The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (2024)

The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (1)

Written by Miriam Published on in

I’m not joking when I tell you that this is one of the best tiramisus I have ever tasted, vegan or not. This rocks, and you will enjoy it ! The texture is sublime, the flavours are to die for, and this one has two layers of sponged biscuits for your pleasure. So here it is, the best vegan Tiramisu !

NOTE : You are going to need a small diameter baking tin or bowl (mine was a 4” deep, 5” wide springform panettone pan, purchased locally) – if you’re unable to source a similar pan, you could use a similar sized oven dish or serving dish, for example a glass trifle dish or a small souffle dish. Because it’s a non-bake dessert, you can then serve it from the dish itself.

INGREDIENTS FOR LAYERS 1 & 3 (these quantities for each layer)

16 Rich Tea finger biscuits (80g) – Marks & Spencer are vegan in the UK, or else use other vegan alternative

Liquid Ingredients :

1½ tsp instant coffee

3½ fl oz (100 mL) boiling water

2 Tbsp (30 mL) cognac (I used Hennessy which is vegan)

Make this into a coffee, as if you were going to drink it, and set aside.


Pour the liquid into a wide bowl, soak each biscuit on both sides, and place on the base of the springform pan – you may need to use a spatula to do this. Be careful not to over-indulge it in the liquid – you may have some left, depending on the size of your pan. Do this carefully until you have completely covered the base, overlapping the biscuits so there are no gaps. Then even out the layer using the back of a teaspoon. Alternatively,for the first layer,you could place the biscuits in the springform pan first, then pour in the liquid – however, for the third layer, this won’t be possible, as the liquid would seep into the chocolate filling below.


1 350g pack silken tofu, drained and dried (Mori-Nu is organic and GMO free – purchase here in the US or UK)

125g vegan dark chocolate, melted (these links are vegan : US, UK)

2 Tbsp cognac

1½ Tbsp agave or maple syrup (agave can be sourced here : UK & US)


  1. Place the tofu and the remaining ingredients in a food processor, and process until very thick and creamy. Then spoon this on to the coffee biscuit base – don’t apply pressure as it’s all very delicate – and again even out with the back of a teaspoon.
  2. Place in the freezer for a half hour before attempting the 3rd layer. Layer 3 is identical to the 1st layer, so repeat it here and gently flatten with a back of a teaspoon.


200g (7 oz) raw cashew nuts, pre-soaked – or if using a high speed blender just rinse before processing

1 tsp nutritional yeast (available here in the US or UK)

2 tsp vanilla extract (can be found at this US or UK link)

2 Tbsp maple syrup or agave (agave can be sourced here :UK&US)

½ cup (125 mL) cold water


1½ tsp agar powder (NOT the flakes) mix well with ½ cup boiling water (available here in theUSorUK)


  1. Place the mascarpone ingredients (not the thickener ingredients yet) in a high speed food processor (Vitamix is the ultimate kitchen investment I made – available from these links in the US or UK), and process until totally smooth – this may take some minutes, so be patient. You will probably have to scrape down the edges of the processor jug with a plastic spatula half way through, and process again.
  2. Add the thickener to this mixture, and process for a further minute.
  3. The mixture should be ready for pouring, but first bring out the base ingredients from your fridge.
  4. Now carefully spoon the cashew cream mixture from your blender on to the 3rd biscuit layer, and once again even out with the back of a spoon.
  5. Place in the freezer for 1 hour, then in the fridge overnight.
  6. Dust with cocoa powder before serving, and . . . . Indulge !

All recipes and content © Miriam Sorrell 2010


Post Views: 13,830


  1. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (2)


    July 14, 2013 at 2:08 pm

    Hi Miriam
    Received my copy of your cookery book from Amazon and I think it’s fantastic – the recipes look great and with all those lovely pictures – can’t go wrong. I must try this Tiramisu – it was one of my favourites when I was vegetarian and haven’t managed to make one I really liked since being vegan. This sounds very tasty though.

    Take care

  2. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (3)


    July 14, 2013 at 3:01 pm

    I love your recipes – so well researched! After the huge vegan egg mayonnaise sandwiches success, I’m trying this just as soon as I get agar powder.

  3. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (4)


    July 14, 2013 at 3:01 pm

    Hi there Gloria, I am delighted that you received your copy of my book. Now a little something to pencil into it :- double the agar powder quantity for the Mature Cheddar Cheese, the reason being that the revised version did not reach my publishers in time. So glad you think it fantastic, and would dearly love a brief amazon review to that effect if you can spare a minute to do so for me. Kindest your way and enjoy my tiramisu (let me know how it goes as and when). 🙂

  4. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (5)


    July 14, 2013 at 3:30 pm

    What do you mean by ‘drained and dried’ for the silken tofu? I’m used to drain my firm tofu by pressing it between layers of paper towels but I never tried with silken tofu. Is it the same technic? thanks!

  5. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (6)


    July 14, 2013 at 3:52 pm

    Hi, Miriam; Is there any non-alcoholic substitute for the cognac that you would recommend?

  6. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (7)


    July 14, 2013 at 4:25 pm

    I don’t think cognac is vegan?

  7. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (8)

    Carole Nesmith

    July 14, 2013 at 4:56 pm

    I ordered your book and it should be here this week! Can’t wait to try all your delicious recipes. My son-in-law loves Tiramisu and I can’t wait to make this for him. Thanks for your wonderful recipes. I will review your book on Amazon as soon as I receive it in the mail. Thanks again.

  8. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (9)


    July 14, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    Nancy Hi, the one I used was vegan 🙂

  9. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (10)


    July 14, 2013 at 10:17 pm

    Hi Carole, thanks for your comment. Let me know when you receive my book. Best wishes your way.

  10. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (11)


    July 14, 2013 at 10:18 pm

    Hi Guillaume – yes you can do the same.

  11. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (12)


    July 14, 2013 at 10:19 pm

    Hi Susan, no I can’t suggest an alternative – I would just add the same volume, and you may wish to make the coffee mix a bit stronger. Best wishes.

  12. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (13)


    July 15, 2013 at 2:55 am

    Looks amazing Miriam as usual!!! Am pinning on my pinterest board. I recently bought a thermomix – which is the ultimate piece of kitchen equipment for me. I LOVE it and use it every day. Wondering if an essence (i.e. rum essence) might be a substitute for the cognac – just a thought 🙂

  13. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (14)


    July 15, 2013 at 4:53 am

    A vegan tiramisu – what could be better, or more mouth watering? 🙂

  14. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (15)


    July 15, 2013 at 11:56 am

    Do let me know how it goes as and when Barb ! 🙂

  15. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (16)


    July 15, 2013 at 11:58 am

    Barbara thanks for the pinning – meantime, yes I don’t see why rum essence wouldn’t work unless it too has some alcohol in it, I don’t know about that, but if you find one let me know. Meantime enjoy ! 🙂

  16. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (17)

    jade taylor

    July 15, 2013 at 10:00 pm

    Hiya how come u said not to use agar flakes? Can I not just grind them into powder? Would it still work?

  17. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (18)

    Brett Cummins

    July 16, 2013 at 9:22 am

    Oh My Giddy Aunt !! This was an outright winner with all the Cummins – adults and little ones alike – and was scooped up in one sitting in record time. In fact, I doubt any of us came up for breath until our bowls were completely clean. Truly a masterpiece Miriam !! But one note of caution – my tailor’s bank account has swelled in proportion to my stomach over the past few months, and baggy trousers are certainly a thing of the past. But for the pleasure your food is giving me and the family, that’s a small price to pay, plus I have to say we do serve ourselves undignifiedly large portions !

  18. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (19)


    July 16, 2013 at 9:41 am

    Jade, you could use agar flakes – but make sure you have the same amount of powder (once ground), as it says in the recipe – ie one and a half tablespoons. Good luck and let me know how it turns out.

  19. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (20)


    July 16, 2013 at 1:47 pm

    Brett Hi, what a feast you make out of my recipes. I am so happy you all enjoyed it ! 🙂

  20. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (21)


    July 16, 2013 at 1:48 pm

    Jade Hi. You can use the flakes if you grind them, but be sure that the powder they yield would be the same quantity that I suggested in the recipe ingredient list. Enjoy !

  21. Pingback: Vegan Tiramisu? Quit dreaming and start eating! Click here for… | Vegan Today

  22. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (22)


    July 17, 2013 at 6:19 am


  23. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (23)


    July 17, 2013 at 5:15 pm

    For millions of us who are ‘deathly’ allergic to soy may I share alternative?
    Chocolate Filling

    • 3/4 cup Almonds
    • 1/4 cup Macadamia or Cashews nuts
    • 2/3 cup Water
    • 1 pinch sea salt
    • 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla
    • 2.5 tablespoons Cacao powder
    • 2.5 tablespoons Agave nectar
    • 2 tablespoons Coconut oil

    In a food processor, grind the nuts into a flour and add the rest of the ingredients. Process until completely smooth (can require 5 minutes of processing). Pour about 1 cm of the filling in a pretty bowl and place in the freezer to harden a bit

  24. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (24)

    Elizabeth Stiefel

    July 17, 2013 at 9:42 pm

    Hi there – I have a feeling there isn’t an answer for this question: is there a substitute I can use for the tofu? I must avoid all soy products, due to their phytoestrogens – but this recipe sounds phenomenal!!! Thank you!!

  25. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (25)


    July 18, 2013 at 6:55 am

    Elizabeth Hi. I will be making a soy free tiramisu at some point, so it’s not impossible. You will need to use 1 cup of nuts pre-soaked then process with 2/3 cup of water, sweeten to taste – then add 1 teaspoon of agar powder mixed with 4 tablespoons of boiling water – mix this until it is blended, then add this mixture to the nut mixture in your processor as well as 1 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil, next add agave to sweeten (be sure to taste to see if you need more) and a little vanilla essence too – this will be your cream base, then add chocolate powder for the choc layer. Hope this helps you ! 🙂

  26. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (26)


    July 18, 2013 at 7:04 am

    Joz Hi, thanks for the thought. I have been making a soy free version, but wanted to publish it another time. Best wishes and enjoy !

  27. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (27)

    Phil Bower

    July 19, 2013 at 9:25 pm

    This is absolutley amazing, the cashew nut cream is delicious and I used apple brandy as we didnt have anything else!

  28. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (29)


    July 20, 2013 at 3:35 pm

    Where can I find vegan biscuits in the US?

  29. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (30)


    July 20, 2013 at 5:47 pm

    I wouldn’t know Joanne sorry. Google and call your healthfood store for advice. Good luck ! 🙂

  30. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (31)

    Phil :)

    July 25, 2013 at 11:48 pm

    Miriam, this looks and sounds a heavenly trio of taste, texture and delight.
    Not forgetting pure decadence!

    I will be making this in a day or two and if I don’t float away I will leave my review 🙂

  31. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (32)


    July 26, 2013 at 10:47 am

    Phil Hi there, thanks for your comment, I hope you enjoy it and let me know how it goes as and when ! 🙂

  32. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (33)


    July 27, 2013 at 6:17 pm

    Dear Miriam, today my daughter made us your Tiramisu and it was an absolute delight. I gave her your book a few weeks ago for her birthday, and now she has given me this bowl of heaven for mine. Although we ate a big bowl of it instead of birthday cake, there still some leftover. Is it possible to put it in the freezer? thank you for your answer. Elza

  33. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (34)


    July 28, 2013 at 7:24 am

    Elza Hi there, thanks for your kind words. Regarding freezing it, I would not advise it no – the biscuit base would turn out to soggy ! The cream’s consistency will not be great either, so no, best not to freeze it. May be another cup of tea and a tiramisu treat. Kind regards and best wishes your way ! 🙂

  34. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (35)

    Sara Dagan

    July 28, 2013 at 1:16 pm

    Hi Miriam,

    This Tiramisu recipe looks fantastic. I will prepare it for my friend who’s coming to visit me next month from Spain.

    Miram, I have tried the MINT SOUR CREAM receipe from your book.
    It is amazing – and as you write BEST SOUR CREAM EVER. I Just put less water in the HAPPY CREAM – i.e. one cup of water.
    This receipe is a winner. you are so creative and professional
    Thanks again,

  35. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (36)

    Sara Dagan

    July 28, 2013 at 1:17 pm

    p.s. I will review you book on amazon soon 🙂

  36. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (37)


    July 29, 2013 at 9:55 am

    Sara Hi there and thanks for that. May I ask that when you come to make the Mature Cheddar Cheese at some point (if you wish to make it) – please double the amount of agar powder – the reason being that the revised recipe did not reach my publishers on time. I am so glad you enjoyed the mint sour cream and the happy cream too. Thanks so much for your kind words, I am delighted that you are enjoying my book ! Best wishes your way ! 🙂

  37. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (38)


    July 29, 2013 at 9:56 am

    Sara Hi – that would be really wonderful for me. The reviews are like ‘gold dust’ for me. Let me know when you have done so, as and when. Thanking you in advance of this. 🙂

  38. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (39)


    August 2, 2013 at 7:38 pm

    Hi Miriam!

    I have a couple of questions. My tiramisu is in the freezer right now, and I can’t wait a whole night to eat it! Does it mater much if I have some after just 1 hour in the freezer?

    Also, I wanted to know how long it would keep for, in the fridge. Thanks for the recipe, looks amazing!

  39. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (40)


    August 2, 2013 at 8:56 pm

    Olivia Hi, thanks for dropping by here. It’s not easy to say exactly by the minute how long to keep it in your freezer and how long it would last in your fridge – the reason being the temperature of both your fridge and freezer as well as each ingredient you may have used will vary from being 100% precise – what I mean to say is you will have to wait an hour, then check it gently and see how it feels to the cut with a knife, if it needs more sealing from the cold allow it another 30-40 minutes. If you do not care what it looks like in your dessert bowl then an hour should do the job. Fridge it should be kept thereafter and served as and when you wish. It should keep for 3 days at least. We ate ours by then. Enjoy ! Let me know the outcome ! 🙂

  40. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (41)


    August 3, 2013 at 5:15 pm

    Thanks for your answer! In the end I waited a night to make sure it was perfect. And it is!! I can’t seem to stop eating it. I see what you mean – 3 days should be more than enough to eat it in!

    I used amaretto in mine instead of cognac, and skipped the yeast because I didn’t have any. Thank you so much for this amazing recipe, I missed tiramisu so much!

  41. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (42)


    August 3, 2013 at 8:52 pm

    That’s awesome news ! Now you know you can make this again and again and again, througout your life and enjoy ! 🙂

  42. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (43)


    August 4, 2013 at 7:48 pm

    I certainly will! I’m interested in getting your book since I loved the tiramisu so much, but I have a question first. I live in France, where it’s harder to get some ingredients. I got an american cupcake recipe book and can’t do many of the recipes because of that. Are the ingredients you use basic ones, like the ones in the tiramisu?

  43. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (44)


    August 5, 2013 at 6:30 pm

    Olivia Hi – here you are talking about a dessert – it’s difficult to answer that in a heartbeat, but most of the recipes are ones that you can make and find many of the ingredients. I have recipes for vegan cheeses for example – there are 2 must ingredients 1. Agar powder which you can easily order online. The second one is ‘Nutritional yeast’ which is NOT a bread yeast these 2 ingredients are used to make the cheeses and other recipes too. Both can be ordered online, and are a must in a vegan kitchen – I am certain you can order these. The rest I think you can get from France. Can you buy TVP which is a dried/dehydrated soya mince ? That too can be bought online. If you have these 3 ingredients then you can work with my book. Also if you don’t wish to use soya mince you can use pecan nuts and a mixture of puy lentils instead of ‘mince meat’ and you will be fine. I have a number of vegans from France and all over the world. Hope this helps, we really are talking about getting hold of 3-4 dried ingredients and you are ready to go. (I give links on both my book and blog where to purchase these from – also amazon and ebay have these things too). 🙂

  44. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (45)


    August 5, 2013 at 8:13 pm

    Hi Miriam,
    I made this tiramisu to take with me last weekend for my Sea Shepherd friends as we were on a stall during a celtic music festival in the south of Brittany. I’m the only vegan amongst them (for the moment!), but I’m having great fun making up your recipes and trying them out on them to prove that it IS possible to eat amazing food which just happens to be vegan! And you should have seen the plates nearly licked clean! I was a happy girl! So thanks again for another succulent recipe: I shall be back for more!

  45. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (46)


    August 5, 2013 at 8:15 pm

    I’ve just seen Olivia’s comment above and I also live in France, but I manage to get most of my ingredients easily enough at my local Bio Coop shop. Otherwise, there is a really good internet ordering service at

  46. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (47)


    August 6, 2013 at 8:37 am

    That is super awesome news Sarlizelle !!! You must be very happy – and I am delighted ! Well done for your efforts too ! Look forward to your future comments on my blog ! 🙂

  47. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (48)


    August 6, 2013 at 8:38 am

    Many thanks for the useful link Sarlizelle ! 🙂

  48. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (49)


    August 20, 2013 at 11:24 pm

    hello, could you use egg replacer instead of agar powder? thanks 🙂 love tiramisu

  49. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (50)


    August 21, 2013 at 5:01 am

    Hi Miriam, Wow, that looks so light and fluffy! I have not been making many desserts. That looks like it is calling my name, lol. Thank for sharing. I will let you know when I make it.
    One dessert I use to really enjoy was flan. One day I will figure out how to make it vegan. 🙂

  50. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (51)


    August 21, 2013 at 6:08 am

    Susan Hi there, thanks for dropping by here. I do hope you make and enjoy this. I have a flan recipe in my book, which is a perfect vegan flan. I look forward to your feedback on this as and when. Best wishes your way ! 🙂

  51. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (52)


    August 21, 2013 at 6:10 am

    Erin Hi there. I don’t think the egg replacer will be enough to ‘hold it up’ unfortunately, so best to use the agar for it, particularly because it is quite a high, yet light dessert. Hope this helps ! Best and enjoy it if you make it ! 🙂

  52. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (53)


    August 22, 2013 at 6:48 am

    You’ve given me food for thought on how to adjust this for nutritarian eating. I’m going to play with the levels of agave syrup to stevia and see if I can omit the syrup or just half… and then I’m going to use roasted oats and walnuts for the dry ingredient and build this as a parfait. Tiramisu is my absolute favorite dessert and it’d be great if I didn’t have to give it up completely. 🙂

    I’m going to look for a coffee zelly recipe, as well, as I think that will make the transition to parfait-style a bit nicer. 🙂

  53. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (54)


    August 22, 2013 at 10:09 am

    Hope you make and enjoy it Komadori ! 🙂

  54. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (55)


    August 22, 2013 at 1:24 pm

    Seeing the comment above re mature cheddar I missed this revised version. My cheddar came out as spreadable. No harm,,,I just spread it.
    Am cooking a new recipe from yer book every week. Yummy all of them.
    BTW Thanks for the invite. I’ll be there to meet you at long last 😉 Hope I find the way there!

  55. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (56)


    August 22, 2013 at 2:01 pm

    Hi Joe, thanks for your comment and glad you will be at the book launch. Best wishes ! 🙂

  56. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (57)


    September 3, 2013 at 12:09 am

    Made this tonight and it was great! Amazed at how creamy the cashew nut filling was. Couldn’t get agar powder but used Dr Oetker Vege-Gel and it worked fine. I added a bit more vanilla and agave to layer 4 and as my cake tin was a bit too big added sliced banana on top to give it a little more height.

  57. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (58)


    September 3, 2013 at 12:20 pm

    Sophie Hi, sounds great and so glad you enjoyed it ! 🙂

  58. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (59)


    September 7, 2013 at 8:38 pm

    Hi Miriam,
    Just wanted to say thanks for this recipe – I am hoping to serve it as the dessert at my wedding in November!

  59. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (60)


    September 8, 2013 at 6:02 am

    Bec Hi that sounds awesome – be sure to try it out first for taste and texture, so that it’s perfect for your wedding day ! 🙂

  60. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (61)


    September 8, 2013 at 11:59 am

    We are having a tasting soon so will let you know how it goes!

  61. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (62)


    September 8, 2013 at 4:34 pm

    Great news ! 🙂

  62. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (63)


    September 12, 2013 at 2:59 pm

    Hey there,
    first of all: thanks for putting this recipe online!
    I couldn’t find any agar powder (I’d have to buy this online, but I didn’t have the time), so I just used soy-cream (here in NL it’s from Alpro) instead of water, about 125mL, and the mascarpone is perfectly stiff and tastes wonderful – I thought I let you know, as a tip for people like me who don’t usually have agar-powder at home 🙂

  63. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (64)


    September 12, 2013 at 10:49 pm

    Anne Hi there and thanks for dropping by here with your feedback – sounds awesome and glad it worked too ! 🙂

  64. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (65)


    September 16, 2013 at 4:49 pm

    Hi Miriam
    Would love to try this.Any idea where I can source agar powder (and other substitutes) from Malta please? Thanks

  65. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (66)


    September 16, 2013 at 6:49 pm

    Anita Hi there. Somebody told me they found sachets of agar powder at Holland & Barrett yesterday – so hope you find some too, otherwise it’ll have to be online. Hope you enjoy it and let me know how it goes as and when. Enjoy ! 🙂

  66. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (67)


    September 19, 2013 at 6:43 pm

    Hi Miriam – I am a new vegan (since January!) and my boyfriend has now also joined the cruelty free lifestyle as well! His birthday is on Sunday and since Tiramisu used to be his favorite dessert, I thought I’d try your version as his birthday cake. I only have a 9″ spring form pan and was wondering if it is OK to just double the recipe or if you had any suggestions? Thank you so much for your help!

  67. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (68)


    September 19, 2013 at 8:58 pm

    Kelly Hi there and welcome here. Congratulations to you and your boyfriend for going vegan and a huge Kudos to you both for making this wonderful choice. Don’t bother with a spring form, use a glass trifle or souffle dish – it’s pretty fine if the dish is self contained, but it must be smaller in diameter than 9 inches, around 7 inches will do the job ! Be sure it gets ample refrigeration and place it in the freezer 30 minutes before cutting for best results, as you want it to hold up 100% prior to cutting ! Enjoy, and let me know how it goes ! 🙂

  68. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (69)


    September 28, 2013 at 12:37 pm

    Hi there
    Had some tourists from OZ and decided to make this as a treat. It was wonderful and asked for a second helping. Nice job.
    Photo in sep mail.

  69. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (70)


    September 30, 2013 at 7:28 am

    Hi there Joe, many thanks for your feedback, and I must say your picture looks absolutely stunning – I may share this on FB at some point. Keep the cooking going ! Best wishes as always your way ! 🙂

  70. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (71)


    October 1, 2013 at 1:00 pm

    Hennessey’s is indeed vegan friendly.
    I have not had good luck substituting agar flakes for powder even after grinding. Maybe it’s just me….

  71. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (72)


    October 1, 2013 at 6:34 pm

    Hi Dave and thanks for that. I think that pulversizing and getting a good result in so doing very much depends on the power of the machine used. Agar powder is available on ebay, but just double the flake quantity if that’s all you have presently. Cheers and good luck !

  72. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (73)

    Susan Lock

    November 29, 2013 at 7:29 pm

    Thanks Joz, for the non soya alternative for the chocolate filling! 🙂 I and many others absolutely cannot touch soya products as we are fighting breast cancer (one among many reasons. It seems like soya has taken over in Vegan food rather like the huge amount of cheese found in most vegetarian food. It is good to have alternatives.

  73. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (74)


    November 29, 2013 at 8:36 pm

    Susan Hi, it is good to have an alternative for sure, both for health choice reasons and for others who are allergic etc . . . Best your way !

  74. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (75)


    December 6, 2013 at 4:53 am

    Can you include links to Australian sources too please, we get left out, and i would like to try these things, but being pointed in the right direction to purchase some of these ingredients will help.


  75. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (76)


    December 6, 2013 at 3:34 pm

    Nixi hope these links are useful – google for more info and good luck ! 🙂

  76. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (77)

    Victoria Knight

    January 5, 2014 at 9:04 pm

    Hi Miriam
    Thank you for such a wonderful recipe, i cant wait to make this. going to get all ingredients today and make tomorrow.
    All your recipes are so tasty and I want you to know how much I appreciate you sharing!

  77. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (78)


    January 5, 2014 at 11:10 pm

    For US use Bicoff they are vegan.

  78. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (79)


    January 6, 2014 at 12:59 pm

    Thanks for the info Zoray !

  79. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (80)


    January 6, 2014 at 1:00 pm

    Your welcome dear Victoria and let me know how it all goes ! 🙂

  80. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (81)

    Catherine Moore

    January 18, 2014 at 7:58 am

    Gave this a go yesterday for a meal at friends, I was really unsure how it would work but everyone said they loved it and to me it tasted like tiramisu only better

  81. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (82)


    January 18, 2014 at 2:54 pm

    Oh Catherine, that’s awesome news – so glad you and your guests enjoyed it and kudos to you for making it for them ! 🙂

  82. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (83)


    March 3, 2014 at 4:05 pm

    I’m not a big fan of sweets, but reading through this recipe was mouthwatering.

    I will give it a try and see how it goes.

    I hope I can find all the ingredients.

    I will let you know the results!!

  83. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (84)


    March 4, 2014 at 11:33 am

    Hi there Claudia, hope you make and enjoy this tiramisu. Let me know how it goes ! 🙂

  84. Pingback: The Best Tiramisù Ever. It Happens To Be Vegan | Emi's Good Eating

  85. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (85)


    March 15, 2014 at 3:36 pm

    Glad you enjoyed it ! 🙂

  86. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (86)


    March 16, 2014 at 8:19 am

    Dear Miriam, first of all let me tell you how much I appreciate your recipes, I just bought your book and can’t wait to have it in my hands!!

    Since I have 12 friends for dinner, I’d like to ask you for how many people are these doses.
    I am afraid I’ll need a mountain of cashew and they’re soooo expensive here!

    (Sorry for my english, I’m italian!)

    Ciao Federica

  87. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (87)


    March 16, 2014 at 5:33 pm

    Federica Hi there and welcome here. Thanks for purchasing my book – a little note for the cheddars & mozzarella recipes in it, when you receive the book be sure to pencil in to double the amount of agar powder because the revised recipe did not reach my publishers in time. Meantime regarding my Tiramisu’s portions for your guests, this depends on their appetites and how much they are used to eating – personally myself, I would make 2 of these, or double the quantities in the recipe and make in a larger container. The taste is sublime (see reviews on it if you wish) and also place it in the freezer for half an hour before serving so that it cuts better in appearance for serving to such a large number. Enjoy and let me know how it all goes. By the way, your English is excellent ! (I also have a new FB page called ‘Mouthwatering Vegan 2 Healthy Options’ – do go and ‘like’ us there too ! 🙂

  88. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (88)


    March 17, 2014 at 1:27 pm

    Ciao Miriam!
    Thank you for your answer 😀 😀 !! I will surely follow your tips on mozzarella and cheddars wich I am realIy curious to try (I tried also to make eggs once, but they didn’t come out as nice as yours all neat and perfectly shaped!! Mine were a bit of a mess even if they really taste good. I have recently purchased an egg replacer called The Vegg which really tastes and smells volcanic like an egg, but did not succeed in making omelette out of it, since it evaporates every time leaving an empty pan!! Anyway (I am talking too much!) I will double the doses and try with a larger container and hope they will be already full of veg carbonara and all the rest so that I can have more for me! Thank you again a big veg hug to you from sunny Rome!

  89. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (89)


    March 18, 2014 at 7:32 am

    Hi Federica and welcome here. Thanks for your comment and I do hope that you enjoy my recipes. How the ‘eggs’ look can be improved upon, in the meantime I hope you continue to enjoy the taste of them and my other recipes from here. Best wishes your way ! 🙂

  90. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (90)


    April 22, 2014 at 8:08 pm

    Hi Miriam….this recipe looks awesome! Where can I find or order vegan ladyfingers? I live in the US. Do you think Whole Foods has a vegan version? I can’t seem to find them anywhere. Thanks.

  91. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (91)


    April 23, 2014 at 8:22 pm

    Nicole Hi, am not sure where they are sold in the US, but I would advise you to google and also to phone the Whole Foods in advance of going there to see if they stock them. Let me know how it goes as and when. 🙂

  92. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (92)


    June 1, 2014 at 10:10 pm

    Hi there! Tiramisu used to be my favorite dessert. Since I’ve been vegan I haven’t had it for a far too long time and want to try this recipe now. Could you tell me how big the springform should be? And when you add the layers on top, will they be firm since there’s nothing that would prevent them from dripping down the sides? Thank you life saver 😉

  93. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (93)


    June 4, 2014 at 7:29 am

    Hi there Anni, thanks for dropping by here. Regarding the spingform pan – well, mine was a 4” deep, 5” wide springform panettone pan, purchased locally, and no it shouldn’t seep through, if it does won’t be more than a few drops, put a plate underneath it until it all settles in the fridge if you are using a springform) – if you’re unable to source a similar pan, you could use a similar sized oven dish or serving dish, for example a glass trifle dish or a small souffle dish. Because it’s a non-bake dessert, you can then serve it from the dish itself. Let me know how it goes and enjoy !

  94. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (94)


    June 18, 2014 at 12:37 am

    Hi Miriam, me again. I’ve only just done it and it has turned out b e a u t i f u l! I didn’t purchase a proper panettone pan, but could find a similar glass dish which was just fine. I’m always so happy and astonished at the same time when you see that even dishes like Tiramisu can be veganized and be at least as delicious as they are non-vegan. Thanks for the recipe!

  95. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (95)


    June 18, 2014 at 8:33 am

    You are welcome Anni, and so glad you made and enjoyed this. There are some dishes that suffer when veganized, but it depends on the concoction of ingredients and the way they are put together. On our site all our recipes are given the ‘taste priority’. I hope you enjoy many more from here and look forward to your future comments on my blog ! 🙂

  96. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (96)


    October 6, 2014 at 10:54 pm

    I made the Tiramisu on Saturday when omnivore friends came over to enjoy a relaxed supper with us. The recipe was super-clear to follow and even though I had only agar flakes and not powder, I took a bit of a risk and went ahead with the flakes, making sure that they had fully dissolved in the boiling water before adding to the cashew mixture.

    I also hadn’t read ahead to see that after freezing for an hour, the dessert should be left in the fridge overnight, and when I finished making it, there was only 3 hours to go before our friends arrived.

    It turned out perfectly and I have to say that it is one of the best vegan puds I have ever made. We all loved the rich, creamy layers and thought that the rich tea biscuit layers were so inventive. Barely any sugar at all but packed with flavour.

    I will be making this one again and again – thank you so much for a brilliant recipe – you made me look like a brilliant cook!

  97. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (97)


    October 18, 2014 at 11:57 am

    That’s super awesome news Tina and so glad it worked out perfectly, it is a keeper here in our home too ! 🙂

  98. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (98)


    December 14, 2014 at 1:06 pm

    Blending cashew nuts somehow doesn’t work for me – how about using cashew butter instead?
    Thanks, Yaa

  99. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (99)


    December 15, 2014 at 6:53 pm

    Whatever you wish Stephanie, I can’t say what works for you, but what has worked for the recipe I created. Hope you enjoy it !

  100. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (100)


    December 17, 2014 at 3:42 pm

    How many people would this recipe serve?

  101. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (101)


    December 21, 2014 at 10:07 am

    Hi Yvonne it’s difficult to say because of portion sizes and appetite. It should certainly serve 4-6 portions though. 🙂

  102. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (102)


    May 1, 2015 at 8:57 am

    We are not vegan, yet, but I have dedicated every Sunday night to trying out a new recipe from mouthwatering vegan.,we love love love it! Everything works and is delusions! Love the photos, the font, the lay out.
    About to do p.234, pineapple &a prune upside down sponge and don’t see any liquid apart from the oil…. Really? Only the flours and oil? Except for adding water to get to the consistency you are looking for? Also I can’t find soy flour, can I substitute anything else or just use the regular flour? I am a bit scared to attempt this without your input and this recipe isn’t on the website. Meanwhile I will make the tiramisu again, which is amazing!!, while I wait for your answer.

  103. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (103)


    May 2, 2015 at 6:02 pm

    Ruth Hi, many thanks for this. There was a minor amendment on this recipe (Pineapple upside down) that was corrected (the editor missed this in the first edition) – so, water wise you will need to use 180ml of water. You may use plain flour instead of the soya flour. Add the water a little at a time in the event that your mixture becomes a little to loose, and visa versa. Good luck and enjoy ! 🙂

  104. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (104)


    September 7, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    Miriam, could one use a blender rather than a food processor in this recipe?

  105. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (105)


    September 9, 2015 at 6:30 pm

    Am not sure, but you can always try ! 🙂

  106. Pingback: Bringing Back an Almost Extinct Classic: The Fruit Soup (Fruktsuppe) – ARCTIC GRUB

  107. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (106)

    D. Seot

    February 2, 2016 at 3:32 am

    Another fab recipe. Made this for a picnic and it blew all the other non-vegan cakes away. The only problem is not overeating! Need to protect my teeth from deliciousness. My only question is – is there a way to replace the yeast? With tapioca flour maybe?

  108. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (107)


    February 2, 2016 at 6:03 pm

    You could try tapioca if you wish !

  109. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (108)


    March 28, 2016 at 12:31 pm

    Hi, I can’t find agar powder, is it so bad using the flakes instead? Thank you

  110. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (109)


    March 28, 2016 at 7:31 pm

    Hi Francesco, if you wish to use the flakes, you will need to double the quantities given for the agar powder, so eg 1 tablespoon = 2 tablespoons of the flakes. Hope you make and enjoy it !

  111. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (110)


    June 2, 2016 at 4:52 pm

    Hi there Miriam,

    So thrilled to have found this recipe. I live in Israel and most vegan cream cake recipes here include dominant ingredients I do like (tofutti cream cheese/sour cream, vegan heavy cream etc) that create a very artificial flavor that highlights the non-dairy/”fake” cream quality of the cakes for me. I am excited to try your recipe, that seems to avoid these kinds of ingredients altogether. My question is this: I never use cognac, and as a bottle is pretty expensive, I was wondering whether there is any other alcoholic substitute that might suffice, which can be used more widely in other recipes (which does not compromise the flavor too much – maybe some kind of liquor or whiskey?)Thanks in advance!

  112. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (111)


    June 2, 2016 at 6:14 pm

    P.S: I just noticed the size of the required cake pan – how many people does this serve? Will it do for 6 people?

  113. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (112)


    June 2, 2016 at 7:01 pm

    P.P.S: So sorry to write so many comments. Should have thought it all through before I sent any. Hopefully you can delete a few (:
    I have searched high and low for a panetonne pan at home, and couldn’t find one, or any similar dish that is close to those measurements. The stores where I’d look for such a pan are currently closed and I need the cake for tomorrow morning. Can I somehow make it in a bigger pan? (at least in diameter) How should I then adjust the amounts of ingredients? Any tip would be highly appreciated.

  114. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (113)


    June 3, 2016 at 4:39 pm

    Hi there Nathaniel and thanks for dropping by here. Whiskey would work very well indeed for this recipe and let me know how it goes as and when you’ve made and served it. Do pop it in the freezer for half an hour before serving so that it cuts better. Enjoy !

  115. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (114)


    June 3, 2016 at 4:40 pm

    Yes it should serve 6 people.

  116. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (115)


    June 3, 2016 at 4:42 pm

    Hi Nathaniel, I may have not reached you in time for making and serving this dessert. You can use any pyrex dish with the same/similar diameter if you wish, it certainly will not compromise the taste. Serve gently is all I can say and enjoy too !

  117. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (116)

    Mirian de Meneses Costa

    November 14, 2016 at 4:38 pm

    This recipe is simply divine! Thank you, dear Miriam, for creating such delicious vegan dishes!

  118. The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (117)


    November 16, 2016 at 6:46 pm

    Mirian how kind of you to say so ! 🙂

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The Best Vegan Tiramisu - Mouthwatering Vegan « Mouthwatering Vegan (120)

Miriam Sorrell

Hi, I’m Miriam - award-winning recipe developer, photographer and author of ‘Mouthwatering Vegan’. My food is, sensual, mouthwatering and rustic, with Middle Eastern & Mediterranean flair . . .

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