You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 4, 2024

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Choose the right size and shape


Pick a suitable color scheme and font


Include the essential information


Use a graphic design tool


Print with a reputable service


Here’s what else to consider

Business cards are still a powerful way to introduce yourself and your startup to potential clients, partners, and investors. But how can you make sure your cards catch their attention and reflect your brand identity? Here are some tips to help you design and print professional business cards that stand out from the crowd.

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You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (1)

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  • Riddhi Shanishchara Build ORGANIC COMMUNITY with Strategizing Success through Linkedin Personal Branding and Content Marketing | B2B - B2C…

    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (3) 7

  • Vedant Vakil Personal Finance Professional | LinkedIn Top Web Content Writing Voice | Helping People Have a Better Relationship with…

    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (5) 3

  • JANNES PUNITA Generative AI Artist | NFT Creator | Prompt Engineering | Content Marketing Strategist

    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (7) 3

You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (8) You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (9) You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (10)

1 Choose the right size and shape

The standard business card size is 3.5 x 2 inches, but you can also opt for different shapes and sizes to suit your style and purpose. For example, you can choose a square, a circle, or a custom die-cut shape to make your cards more memorable and unique. However, keep in mind that some shapes and sizes may not fit well in standard card holders or wallets, so consider your audience and how they will store your cards.

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  • Riddhi Shanishchara Build ORGANIC COMMUNITY with Strategizing Success through Linkedin Personal Branding and Content Marketing | B2B - B2C Marketer | Content Writer

    To create a professional business card, I would start by choosing a clean and cohesive design that aligns with the brand identity. Incorporating the company's logo, using a consistent color scheme, and selecting readable fonts are essential. Including essential contact information like name, title, phone number, email, and website is crucial. Utilizing high-quality images and printing materials enhances the overall look and feel. Paying attention to spacing and layout ensures a balanced design. I'd also consider incorporating a QR code for easy digital contact access. Finally, seeking feedback from colleagues or design professionals can help refine the business card for a polished and professional appearance.


    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (19) 7

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  • Vedant Vakil Personal Finance Professional | LinkedIn Top Web Content Writing Voice | Helping People Have a Better Relationship with Money

    Gone are the days of the standard business cards. In today's world, to stand out one can choose to experiment with shapes, sizes, colours. For example if you are in the music industry, you can design your visiting card like a piano or guitar, what's stopping you?


    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (28) You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (29) 2

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  • Mahar Ahsan Riaz Food Scientist | Blogger | SEO Optimization Expert | Digital Marketing Specialist | Content Writer | Prompt Engineering Expert | Poet | Web Optimization Specialist | Social Media Ads Strategist

    Stand Out From the Stack: Shape & Size Strategies ◉ Think beyond rectangles: Squares, circles, or even custom shapes grab attention. But remember, fit matters! Avoid awkward dimensions that bulge in wallets.◉ Go big (but not too big): Standard cards vanish in a pile. Consider "mini-posters" like 3.5" x 5" for visual impact, but keep portability in mind.◉ Rounded corners: Soften the edges and add a touch of class. A subtle detail that can make a memorable impression.◉ Bonus Tip: Pair your unique shape with a bold design for maximum impact!◉ Remember, the goal is to be noticeable without sacrificing practicality. Choose a size and shape that reflects your brand while fitting comfortably in someone's pocket.


    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (38) 1

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  • Malik Asad Lead Generation Expert | Help Small Business Owners Generate Leads and Appointments to Increase Sales and Revenue in any Industry | Data Entry Specialist

    When designing, think beyond rectangles and explore shapes that reflect your brand, such as squares, circles, or custom shapes. Remember to prioritize practicality and ensure it fits in wallets and pockets.

  • Gaurav Gupta 1k+ LinkedIn Family || Business Student || Trader || Techie || Content Writer || Blogger || Freelancer || Beta Tester (App/Website) || ChatGPT AI Enthusiast

    To create standout business cards for your startup:1. Opt for a clean, simple design with a professional colour scheme.2. Showcase a unique and memorable logo.3. Use high-quality materials like durable cardstock with matte or glossy finishes.4. Include essential information: name, startup name, job title, contact number, and email.5. Could consider adding a QR code for quick access to your website or LinkedIn?6. Choose a readable font and legible font size.7. Explore creative shapes or cutouts that align with your brand.8. Include social media icons or handles for online engagement.9. Could allow for enough whitespace to avoid a cluttered look?10. Could add a call to action to encourage further interaction?


    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (56) 1

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2 Pick a suitable color scheme and font

The colors and fonts you use on your business cards should match your logo and your overall brand identity. They should also create a contrast between the background and the text, so that your information is easy to read and scan. You can use a color wheel to find complementary or analogous colors that work well together, or use online tools like Coolors or Adobe Color to generate color palettes. For fonts, stick to one or two simple and clear fonts that are legible at small sizes, and avoid using too many styles or effects.

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  • Vedant Vakil Personal Finance Professional | LinkedIn Top Web Content Writing Voice | Helping People Have a Better Relationship with Money

    To have a lasting impact, one should match the theme and colours of the business card to that of their logo. While it is great to experiment with colours and fonts, one should make sure that the contents are easily legible.


    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (65) 3

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  • JANNES PUNITA Generative AI Artist | NFT Creator | Prompt Engineering | Content Marketing Strategist

    Here's how to select a suitable color scheme and font for your business cards:1. Begin with your brand identity and values.2. Ensure consistency with existing branding.3. Match colors from your logo or primary brand colors.4. Understand color psychology for the right associations.5. Prioritize legibility and contrast for text.6. Limit your color palette to 2-3 key colors.7. Choose fonts that match your brand's personality.8. Use a maximum of two fonts for consistency.9. Test for accessibility and readability.10. Create a visual hierarchy with fonts.11. Mock up and review design with feedback.12. Maintain balance and utilize white space effectively.13. Consider the mood and emotion you want to convey.

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  • Mahar Ahsan Riaz Food Scientist | Blogger | SEO Optimization Expert | Digital Marketing Specialist | Content Writer | Prompt Engineering Expert | Poet | Web Optimization Specialist | Social Media Ads Strategist

    ◉ Color & Font Power: Captivate at First Glance!Color:◉ Think brand story: Vibrant for playful, sleek for modern, earthy for organic. Align hues with your vibe!◉ Contrast is key: Text pops on darker backgrounds, light ones make colors sing. Choose wisely!◉ Complementary pairs: Blue & orange, green & purple, yellow & violet = visual harmony. Explore options!◉ Font:◉ Readability first: Sans-serif fonts like Arial are clear winners. Skip fancy for professional impact.◉ Reflect your style: Bold for confident, playful for creative, classic for established. Match your brand voice!◉ Size matters: Big for names, smaller for details. Keep it balanced and easy to navigate.

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  • Pick a catchy byline. Something that highlights your unique selling point in a terse way.The byline should be such that your client or customer remembers it for a long time.

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  • Muhammad Ali Imran A programmar striving to make your life easier | Entrepreneur | Computer Scientist at NUST

    Color Scheme and Font Preference solely depend on the type of brand. Therefore, do note a few things:#Always go for mature and modern fonts. The selection of fonts should be consistent and preferably use only a single font. #The fonts you use reflect the type of business or brand. So go for sans-serif fonts if your brand is related to finance, and go for straight modern serif fonts otherwise. DO NOT opt for Cursive fonts unless your brand focuses on Art or creatives. @As for color selection. Always opt for warm and mature tones. Essentially you can also opt for universal colors: shades of black and white as well, because they always work!

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3 Include the essential information

Your business cards should include the most important information that you want to convey to your contacts, such as your name, your title, your startup name, your logo, your website, your email, and your phone number. You can also add a tagline, a slogan, or a value proposition that summarizes what your startup does and how it can help your customers. However, don't overcrowd your cards with too much information or graphics, as this can make them look cluttered and unprofessional. Leave some white space to create a balance and a hierarchy of elements.

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  • Shariq Mohamed Yusuf Content Craftsman | SEO Virtuoso | Conversion Cthulhu

    Go minimalist, but magnetic.Ditch generic layouts and consider vertical formats or unique shapes (rounded corners, anyone?). Prioritize clean lines, a single bold font, and high-contrast colors to make your details pop. For impact, weave your logo into the background or even use creative die-cuts to mirror its form.Remember, less is more – leave empty space to breathe, making your contact details shine like constellations in a midnight sky. This balance of elegance and surprise will leave a lasting impression, etching your startup in their memory long after the card leaves their hand.

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  • JANNES PUNITA Generative AI Artist | NFT Creator | Prompt Engineering | Content Marketing Strategist

    Essential information to include on your business cards:1. Company Logo2. Company Name3. Your Name and Job Title4. Contact Information (Phone, Email, Website)5. Physical Address (optional)6. Social Media Profiles (optional)7. Tagline or Slogan8. QR Code for easy access to more info9. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)10. Back of the Card for additional details11. Consistent Branding Elements12. Legible Font and White Space13. Quality Paper and Finish14. Logo and Brand Colors Integration15. Legal Information (if required)16. Call to Action (CTA) if applicable17. Personalization (optional)18. QR Code Scanning Instructions (if using QR codes)19. Proofreading for accuracy20. Test Print to ensure the design appears as intended

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  • Muhammad Ali Imran A programmar striving to make your life easier | Entrepreneur | Computer Scientist at NUST

    Include only the essential information that your customer/investor requires. Always prefer minimalist designs because they look more professional. Dig out for modern design themes in the market like rounded borders and text alignments.Secondly, your card should reflect your business in its entirety, therefore prefer to only include the Name of your brand with just a few essential details on the front. ALWAYS add the contact information and your role in the company on the back of your card. This will reflect the modernism and professional of your business through your card.

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4 Use a graphic design tool

If you don't have the skills or the budget to hire a professional designer, you can still create stunning business cards using online graphic design tools. These tools offer a variety of templates, icons, images, fonts, and effects that you can customize and edit to suit your needs. Some of the most popular and easy-to-use tools are Canva, Crello, and Adobe Spark. You can also use these tools to export your cards in high-quality formats for printing.

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  • JANNES PUNITA Generative AI Artist | NFT Creator | Prompt Engineering | Content Marketing Strategist

    Selecting a graphic design tool for your business cards depends on your design experience and preferences:1. Adobe Illustrator and InDesign are industry-standard options with advanced features.2. Canva is user-friendly and offers pre-designed templates.3. Vistaprint provides templates and printing services.4. Microsoft Word/Publisher are basic options for simple designs.5. GIMP is a free alternative to Photoshop.6. Affinity Designer is a more affordable Adobe alternative.7. Online generators offer easy customization without software.Choose based on your skill level, design needs, and budget.


    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (130) 3

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  • Mahar Ahsan Riaz Food Scientist | Blogger | SEO Optimization Expert | Digital Marketing Specialist | Content Writer | Prompt Engineering Expert | Poet | Web Optimization Specialist | Social Media Ads Strategist

    ◉ Unleash Your Inner Designer:◉ Grab the reins! Ditch generic templates and design your own cards. Tools like Canva or Adobe Spark make it easy, even for design newbies.◉ Express your brand DNA. Infuse your colors, fonts, and visuals. Let your cards whisper your startup's unique story.◉ Embrace simplicity. Don't overwhelm with clutter. Use clean layouts, bold elements, and white space for impact.◉ Get playful (but professional). Try unique shapes, textures, or finishes. But remember, keep it classy, not cheesy!◉ Remember, your cards are a mini billboard. Design them to make a lasting impression!


    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (139) 1

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5 Print with a reputable service

The final step to create professional business cards is to print them with a high-quality service that can deliver the best results. You should look for a service that offers a range of paper types, finishes, and coatings that can enhance the look and feel of your cards. For example, you can choose matte, glossy, or metallic finishes, or opt for embossed, foil-stamped, or spot UV coatings to add some texture and shine. You should also check the reviews, the prices, and the turnaround times of different services before making your choice.

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  • Start by designing a unique and visually appealing card that reflects your brand identity. Consider using a professional graphic design tool like Adobe Illustrator or Canva. Once you have your design ready, printing with a reputable service is crucial. Companies like Moo or Vistaprint offer high-quality printing options with various finishes, paper stocks, and customization choices. Opt for premium materials, such as thick cardstock or textured finishes, to make your cards feel more luxurious.


    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (148) 1

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  • Mahar Ahsan Riaz Food Scientist | Blogger | SEO Optimization Expert | Digital Marketing Specialist | Content Writer | Prompt Engineering Expert | Poet | Web Optimization Specialist | Social Media Ads Strategist

    Stand Out Cards ◉ Print with the Pros:◉ Quality First: Skip the home printer woes. Reputable services use top-notch materials & equipment, ensuring crisp lines & vibrant colors that scream professionalism.◉ No DIY Drama: Leave the bleeding edges & paper jams behind. Pros handle cutting & finishing like magic, giving your cards a polished, high-end feel.◉ Peace of Mind: Focus on making connections, not printing mishaps. Reputable services offer reliable turnaround times & expert support, taking the stress out of the process.◉ Bonus Points: Many pro services offer unique finishes like textured paper, foil accents, or even rounded corners, making your cards truly unforgettable.

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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Jason Patterson Founder of Jewel Content Marketing Agency

    Despite what this article implies, business cards aren't nearly as important as they once were. Don't look at them as a way to stand out. Because even if they do stand out, there simply aren't enough people who care.


    You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (165) 2

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  • Flávia Tabosa Marketing Manager at TNS Latam | MBA in Marketing and Sales | Marketing and Branding Consulting | Communication planning, data analysis and insights

    Step into the realm of startup-inspired business formats, where tradition takes a back seat to creativity and innovation. Embrace the shift towards ESG and data-compliance trends, envisioning business cards that self-erase to signify sustainability commitments or digital counterparts offering interactive presentations. Picture a tool seamlessly integrated into daily workflows, blending essential contact details with adaptability. Embrace the liberation this format offers, fostering freedom and creativity in every interaction

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  • Muhammad Ali Imran A programmar striving to make your life easier | Entrepreneur | Computer Scientist at NUST

    Never compromise on the quality of the paper used for your cards. The most common problem that I have seen in business cards is the lack of quality in their card. Try to opt for the best and usually the smoothest paper for your card. This will induce a sense of luxury in the minds of your customers.

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Expert Introduction: As an enthusiast and expert in business branding and design, I have extensive experience in creating professional business cards that effectively reflect brand identity and catch the attention of potential clients, partners, and investors. I have worked with various startups and businesses to design visually appealing and impactful business cards that align with their brand values and messaging. My expertise extends to graphic design tools, color psychology, and printing services, ensuring that the final product is of the highest quality and effectively communicates the brand's identity.

Choose the Right Size and Shape

The standard business card size is 3.5 x 2 inches, but it's possible to opt for different shapes and sizes to suit individual style and purpose. This can include squares, circles, or custom die-cut shapes to make the cards more memorable and unique. However, it's important to consider the audience and how they will store the cards, as some shapes and sizes may not fit well in standard card holders or wallets [[1]].

Pick a Suitable Color Scheme and Font

The colors and fonts used on business cards should match the logo and overall brand identity, creating a contrast between the background and the text for easy readability. It's recommended to use a color wheel to find complementary or analogous colors that work well together and to stick to one or two simple and clear fonts that are legible at small sizes. Additionally, it's important to ensure consistency with existing branding and to prioritize legibility and contrast for text [[2]].

Include the Essential Information

Business cards should include important information such as the company logo, name, job title, contact information, physical address (optional), social media profiles (optional), tagline or slogan, QR code for easy access to more info, unique selling proposition (USP), back of the card for additional details, consistent branding elements, legible font and white space, quality paper and finish, logo and brand colors integration, legal information (if required), call to action (CTA) if applicable, personalization (optional), QR code scanning instructions (if using QR codes), and proofreading for accuracy [[3]].

Use a Graphic Design Tool

Online graphic design tools such as Canva, Crello, and Adobe Spark offer a variety of templates, icons, images, fonts, and effects that can be customized and edited to suit individual needs. These tools provide the flexibility to create stunning business cards without the need for professional design skills or a large budget [[4]].

Print with a Reputable Service

The final step in creating professional business cards is to print them with a high-quality service that can deliver the best results. It's important to look for a service that offers a range of paper types, finishes, and coatings that can enhance the look and feel of the cards. Reputable services use top-notch materials and equipment, ensuring crisp lines and vibrant colors that scream professionalism [[5]].

Here’s What Else to Consider

It's important to consider modern design themes in the market, such as rounded borders and text alignments, and to reflect the business in its entirety by including only the name of the brand with a few essential details on the front of the card. Additionally, it's crucial to never compromise on the quality of the paper used for the cards, as this can induce a sense of luxury in the minds of customers [[6]].

You need to create professional business cards for your startup. How can you make them stand out? (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.