, we said, a

    political and military context to this vandalism: the lack ofdiscipline in the French

    army, miscommunication between the allied commanders, and, inthe case of the

    final incineration, a British desire to take revenge for thebrutal treatment which a

    group of hostages had received at the hands of the Chinese.90Yet when it comes to

    objects which hitherto have featured mainly in dreams, apolitical and military

    context is not sufficient. We also need to understand the statuswhich the imperial

    palace had in the minds of the people responsible for thedestruction. These

    reactions can be divided into three groups: those of the Britishofficers, the French

    officers, and ordinary soldiers. Depending on how they reacted,they justified their

    actions quite differently.

    Like their countrymen before them, the British commanders made asharp

    distinction between the gardens of the Yuanmingyuan, on the onehand, and the

    buildings and their content, on the other. The gardens werepicturesque, but the

    89 The garden is of course a common metaphor for the state. SeeDaniels, ThePolitical Iconography of Woodland, 45-46.

    90 Stanmore, Sidney Herbert, II: 349-355; Knollys, Remarks onthe French March,214-225.


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    buildings were unimpressive and the art collections expensivebut excessively

    decorative. In a letter home to his wife, the British commander,James Bruce,

    Eighth Earl of Elgin, described the numberless buildings withhandsome rooms,

    and filled with Chinese curios, and handsome clocks, bronzes,etc.91 Wolseley

    mentioned a mine of wealth and of everything curious, whichreminded him of the

    antique shops of Wardour Street in London.92 But it was only inthe gardens that

    the British commanders felt truly at home. They reminded them ofRichmond, of

    Kew, of Stowe; it is really a fine thing, Elgin reported to hiswife, like an English

    park. Overall, however, the palace was nothing like they hadexpected. Taking

    Yuen-ming-yuen all in all, said Wolseley, it was a gem of itskind, and yet I do not

    suppose there was a single man who visited it without beingdisappointed.93 There

    was an absence of grandeur about the place for which no amountof careful

    gardening and pretty ornaments can compensate. Everything uponwhich the eye

    could rest was pretty and well designed, but there was nothingimposing in the

    tout ensemble.

    Both in landscape gardening and building, the Chinaman losessightof grand or imposing effects, in his endeavours to loadeverythingwith ornament; he forgets the fine in his search afterthe curious. Intheir thirst after decoration, and in their inherentlove for minuteembellishment, the artists and architects of Chinahave failed toproduce any great work capable of inspiring thosesensations of aweor admiration which strike every one when firstgazing upon themagnificent creations of European architects.94

    In the rest of the world emperors and kings built imposingstructures in order to

    impress their subjects, yet the Yuanmingyuan was smaller, notlarger, than life.

    When given a choice, Chinese architects opted for the miniature.As a result, said

    Wolseley, the palace resembles more the design of a child infront of her doll's

    house than the work of grown-up men.95 The reaction of theBritish commander,

    91 Elgin, Extracts from the Letters of Lord Elgin, 220.

    92 Wolseley, Narrative of the War with China, 224.

    93 Ibid., 237.

    94 Ibid., 233.95 Ibid., 233-235.


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    Lord Elgin, is particularly interesting. Elgin was aConservative, skeptical of money-

    grubbing imperialism, and, moreover, he was a Coleridgean. AtOxford, according

    to his brother, his intellect was attracted to high and abstractspeculation; he read

    Plato, Milton, and Coleridge, the philosophy of the latter hehad thoroughly

    mastered.96 Yet when confronting the Yuanmingyuan he did notrecognize it as the

    palace which Coleridge had described. He did not close his eyesin holy dread and

    he drank no milk of paradise. Instead he burned the placedown.

    The French commanders made no similar distinctions, and theirpraise for the

    rococo aesthetics of the imperial collections came with fewreservations. Nothing

    in our Europe, wrote General Montauban, can give us an idea ofsuch luxury.97

    Yet Montauban does not go into much detail, and Baron Gros, theleading French

    diplomat, gave no description at all of the palace in his reportto the government.98

    Clearly, too much detail and too much praise would have createdproblems of

    presentation. After all, it was French troops who carried outmost of the looting.

    Officially, however, the French commanders denied anyinvolvement and blamed

    instead the ragtag band of Chinese marauder who accompanied theEuropean

    armies.99 It was only once theirloot was confiscated by Frenchtroops that it ended

    up in the French camp. When it came to the burning of thepalace, the French

    commanders refused all participation. We are constantly talkingto the Chinese

    about our civilization and Christian charity, said Baron Gros,and to destroy the

    palace would be a hypocritical act of barbarism.100

    As for the ordinary soldiers British as well as French once theywalked

    through the gates of the Yuanmingyuan they seem to have entereda dream.101

    This was a magical kingdom full of all the treasures,enchantments, and sensuality

    96 Walrond, Letters and Journals of Lord Elgin, 3, 8.97Montauban quoted in Cordier, L'Expdition de Chine, 354.

    98 Montauban, Souvenirs, 310.99 Gros, Ngociations entre laFrance et la Chine, 125, 133.

    100 Ibid., 149.101 This is the theme of Ringmar, LiberalBarbarism and the Oriental Sublime.


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    which, by the middle of the nineteenth-century, constituted therequired props of

    tales of the exotic East. Less worried than their commandersabout being held

    accountable, they owned up to their actions, and appealedinstead to the fantasies

    of the reading public. I was dumbfounded, stunned, bewildered bywhat I had

    seen, wrote one, suddenly Thousand and One Nights seem perfectlybelievable to

    me; everything was ferique like a fairytale.102 I felt likeAladdin, wrote

    another, filled with wonder in his enchanted palace, paved withgold and

    diamonds.103 In order to describe it, I would need to dissolveall known precious

    stones in liquid gold and paint a picture with a diamond featherwhose bristles

    contain all the fantasies of a poet of the East.104 A Corsicanadventurer, Jean-Louis

    de Negroni, even claimed to have rescued the emperor's favoritecourtesan from

    the marauding troops, and she, gratefully, had given him both akiss and a box of

    jewels.105 Clearly, these are not descriptions of theYuanmingyuan as much as

    summaries of mid-nineteenth-century works of cheap, Orientalist,fiction.

    The final destruction too took place in a sort of delirium. Thesoldiers,

    including many officers, ran from room to room, decked out inthe most ridiculous-

    looking costumes they could find, looking for loot.106 Officersand men seemed to

    have been seized with a temporary insanity; a furious thirst hastaken hold of

    us; it was an orgiastic rampage of looting; the dream of ahashish eater.107 It

    was as though the war once prophesied by the ancestral voices inColeridge's

    poem finally had arrived, and the Europeans were the demonscarrying it out.

    Ruled by the orgiastic and the Dionysian, they represented theunstoppable life-

    force which simultaneously both creates and destroys. TheEuropeans promised a

    102 Lucy, Lettres intimes, 95; dHrisson,Journal dun interprte enChine, 318; SeeWolseley, Narrative of the War with China, 280.

    103 Negroni, Souvenirs de campagne en Chine, 51.104dHrisson,Journal dun interprte en Chine, 306.105 Negroni, Souvenirsde campagne en Chine, 45-50.106 Wolseley, Narrative of the War withChina, 226-227.

    107 Wolseley, Narrative of the War with China, 226-227; Lucy,Lettres intimes, 226-227.


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    new beginning for China a bright future of progress and freetrade but first

    the old world had to be laid in ruins. Only through acts ofbarbarism could

    civilization be spread.

    Yet this too was a conceit. Through their encounter with theOriental other,

    the European view of themselves had been transformed. Therelationship of power

    had shifted. China was the last major non-European country toopenly defy their

    supremacy, and now its pretensions too were crushed. Thedestruction of the

    emperor's palace, said Wolseley, was the strongest proof of oursuperior strength;

    it served to undeceive all Chinamen in their absurd convictionof their monarch's

    universal sovereignty.108 With this victory, the Europeans hadfinally emerged as

    the uncontested rulers of the world. The marvels of the palace,and the orgy of

    destruction in which it disappeared, served to glorify theirvictory. The frisson of

    wonder was no longer caused by an unknown, Oriental, other, butby a new,

    previously unknown, self. If the palace of the emperor had beenless magical, and

    its destruction more matter-of-fact, their new-found powerswould not have been

    half as marvelous. It was only by first defining, and thendefeating, the wonders of

    the East that the Europeans could come to take their place.

    108 Wolseley, Narrative of the War with China, 281.


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