(PDF) COLUMBUS AND COVID-19 Amerindian Antecedents to the Global - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)

Americanía. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Nueva Época (Sevilla), n. 11, p. 4-31, ene-jun, 2020



Amerindian Antecedents to the Global Pandemic


W. George Lovell1 Queen’s University


The eruption and spread of COVID-19 affords us the opportunity to look back and reflect on the role

disease has played in shaping Indigenous destinies in the Americas. Discussion illuminates problems of data,

chronology, impact, and identification in distinct settings — Hispaniola, Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru,

and Brazil — and situates regional findings, historically, in hemispheric and global context.

Key Words

Columbus – COVID-19 – Old World disease – Amerindian depopulation

1 A fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, W. George Lovell is Professor of Geography at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario and

Visiting Professor in Latin American history at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville, Spain. Central America, Guatemala in particular, has been the regional focus of much his research, the outcomes of which have earned him the Carl O. Sauer Distinguished Scholarship Award from the Conference of Latin American Geography, an association that also honoured him with its Preston E. James Eminent Latin Americanist Career Award. A former editor of Mesoamérica (1998-2008), Lovell has fifteen book titles to his credit, among them four editions of Conquest and Survival in Colonial Guatemala (McGill-Queen’s University Press, [1985] 1992, 2005, 2015) and four editions of A Beauty That Hurts: Life and Death in Guatemala (Between the Lines and University of Texas Press, [1995] 2000, 2010, 2019).

Americanía. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Nueva Época (Sevilla), n. 11, p. 4-31, ene-jun, 2020



Antecedentes Amerindios de la Pandemia Global


W. George Lovell Queen’s University


La erupción y difusión de la pandemia COVID-19 nos permite reflexionar sobre el papel de las

enfermedades en la historia latinoamericana, sobre todo su impacto en las poblaciones amerindias después

de la llegada de Colón y el inicio de la invasión europea. Nuestra discusión ilumina problemas con los datos

pertinentes, su cronología y su identificación en distintos entornos: La Española, México, Guatemala, los

Andes centrales del Ecuador y del Perú, y Brasil. Se sitúa la discusión, históricamente, en un contexto

hemisférico y global.

Palabras Clave

Colón – COVID-19 – Enfermedades del Viejo Mundo – Despoblación amerindia

Americanía. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Nueva Época (Sevilla), n. 11, p. 4-31, ene-jun, 2020



The arrival of Columbus on American shores marked not only the beginning of

globalization but possibly the greatest destruction of human lives in history. COVID-19

will not mark the end of globalization, though some of its present arrangements have

been altered as governments close borders and impose restrictions on the free

movement of people, goods, and services. What the rampage of the virus clearly

signals is the need for a better understanding of the key role disease has played in

shaping past events and predicaments. Epidemiologically, the unforeseen

consequences of Columbus bringing together the Old World and the New resonate

with an impact made palpably pertinent since the outbreak of COVID-19. What are

the parallels, what are the similarities and differences, between a fifteenth-century

intrusion and a twenty-first-century eruption?

In Latin America, the colonial experiences of Indigenous peoples allow us to

reflect on the catastrophic effects of contagion on land and life. Many factors besides

disease must be examined in order to explain autochthonous depopulation, but

foremost in comprehending its scale and rapidity are outbreaks of infection never

known before, to which Amerindians were immunologically defenseless. Europeans fell

sick and died from illness too, just as countless of those with whom they made contact

perished by fire and sword or from trauma and exploitation, reasons connected more

to ideology and the pursuit of empire than to genetics and germs. But Old World

disease ranks of primary importance when grappling with New World demography,

especially in the first century or so following initial contact. That period is crucial, for its

temporal span is one in which epidemics that originated as ‘visiting people’ (Greek

epidemos) from outside eventually became endemic, meaning that they stayed ‘in

people’ (Greek endemos) as immunity was generated and advances made that

tempered their repercussions – for most parts of Latin America at any rate.

Few contemporary observers, even those who noted its occurrence and

disruptions, were aware of the magnitude and severity of the disease factor. It befell

an American geographer, Carl O. Sauer (1935), to be among the first of modern

scholars to draw attention to its significance. Along with three of his colleagues at the

University of California at Berkeley – Woodrow Borah, Sherburne F. Cook, and Lesley B.

Simpson – Sauer not only revolutionized the way we think about the size of pre-

Columbian populations at European contact but also the ranking of causes

Americanía. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Nueva Época (Sevilla), n. 11, p. 4-31, ene-jun, 2020


responsible for their dramatic decline2. All told, the findings of the ‘Berkeley School’

constitute what Thomas S. Kuhn considers a paradigm shift3, an alternate view of Latin

American history and of what happened in that history. A collision that took place

centuries ago reverberates still, in far-flung corners of the Amazon4 and elsewhere.

Just as COVID-19 has affected, and afflicted, some countries or some regions

within a country more than others, so too in colonial times did disease operate with

notable spatial variation and long-term demographic fluctuation, east to west, south

to north across the hemisphere. The extinction of Indigenous communities in the Island

Caribbean contrasts sharply with Maya peoples to this day constituting roughly half of

Guatemala’s national population. Better, then, to look at regional scenarios before

engaging continental and global evaluation. Examined, in turn, are contact and

conquest dynamics in (1) Hispaniola, today Haiti and the Dominican Republic; (2)

Mexico, its central heartland and its northern frontier; (3) Guatemala; (4) Ecuador and

Peru; and (5) Brazil.


No scenario provokes such controversy, nor such disagreement about the size

of aboriginal numbers at contact, as does Hispaniola. Its notoriety involves two eminent

protagonists: first, the Admiral of the Ocean Sea himself, the Genoa-born Cristoforo

Colombo, better known in the Hispanic world as Cristóbal Colón, who governed the

island so adversely post-landfall that he was removed from office in chains; and

second, Bartolomé de las Casas, who went to Hispaniola in 1502 as an active

participant in its conquest, later mended his ways, and thereafter, as a man of the

cloth and ‘Defender of the Indians’, denounced the deeds of fellow Spaniards and

struggled relentlessly to improve the native lot.

Hispaniola’s Arawak or Taino inhabitants were the first ‘Indians’ not only to be

labelled as such but also the first whose island home was invaded and destroyed – and

them along with it. The range of contact population estimates, given that

commentators manipulate essentially the same documentary sources, is staggering –

2 Denevan, William M., “Carl Sauer and Native American Population Size”, The Geographical Review 86, 1996, 385-97. 3 Kuhn, Thomas S., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1962. 4 Amigo, Ignacio, “For Brazil’s Indigenous Communities, Pandemic Revives Memories of Earlier Plagues”, Science, April

15, 2020; Hemming, John, People of the Rainforest: The Villas Boas Brothers, Explorers, and Humanitarians of the Amazon, C. Hurst & Company, London, 2019.

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from a mere 60.0005 to a weighty 8 million6, with myriad calculations in between,

among them the 375.000 to 600.000 of Moya Pons7, the 500.000 of Córdova8 and

Lipschutz9, and the 1 million of Zambardino10. Sauer is shrewdly non-noncommital, but

makes reference to an “oft-repeated figure” of 1,100,000, the number that Las Casas

was told by Archbishop Deza of Seville as one that Columbus had mentioned to him in

conversation11. Sceptical of the entire exercise, Henige maintains that “it is futile to offer

any numerical estimates at all on the basis of the evidence”12, his dismissal at times

instructive and insightful, if also ascerbic and scathing13. Others press on, re-evaluating

extant sources for new, fresh insight and conjuring up alternative appraisals14.

Whatever estimate one opts for, however, is but a prelude to erasure: by 1519, barely

a quarter-century after Columbus came ashore, Hispaniola and its Antillean

neighbours had been reduced to what Sauer describes as “a sorry shell”15. What could

have caused such precipitous, irreversible depopulation?

Smallpox. Leaning on his medical training, Guerra had previously discounted

malaria or yellow fever in favour of typhus or influenza (in the form of swine fever) as

the likely agent of destruction16. However, scrutiny by Gil and Varela of a hitherto

unknown report of Columbus establishes the presence of smallpox, which they date as

having arrived in Hispaniola with a returning ill Taíno on the Admiral’s second voyage

5 Verlinden, Charles, Le repartimiento de Rodrigo de Alburquerque à Española en 1514, Rijksuniversiteit, Ghent, 1968. 6 Cook, Sherburne F. and Woodrow Borah, Essays in Population History, 3 vols., University of California Press, Berkeley,

1971, 1974, 1979. 7 Moya Pons, Frank, La Española en el siglo XVI, 1493-1522, Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Santo Domingo,

1971. Moya Pons, Frank, Después de Colón: Trabajo, sociedad y política en la economía del oro, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1987.

8 Córdova, Efrén, “La encomienda y la desaparición de los indios en las Antillas Mayores”, Caribbean Studies 8: 23-49, 1968.

9 Lipschutz, Alejandro, “La despoblación de los indios después de la conquista”, América Indígena 26: 229-47, 1966. 10 Zambardino, Rudolph A., Critique of David Henige’s “On the Contact Population of Hispaniola: History as Higher

Mathematics”, Hispanic American Historical Review 58, 700-08, 1978. 11 Sauer, Carl O., The Early Spanish Main, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1966, 65-69. 12 Henige, David, “On the Contact Population of Hispaniola: History as Higher Mathematics”, Hispanic American

Historical Review 58: 217-37, 1978, 237. 13 Henige, David, Numbers from Nowhere: The American Indian Contact Population Debate, University of Oklahoma

Press, Norman, 1998; Lovell, W. George, Review of David Henige, Numbers from Nowhere: The American Indian Contact Population Debate (1998), in Ethnohistory 49: 468-70, 2002.

14 Watts, D., The West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture, and Environmental Change since 1492, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987; Cook, Noble David, “¿Una primera epidemia americana de viruela en 1493?”, Revista de Indias 63: 49-64, 2003; Livi Bacci, Massimo, “Return to Hispaniola: Reassessing a Demographic Catastrophe”, Hispanic American Historical Review 83, 1: 3-51, 2003; Moya Pons, Frank and Rosario Flores Paz (eds.), Los taínos en 1492: El debate demográfico, Editora Búho, Santo Domingo, 2013.

15 Sauer, Carl O., The Early Spanish Main, 294. 16 Guerra, Francisco, “La epidemia americana de influenza en 1493”, Revista de Indias 45: 325-47, 1985.

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of 149317. After smallpox struck, Spaniards wanted little more to do with the ruin it

triggered and the devastation it left behind. Wealth lay on the mainland to the west,

towards which sailed an armada led by Hernán Cortés.

Mexico: The Mesoamerican Core

Spaniards under the command of Cortés landed on the Mexican coast at

Veracruz on Good Friday, 1519. They immediately became aware that they had

entered a world organized and settled very differently from the Caribbean islands they

had been so anxious to leave. We know it today as Mesoamerica, a term coined by

Paul Kirchoff to define a resource-rich region embraced by central and southern

Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, the westernmost parts of Honduras and

Nicaragua, and the Nicoya peninsula of Costa Rica18. At the time of the Cortés

invasion, Mesoamerica was home to scores of cultures capable not only of meeting

basic needs but also of attaining remarkable achievements in art and architecture,

astronomy, mathematics and the measurement of time, plant domestication,

environmental management, and the building of towns and cities.

The splendours of Mesoamerica were many, but none more spectacular than

the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán. There, on November 8, 1519, Cortés was welcomed

as a guest, his manner watchful and inquisitive, his eyes taking stock. After their intent

to seize power became apparent, he and his men were driven out, seeking safe haven

in Tlaxcala, a nearby city whose people had sided with the Spaniards against their arch

enemies, the Aztecs19.

A little more than a year passed before a Tlaxcalan-Spanish alliance forced the

surrender of Tenochtitlán. Its fall on August 13, 1521, came about primarily because of

the havoc unleashed by another outbreak of smallpox. Because the Aztecs, in the

Mesoamerican tradition, had inherited a sophisticated system of writing, we have their

testimony to draw on, one mournful text running:

17 Gil, Juan and Consuelo Varela (eds.), Cristóbal Colón: Textos y documentos completos, Alianza Editorial, Madrid,

1997. 18 Kirchoff, Paul, “Mesoamérica”, Acta Americana 1: 92-107, 1943. 19 Restall, Matthew, When Montezuma Met Cortés: The True Story of the Meeting that Changed History, Ecco Press,

New York, 2018.

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“While the Spaniards were in Tlaxcala, a great plague broke out here in

Tenochtitlán. It lasted for seventy days, striking everywhere in the city and killing

a vast number of our people. We were covered with agonizing sores from head

to foot. The illness was so dreadful that no one could walk or move. The sick

were so utterly helpless that they could only lie on their beds like corpses. A great

many died of this plague, and many others died of hunger. They could not get

up to search for food, and everyone else was too sick to care for them, so they

starved to death in their beds”.20

How many may have perished, in Tenochtitlán and the rest of the Mexican

heartland, depends on how many we think were alive to begin with. As with Hispaniola,

the range of estimates is dizzying, from a low of 4.5 million21 to a high of 25.2 million22. A

middle ground of 12 million to 15 million, for all of Mesoamerica, is staked by Sanders

and Price23, with Sanders reckoning 1 million to 1.2 million for the Basin of Mexico24.

There, roughly one-quarter to one-third were residents of the “metropolitan area and

satellite villages and towns” of Tenochtitlán, the island city proper (a sprawling twelve

square kilometres) home to some 150,000 to 200,000 inhabitants. Also for the Basin of

Mexico, Whitmore advances 1.59 million as a figure he believes conforms to the

“moderate historical estimates” of Sanders25, championing an “all-Mexico total” of 16

million26 based on a “scaling procedure” that extends his computer simulations for the

Basin of Mexico farther afield. Like Whitmore, Zambardino concerns himself more with

methodological procedure than source interpretation, offering a contact estimate of

5 million to 10 million for central Mexico, which for him “matches the evidence

gathered and presented by Borah and Cook far more accurately than their estimate

of 25 million”27. Following Sanders, Slicher van Bath lowers Borah and Cook’s ratios to

convert diverse socioeconomic categories into total population, shaving their count

20 León-Portilla, Miguel (ed.), The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico. Translated by Ángel

María Garibay and Lysander Kemp, Beacon Press, Boston, [1962] 1992, 92-93. 21 Rosenblat, Ángel, La población indígena y el mestizaje en América. 2 vols., Editorial Nova, Buenos Aires, 1954. 22 Borah, Woodrow and Sherburne F. Cook, The Aboriginal Population of Central Mexico on the Eve of the Spanish

Conquest, Ibero-Americana 45, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1963. 23 Sanders, William T. and Barbara Price, Mesoamerica: The Evolution of a Civilization, Random House, New York, 1968. 24 Sanders, William T., “The Population of the Central Mexican Symbiotic Region, the Basin of Mexico, and the

Teotihuacán Valley in the Sixteenth Century.” In The Native Population of the Americas in 1492, edited by William M. Denevan, 85-150, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1976, 149.

25 Whitmore, Thomas M., “A Simulation of the Sixteenth-Century Population Collapse in the Basin of Mexico”, Annals of the Associaton of American Geographers 81: 464-87, 1991, 477.

26 Ibid., 483. 27 Zambardino, Rudolph A., “Mexico’s Population in the Sixteenth Century: Demographic Anomaly or Mathematical

Illusion?”, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 11:1-27, 1980, 22.

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by 15 percent to arrive at 21.4 million for central Mexico28.

That region is the spatial unit for which the estimates of Cook and Borah apply,

native depopulation between 1518 and 1605, in millions, tallied in seven counts as


1518: 25.2

1532: 16.8

1548: 6.3

1568: 2.7

1580: 1.9

1595: 1.4

1605: 1.1

Zambardino argues that, from a mathematical standpoint, each of these

estimates conceals a significant margin of error, having been calculated for an

extensive area from data which, for the most part, are indirect, incomplete, and locally

specific30, a criticism levelled also by Sanders31. Aware that debate is far from over,

Cook and Borah contend that “the Indian population of central Mexico, under the

impact of factors unleashed by the coming of the Europeans, fell by 1620-1625 to a

low of approximately 3 percent of its size at the time the Europeans first landed on the

shores of Veracruz”32. Demographic collapse in the century following conquest is

attributed primarily to pandemic outbreaks.

Singling out the disease factor leads logically to a discussion of what ailments

particular episodes might have featured, not at all easy to ascertain. A convergence

of diagnoses that identifies the first bout of pestilence as smallpox – we even know the

name of the black slave, Francisco de Eguía, said to have transferred infection from

ship to shore in 1520 – does not apply to the second pandemic of 1531-32, nor most

subsequent outbreaks between 1538 and the early seventeenth century. Prem

28 Slicher van Bath, B. H., “The Calculation of the Population of New Spain”, Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del

Caribe 24: 67-95, 1978. 29 Cook, Sherburne F. and Woodrow Borah, Essays in Population History, 1971, viii. 30 Zambardino, Rudolph A., “Mexico’s Population in the Sixteenth Century…”. 31 Sanders, William T., “The Population of the Central Mexican Symbiotic Region…”. 32 Cook, Sherburne F. and Woodrow Borah, Essays in Population History, 1979, 102.

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addresses the issue assiduously33, his analysis of Indigenous health and welfare, like that

of López Austin34, evaluating compelling Aztec testimony that augments better-known,

though not always carefully consulted, Spanish texts. Prem dissects relevant sources

with considerable caution before venturing an opinion as to what possible contagion

matches the symptoms and characteristics recorded. Two of his conclusions are

noteworthy: (1) that the manner in which a disease presently occurs may not

correspond to how it was manifest in the past; and (2) that only the earliest outbreaks,

few in number but especially virulent, involved one specific pathogen. The greater

likelihood, Prem asserts, is that vulnerable native populations were exposed to what

Borah calls “compound epidemics”35, a combination of two or even three maladies

for which the “virgin-soil” conditions they penetrated proved lethal. Of particular note

in Prem’s sequence of disease outbreaks is the incidence of measles and typhus at

roughly thirty-year intervals. He also lobbies, as do Slicher van Bath36 and Whitmore37,

for depopulation having occurred in a series of abrupt, irregular drops rather than the

smooth, gradual progression inferred in the work of Cook and Borah38.

Mexico: The Northern Frontier

That part of Mexico lying beyond the northern perimeter of Mesoamerica, from

the Pacific lowlands of Sonora and Sinaloa up through the canyon country of

Chihuahua and on to the open plains cut by the Río Bravo or Grande, presented yet

another landscape for Spaniards to contemplate. No conouco mounds here, those

earthen, food-producing piles conspicuous on Hispaniola, nor manicured chinampas,

the ‘floating gardens’ that Cortés and his followers marvelled at in the waters

surrounding Tenochtitlán. Favourable pockets did exist, where intensive agriculture was

practised and where towns and villages flourished, but the cultural whole, with some

notable exceptions, lacked the political, social, and technological sophistication

33 Prem, Hanns J., “Disease Outbreaks in Central Mexico in the Sixteenth Century.” In “Secret Judgments of God”: Old

World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, edited by Noble David Cook and W. George Lovell, 20-48, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman 1992.

34 López Austin, Alfredo, The Human Body and Ideology: Concepts of the Ancient Nahuas. 2 vols. Translated by Thelma Ortiz de Montellano and Bernard Ortiz de Montellano, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 1988.

35 Borah, Woodrow, Introduction to “Secret Judgements of God”: Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, edited by Noble David Cook and W. George Lovell, 3-19, Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1992.

36 Slicher van Bath, B. H., “The Calculation of the Population of New Spain…”. 37 Whitmore, Thomas M., 1991. “A Simulation of the Sixteenth-Century Population...”. 38 Cook, Sherburne F. and Woodrow Borah, Essays in Population History, 1971, 80-81.

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found farther south. Population levels at contact, therefore, would not have been

comparable to those of central Mexico, but even in this vast, daunting periphery,

indications are that human numbers were still impressively large.

A fundamentally different view of the meaning of conquest, and advocacy of

higher contact-period estimates of Indigenous populations than researchers had

proffered before, begins in the 1930s with the pioneering work of Sauer, for it is in the

regional setting of northwestern Mexico that prevailing scholarly notions about

aboriginal culture and demography were challenged. In their study of Aztatlán, Sauer

and Brand39 combine perusal of documentary sources with field observation to assert

that, at the time of Spanish intrusion, the area of the Pacific coast under examination

supported roughly the same numbers as those living there in the early twentieth

century, which in 1920 was 225,000. They caution that “statements we present herewith

are anything but conclusive”, instead intimating that “certain discoveries” be treated

“in terms of a tentative thesis”40. Critical though the disease factor was, other

explanations must be sought to account for native decline in Aztatlán: slave raids,

looting, and wanton destruction are recorded as having been enacted “by about as

hard a gang of killers as Spain let loose anywhere in the New World”41. Three years later,

Sauer published another monograph in which the same analytical approach was

applied to a much more extensive territory, resulting in a similar finding as at Aztalán:

“The record, as interpreted, gives an aboriginal population between Gila and

Río Grande de Santiago in excess of half a million, almost three-fourths of the

number now living in this part of Mexico. Bit by bit, the theme has obtruded itself

that aboriginal rural populations and present ones are much the same. This, I

believe, is not a sensational conclusion, but a quite natural one”42.

What struck the mind of Sauer as “quite natural” was, in fact, “a sensational

conclusion” for others not inclined to interpret the evidence as he did. Someone who

must have found Sauer’s proposition difficult to accept was another of his Berkeley

colleagues, anthropologist Alfred L. Kroeber43, who had earlier estimated the contact

39 Sauer, Carl O. and Donald Brand, Aztatlán: Prehistoric Mexican Frontier on the Pacific Coast. Ibero-Americana 1,

University of California Press, Berkeley, 1932. 40 Ibid., 3. 41 Ibid., 41. 42 Sauer, Carl O., Aboriginal Population of Northwestern Mexico. Ibero-Americana 10, University of California Press,

Berkeley, 1935, 32. 43 Kroeber, Alfred L., “Native American Population”, American Anthhropologist 36: 1-35, 1934.

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population of northwestern Mexico at 100,000, less than one-fifth the number

calculated tribe by tribe, region by region, by Sauer.

Following Sauer, the work of Peter Gerhard reconstructs the situation in other

parts along the northern frontier, in jurisdictions administered by Spain as Nueva Galicia

and Alta y Baja California44. Findings for Nueva Galicia conform to those of central

Mexico, with a sixteenth-century collapse, a seventeenth-century nadir, and an

eighteenth-century recovery. Alta and Baja California, on the other hand, resemble a

delayed variant of the Antilles, with aboriginal inhabitants dwindling to near extinction.

Gerhard observes that “whereas in central and southern Mexico the native population

may have dropped by 95 percent in the sixteenth century, on the northern frontier the

loss, while drastic, was less pronounced and, as might be expected, occurred later”45.

He takes pains to observe that “native populations here sometimes were fatally

infected before they came under Spanish control”, a point made too by Daniel Reff,

whose investigations traverse Sonora, Sinaloa, Durango, and Chihuahua in Mexico and

over into Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas in the United States46.

Reff’s cross-border analyses reconstruct the events surrounding sixteen disease

episodes between 1530 and 1653. He divides his chronology into two periods that fall

before and after the arrival of Jesuit missionaries in 1591. The coming of the ‘Black

Robes’, with instructions to keep records and write annual reports, means that post-

Jesuit outbreaks can be pieced together with greater attention to detail than pre-

Jesuit occurences. Unlike Dobyns47, Reff considers trade routes not to have been so

heavily frequented as to facilitate diffusion into the region of the smallpox that caused

so much destruction in central Mexico in the 1520s48. He does contend, however, that

pestilence erupted on at least four occasions before Father Gonzalo de Tapia and

Father Martín Pérez made their way to Villa San Felipe in 1591. This leads Reff to

conclude that Jesuit missionaries “found only vestiges of once populous and

developed cultures” and that the discrepancies between their accounts and those of

early explorers can be attributed to “significant disease-induced changes” between

44 Gerhard, Peter, The North Frontier of New Spain, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1982. 45 Ibid., 23-24. 46 Reff, Daniel T., Disease, Depopulation, and Culture Change in Northwestern New Spain, 1518-1764, University of

Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 1991. 47 Dobyns, Henry F., Their Number Become Thinned: Native American Population Dynamics in Eastern North America,

University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, 1983. 48 Reff, Daniel T., Disease, Depopulation, and Culture Change…, 102.

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the time of penetration by the first contingent of Spaniards and the arrival on the scene

of the second49.

Discussion of the demographic consequences of disease outbreaks

complements without duplicating Gerhard’s treatment of the matter. Reff estimates

that “most native populations were reduced by 30 percent to over 50 percent prior to

sustained contact with the Jesuits”50. Their missionization program, which gathered

together in one fixed location formerly dispersed, mobile groups, resulted in the

reduction of Christian converts “by upwards of 90 percent”. Depopulation was the

outcome of “a complex set of demographic factors, but particularly an exceedingly

high infant mortality rate”. While cognizant of the devastating impact of disease, Reff

acknowledges (like Sauer and Brand) that certain objectives and policies promoted

by the colonial regime accelerated the process of decline. Mining operations in

Chihuahua and Durango forged “routes of contagion” south to north from about 1546

on, and missionization, by nucleating native families and thereby increasing the

likelihood of greater mortality when disease broke out, in fact killed the very people

whose souls it was supposed to save. The latter circumstance, not surprisingly, resulted

in widespread mission abandonment and the terrifying correlation of sickness with

outside, foreign presence.

A backlash was inevitable. Father Gonzalo de Tapia met his martyr’s death – a

severed head, a dismembered arm – after a group of stricken parishioners who

believed that it was he who had infected their communities took revenge during the

Jesuit’s pastoral visit to Tovorapa on July 11, 1594. After setting the church on fire, they

stuck Father Gonzalo’s head on a pole and paraded it on a circuit of neighbouring

settlements, possibly only spreading more sickness in their gory trek from town to town.


Compared to Mexico, better documented by both Indigenous and Spanish

sources, Guatemala is a more challenging terrain to scrutinize. Studies of the contact

population vary from 300,00051 to 2 million52. The latter estimate is a composite pieced

49 Ibid., 15 50 Ibid., 16 51 Solano, Francisco de, Los mayas del siglo XVIII, Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, Madrid, 1974. 52 Lovell, W. George and William R. Swezey, “The Population of Southern Guatemala at Spanish Contact”, Canadian

Journal of Anthropology, 3, 1:71-84, 1982; Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz, with Wendy Kramer and

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together from the tally of a dozen or so smaller territorial units, all meticulously

examined, rather than a blanket calculation for the region as a whole.

Post-contact depopulation conforms to the trajectory for central Mexico, a

collapse of 93.4 percent between 1520 and 1624-1628, during which time native

reduction can be correlated with no fewer that eight pandemics53. It is not possible in

most instances to determine what the bouts of sickness actually were, because

ambiguous, contradictory, or inadequate descriptions defy accurate diagnosis. Such

is the case with the first great outbreak, a disease recorded in a Maya text as having

struck Guatemala between August 1519 and October 1520, four to five years before

Spaniards led by Pedro de Alvarado themselves arrived54. In the memorable words of

Murdo MacLeod, pathogens that mowed down susceptible populations were “the

shock troops of the conquest”55, an example of what nowadays we would consider

community transmission. The Annals of the Cakchiquels – like the Aztecs, Mayas knew

how to write and so recorded their own history – grieves and laments:

“It was in truth terrible, the number of dead among the people. The people

could not in any way control the sickness. First they became ill [with] a cough.

They suffered from nosebleeds and illness of the bladder. It was truly terrible the

number of dead there were in that period. Little by little heavy shadows and

black night enveloped our fathers and grandfathers and us also, oh, my sons!

Great was the strench of the dead. After our fathers and grandfathers

succumbed, half of the people fled to the fields. The dogs and the vultures

devoured the bodies. The mortality was terrible. Your grandfathers died, and

with them died the son of the king and his brothers and kinsmen. So it was that

we became orphans, oh, my sons! So we became when we were young. We

were born to die!”56

While we must be grateful that a Kaqchikel scribe has left us with such a

William R. Swezey, “Strange Lands and Different Peoples”: Spaniards and Indians in Colonial Guatemala, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2013.

53 Lovell, W. George, “‘Heavy Shadows and Black Night’: Disease and Depopulation in Colonial Spanish America”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 82, 3:426-43, 1992.

54 Lovell, W. George, Christopher H. Lutz and Wendy Kramer, Strike Fear in the Land: Pedro de Alvarado and the Conquest of Guatemala, 1520-1541, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2020.

55 MacLeod, Murdo J., Spanish Central America: A Socioeconomic History, 1520-1720, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1973, 40.

56 Recinos, Adrián and Delia Goetz (eds. and trans.), The Annals of the Cakchiquels, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1953, 115-16.

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poignant and graphic description, difficulties abound when it comes to identifying

what disease or combination of diseases the extract might refer to. The balance of

opinion favours smallpox, but not unanimously so. Alternative designations suggest

influenza, measles, pulmonary plague, and exanthematic typhus. Commentators with

a medical background are more inclined to opt for a diagnosis of measles than


If identification is equivocal, not so is the grim reality described – high mortality,

social disruption, fear and panic, a breakdown (as with COVID-19) of all semblance of

normality. The source also distinguishes between a time (August 1519 to October 1520)

when “the plague raged” and a period thereafter (October 1520 to March 1521) when

“the plague spread”57. In terms of origin and chronology, where the sickness came

from and when, Prem correlates it with the smallpox that devastated Mexico in 1520

and 152158. This correlation, however, fails to account for notice of the disease showing

up in 1519. The problem is resolved if the source of infection is sought in the Yucatán,

where indications of smallpox date to 151759. A halcyon, pre-European milieu is

recorded in another Maya text, The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel:

“There was then no sickness; they had then no aching bones; they had then no

high fever; they had then no smallpox; they had then no burning chest; they

had then no abdominal pains; they had then no consumption; they had then

no headache. At that time the course of humanity was orderly. The foreigners

made it otherwise when they arrived here. They brought shameful things when

they came”60.

The advance guard that cut down Maya peoples in Guatemala played a

similar role in the campaign launched by Francisco Pizarro to conquer the Inca Empire.

Ecuador and Peru

In terms of aboriginal accomplishments, comparisons are inevitably made

between Mesoamerica and Tawantinsuyu, the latter the name bestowed by the Incas

57 Ibid., 115 58 Prem, Hanns J., “Disease Outbreaks in Central Mexico…”, 26-27. 59 Roys, Ralph L., The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, Carnegie Institution, Washington D.C., 1933, 138; Clendinnen,

Inga, Ambivalent Conquests: Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1517-1570, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1987.

60 Roys, Ralph L., The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel, 1933, 34.

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on their Andean empire stretching from southern Colombia through Ecuador, Peru,

and Bolivia to northern Chile and northwestern Argentina61. These two teeming realms

were the ones that attracted Spaniards most, for their resources were varied and

plentiful. Present-day scholarship exhibits the same bias, but not quite in equal

measure. We tend to know more about Mesoamerican peoples than we do about

their Andean counterparts because the Aztecs, Mayas, and neighbouring societies

had developed a strong written tradition by the time of conquest, which enabled them

to record their version of events as they were actually happening, or soon after

subjugation. The Incas and their predecessors kept track by means of quipus or khipus,

knotted-string cords previously thought to be devices that registered numerical or

statistical data but whose narrative and phonetic qualities are now being championed

and will reveal welcome insights into the Andean world62. Lack of full-fledged writing

systems, however, means that much information about the Spanish invasion from an

Indigenous perspective was never recorded, or was put down on paper many years

after initial contact, with inevitable shortcomings. This is apparent when it comes to

documenting the swath cut early on by disease, for few Andean texts exist to

complement Spanish sources.

Available evidence, nonetheless, indicates that (as in Central America) sickness

preceded the physical presence of Spaniards by several years, diffusing ahead of

them to weaken Inca opposition. According to Newson63, an outbreak of what may

have been hemorrhagic smallpox, whereby a strain of smallpox infects the blood,

causing a rash on the skin similar to that produced by measles, hence the possiblity of

misidentification, had entered the Ecuadorian Andes by 1524. There it resulted in heavy

mortality. Among its victims was the Inca ruler Huayna Capac, who was then in Quito

to consolidate Inca power over northern territories recently brought to heel.

As well as Huayna Capac, the epidemic also claimed the life of his designated

heir, Ninan Cuyuchi, igniting a divisive civil war between two of the Inca’s sons, the

61 Murra, John, “Andean Societies before 1532”. In The Cambridge History of Latin America, edited by Leslie Bethell,

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, vol. 1, 59-90, 1984. 62 Urton, Gary, “From Knots to Narratives: Reconstructing the Art of Historical Record Keeping in the Andes from

Spanish Transcriptions of Inka Khipus”, Ethnohistory 45, 5: 409-38, 1998. Urton, Gary, Inka History in Knots, University of Texas Press, Austin, 2017; Salomon, Frank, The Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village, Duke University Press, Durham, 2004; Hyland, Sabine, “Writing with Twisted Cords: The Inscriptive Capacity of Andean Khipus”, Current Anthropology, 58: 412–419, 2017.

63 Newson, Linda A., “Old World Epidemics in Early Colonial Ecuador”. In ‘Secret Judgments of God’: Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, edited by Noble David Cook and W. George Lovell, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 89, 84-112, 1992.

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half-brothers Atahualpa and Huascar, rival contenders for their father’s throne64. By the

time Pizarro followed up his coastal reconnaissance of the 1520s with an inland foray

in the 1530s, relying for his advance (as Cortés had done in Mexico) on native

cooperation, the chaos caused by severe sickness facilitated Spanish victory. Like

Aztec Tenochtitlán, the Inca capital Cuzco was taken as much because of contagion

as by the might of Pizarro, a fact the Spaniards acknowledged65.

If the disease that paved the way for Spanish victory indeed was smallpox, how

did it reach the Andes? Passage from Central America is the most likely trajectory,

given the importance of Panama as the point of departure for expeditions of discovery

and conquest. Borah, however, suggests the Río de la Plata basin, pointing out that

outbreaks of sickness are recorded as having occurred from south to north66. Newson

mediates by contending that Inca troops stationed in Túmbez may have fallen ill and

carried smallpox south to Cuzco, from where it radiated back towards it source of

origin67. She also argues that the Incas could have been exposed to other diseases

before the arrival of Pizarro, possibly measles or plague, emanating from Central


Andean epidemic history has been studied by Polo68, Lastres69, Dobyns70, N. D.

Cook71, Alchon72, and Newson73. Their contributions document, after the first outbreak

of smallpox, more than twenty episodes of chronic sickness having occurred between

1530 and 1635, the cumulative impact of which was to decrease native numbers by

the early seventeenth century to a fraction their size at contact. Newson records

eighteen epidemics in Ecuador alone between 1531-1533 and 161874. She estimates

the contact population to have been 1.6 million, about half of which lived in the sierra

region, one-third on the coast, and the remainder (15 percent) in the Amazonian

64 Hemming, John, The Conquest of the Incas, Abacus Sphere Books, London, 28-29, [1970] 1972. 65 Wright, Ronald, Stolen Continents: The Americas through Indian Eyes since 1492, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston,

72-75, 1992. 66 Borah, Woodrow, Introduction to “Secret Judgements of God”: Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, 15. 67 Newson, Linda A., “Old World Epidemics in Early Colonial Ecuador”, 91. 68 Polo, J. T., “Apuntes sobre las epidemias del Perú,” Revista Histórica 5: 50-109, 1913. 69 Lastres, Juan. B., Historia de la medicina peruana, 3 vols., Universidad de San Marcos, Lima, 1951. 70 Dobyns, Henry F., “An Outline of Andean Epidemic History to 1720”, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 37: 493-515,

1963. 71 Cook, Noble David, Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520-1620, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981. 72 Alchon, Suzanne A., Native Society and Disease in Early Colonial Ecuador, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,

1991. 73 Newson, Linda A., Life and Death in Early Colonial Ecuador, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1995. 74 Newson, Linda A., “Old World Epidemics in Early Colonial Ecuador”, 111, 1992.

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lowlands east of the Andes. The native population of the sierra dropped from 838.600

to 164.529 during the sixteenth century, a fall of 80.4 percent. Newson computes a

decline of 95.3 percent for the coast, from between 546.828 and 571.828 to 26.49175.

As with the etiology of COVID-19, her findings, like those of Cook76, stress regional

differences as well as variations within a region, reflecting cultural and environmental

conditions that are area-specific or place-specific, factors not taken into enough

consideration before.

The seminal work of N. D. Cook warrants close attention77. He deploys six

different methods to estimate what the contact population of “Indian Peru” may have

been. An ecological model based on “carrying capacity” produces a figure of 13.3

million. Archaeological data, reflecting the less-developed state of the field compared

to Mexico, Cook considers too deficient for any kind of calculation beyond those that

are site-specific – and even those, he notes, should be treated cautiously: excavations

at Chan Chan, for instance, yield estimates of a range of occupants from 25.000 to

200.000. Depopulation ratio models, which Cook believes to be unreliable because of

problems of statistical sampling78, produce a wide range of estimates: Rowe calculates

6 million79, Wachtel 10 million80, Smith 12 million81, and Dobyns 37.5 million82, all of which

encompass the central Andes (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia). Models pertaining to political

and social structure83, an “idealized concept” with “little basis in fact”, furnish a range

of 16 million to 32 million. Census projection models, described by Cook as “one of the

most promising avenues of approach”84, give a minimum estimate of 3.9 million and a

maximum of 14.2 million, upper and lower limits he asserts “to be valid”. His enthusiasm

for this procedure, however, does not extend to Shea85, whose estimate of 2 million to

75 Newson, Linda A., Life and Death in Early Colonial Ecuador, 338-40, 1995. 76 Cook, Noble David, Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520-1620, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981. 77 Ibid. 78 Ibid., 109. 79 Rowe, John H. 1946, “Inca Culture at the Time of the Spanish Conquest”. In Handbook of South American Indians,

edited by Julian H. Steward, Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, vol. 2, 183-330, 1946. 80 Wachtel, Nathan, Vision of the Vanquished: The Spanish Conquest of Peru through Indian Eyes, 1530-1570.

Translated by Ben and Siân Reynolds, Sussex: Harvester Press, Sussex, 1977. 81 Smith, Clifford T., “Depopulation of the Central Andes in the Sixteenth Century”, Current Anthropology, 11: 453-64,

1970. 82 Dobyns, Henry F., “Estimating Aboriginal American Populations: An Appraisal of Techniques with a New Hemispheric

Estimate”, Current Anthropology, 7: 395-449, 1966. 83 Means, Philip A., Ancient Civilizations of the Andes, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1931; Means, Philip A., Fall of

the Inca Empire and Spanish Rule in Peru, 1530-1720, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1932. 84 Cook, Noble David, Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 109-10, 1981. 85 Shea, Daniel E., “A Defense of Small Population Estimates for the Central Andes in 1520”. In The Native Population

of the Americas in 1492, edited by William M. Denevan, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 157-80, 1976.

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2.9 million he rejects on the grounds of insufficient data and the erroneous supposition

“that the rate of decline prior to 1581 paralleled the rate following that date”86.

Methodologically, perhaps the most novel of Cook’s six procedures is his

deployment of disease mortality models, whereby death rates known to have

occurred during certain epidemics are applied, with appropriate modification,

outbreak by outbreak to the disease chronology established for Peru. Working from a

“calculated base” of 671.505 in 1620, Cook reckons the “maximal population” a

century before at 3.243.985. His calculations are episode-specific: 30 to 50 percent

mortality during the first outbreak of smallpox; 25 to 30 percent mortality when smallpox

and measles appear jointly, as they did in the murderous epidemic of 1585 to 1591,

along with mumps, influenza and typhus. The model overlooks key variables –

differential mortality, age-specific mortality, physiological adaptation – but offers

reasonable ground for estimation, provided (of course) that diagnoses have been

made with some degree of confidence.

Cook then steps back from the preponderance of numbers to propose a figure

of 9 million for the population of Peru on the eve of Spanish conquest87, a figure that

straddles a range of estimates from 4 million to 15 million. “Although [a] choice of 9

million may appear to be arbitrary”, he muses, “it is made after careful weighing of the

evidence, rather than being purely an act of faith”. For the Inca Empire as a whole,

Roberts reports Cook as favouring a contact estimate of 14 million88, which means he

reckons that some 5 million lived under Inca rule in Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia,

Argentina, and Chile. A century later the heirs of the Incas in Peru are thought to have

numbered 600.000. An overall decline of 93 percent “almost completely wiped out”

those living along the Pacific coast, as was also the case in Ecuador, leaving the high

Andes the redoubt of Indigenous survival in both countries.


Pedro Álvares Cabral is the Portuguese equivalent of Columbus. Allegedly, the

fleet he captained was blown off course as it sailed from Lisbon to round the Cape of

Good Hope, at the southern tip of Africa, en route to India. Landfall on the coast of

86 Cook, Noble David, Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 95, 1981. 87 Cook, Noble David, Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 113-14, 1981. 88 Roberts, Leslie, “Disease and Death in the New World”, Science 246: 1245-47, 1989.

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Brazil on April 22, 1500, inadvertent or otherwise, thereafter meant that Portugal would

penetrate South America from an Atlantic seaboard while Spain moved into the heart

of the continent from the opposite direction, that of the Pacific. The two imperial

powers disputed territorial ownership even before either had any sense of the enormity

of the Amazon interior, which the Portuguese laid claim to in forays from the east

despite a Spaniard, Francisco de Orellana, being the first to navigate the mighty river

downstream from the west in 1542.

Prior to the European invasion, as many as 8 million to 10 million people may

have inhabited Greater Amazonia, a figure some scholars would reduce by half or

more89. The nature of Indigenous societies and their response to foreign sorties was a

decisive factor in determining survival. Sedentary populations under Spanish

domination adapted to the advent of strangers by having epidemics that

accompanied or arrived ahead of them become endemic, meaning that introduced

infections (the lethal likes of smallpox and measles but also mumps, typhus, influenza,

and whooping cough) over time became part of the Amerindian disease pool,

affording the benefits of some kind of immunity. This was not the case in Portuguese

domains, where less sedentary groups fled assault and enslavement for the refuge of

the forest. There, in remote reaches of what would eventually be Brazil, native

communities were sheltered from sickness until the frontier of European expansion

caught up with them. In 2020, the remaining relatives of entire peoples wiped out in

the sixteenth through twentieth centuries – today fewer than 1 million of Brazil’s

population of 210 million is Indigenous – are faced with the same threat from COVID-

19 as their ancestors were in 1500.

Continental and Global Perspectives

Hemispheric estimates of Amerindian numbers at European contact, not

surpringly, are as disparate as the sub-continental components alluded to above.

89 Denevan (Denevan, Willam M., “Estimating Amazonian Indian Numbers in 1492”, Journal of Latin American

Geography, 13, 2: 207-221, 215, 2014) advances the estimate of 8 million to 10 million. Newson (Newson, Linda A., “The Population of the Amazon Basin in 1492: A View from the Ecuadorian Headwaters”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series 21: 5-26, 1996) favours 5.46 million, Hemming (Hemming, John, Red Gold: The Conquest of the Brazilian Indians, 1500-1760, Macmillan, London, 1995) 3.24 million, and Meggers (Meggers, Betty J., “Prehistoric Population Density in the Amazon Basin”, Disease and Demography in the Americas, edited by John W. Verano and Douglas H. Ubelaker, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., 197-205, 1992) 1.5 million to 2 million.

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Borah champions upwards of 100 million90, an estimate that echoes the 90 million to

113 million of Dobyns91, both in stark contrast to the 8.4 million of Kroeber92, the 13.4

million of Rosenblat93, and the 15.5 million of Steward94. Perhaps the most judicious

assessment to date has been made by Denevan95, who considers his estimate of 53.9

million “conservative” (personal communication). Koch, Brierley, Maslin, and Lewis

propose 60.5 million, mid-way between their range of 44.8 million to 78.2 million96. The

great French scholar Pierre Chaunu believed that an Amerindian population that

constituted 20 percent of all humankind in 1490 within a century had been levelled to

3 percent97.

We will never know how many Native Americans died in the aftermath of

Columbus, but fatalities of 55 million to 60 million or more cannot be ruled out98. While

the turmoil of war and post-conquest exploitation abhorrent in the extreme took an

immense toll, disease outbreaks are the most plausible explanation for the extent and

severity of Indigenous demise. In terms of historical parallels, the Black Death (bubonic

plague) that stalked Europe between 1346 and 1353 is reckoned to have killed an

estimated 50 million99, the Spanish Flu (H1N1 virus) between August 1918 and March

1919 upwards of 25 million100. World War I eliminated an estimated 40 million, World War

II an estimated 60 million101.

COVID-19 caught the world off-guard, and we are paying a high price for our

negligence and complacency. Its speed of diffusion, literally, is breathtaking. That an

90 Borah, Woodrow, “Renaissance Europe and the Population of America”, Revista de Historia, 105: 47-61, 1976. 91 Dobyns, Henry F., “Estimating Aboriginal American Populations…”, 1966. 92 Kroeber, Alfred L., Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America, University of California Publications in

American Archaeology and Ethnology, University of California Press, Berkeley, 38, 1939. 93 Rosenblat, Ángel, La población indígena y el mestizaje en América, 2 vols., Editorial Nova, Buenos Aires, 1954. 94 Steward, Julian H., “The Native Population of South America”, Handbook of South American Indians, Bureau of Indian

Ethnology, Washington, vol. 5: 655-68, 1949. 95 Denevan, William M., ed., The Native Population of the Americas in 1492, Second Edition, University of Wisconsin

Press, Madison, [1976] 1992. 96 Koch, Alexander, Chris Brierley, Mark M. Maslin, and Simon L. Lewis, “Earth System Impacts of the European Arrival

and Great Dying in the Americas after 1492”, Quaternary Science Reviews, 207: 13-36, 2019. 97 Chaunu, Pierre, Conquête et Exploitation des Nouveaux Mondes (XVI Siècle), Presses Universitaires de France, Paris,

1969. 98 Denevan (personal communication, 10 April 2020) concurs. So too do Koch et al. (Koch, Alexander, Chris Brierley,

Mark M. Maslin, and Simon L. Lewis, “Earth System Impacts…”, 2019), whose “great dying” estimate of 54.5 million is the mid-point between a low of 39 million and a high of 72.4 million.

99 Benedictow, Ole J., The Black Death, 1346-1353: The Complete History, The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 2004.

100 Crosby, Alfred W., America’s Forgotten Pandemic: The Infuenza of 1918, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989.

101 (Internet Archive n. d.)

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outbreak of disease could cause such calamity, and so endanger the human

condition, after we have deluded ourselves for so long that Homo sapiens controls all,

shakes us to our foundations. The incredulity of Las Casas, contemplating the

destruction of the Indies in the early sixteenth century, resembles ours, half a millennium

on. “Who, among those born in the centuries to come”, the bishop asked, “will believe

this?” He then allowed himself: “Even to me, who is writing it down, who saw it, and

who knows most of it, it now seems to me that it was not possible”102.

We are much better placed to survive now than we were in 1492. Our improved

knowledge of the scourge of disease, how it flares up and spreads, how best to

combat it, will see us prevail. Ironically, though, just as divine ruling was thought to be

the cause back then – “secret judgments of God”103, according to one cleric in 1582 –

so throughout Latin America the call to heaven above is still voiced for solace if not

salvation: Easter Sunday 2020 was celebrated by prayers to Our Lady of Guadalupe,

asking her for health and intervention to end to the pandemic104. The ravages of

COVID-19 are of alarming concern, increasingly so as the pandemic racks Latin

America and its most vulnerable, Indigenous peoples among them. With applied

medical advances and humanitarian efforts, however, after the disease has run its

course it is unlikely that mortality related to it will approximate that of the Amerindian

holocaust of five centuries ago.


Grappling with the issues raised here has been formative ever since my years as a graduate student

at the University of Alberta in the 1970s. Postdoctoral trajectories in the 1980s saw me expand my

spatial interest in the subject beyond Mexico and Guatemala, including a research foray to Brazil.

Residency as a visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley (UCB) during fall term 1985

102 Las Casas, Bartolomé de, Obras escogidas de Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, Ediciones Atlas, Madrid,

vol. 2: 106, 1957-61. 103 Writing to the Council of the Indies on November 5, 1582 – see Lovell, W. George. [1992], “Disease and Depopulation

in Early Colonial Guatemala”, in “Secret Judgments of God”: Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, edited by Noble David Cook and W. George Lovell, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 49-83, 75-78, 2001 for elaboration and archival provenance – the Dean of the Cathedral of Guatemala, Pedro de Liévano, reflected: “What causes the Indians to die and to diminish in number are secret judgments of God beyond the reach of man. But what this witness has observed during the time he has spent in these parts is that from the province of Mexico have come three or four pestilences, on account of which the country has been greatly depopulated.”

104 Ironically, too, because of fears that COVID-19 would be spread by their continuing to be undertaken, Roberts (2020) reports that mass vaccination drives against a host of diseases, including cholera, measles, meningitis, polio, and yellow fever, have been suspended in many countries alas still plagued by them. “A devil's choice” is how Seth Berkley, the head of Vaccine Alliance, a global health organization, deemed the dilemma.

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was a pivotal experience. There, where the great Carl Sauer (1889-1975) shook things up after his

arrival in 1923, I benefited from association with three of his distinguished Berkeley colleagues –

Woodrow Borah (1912-1999), James J. Parsons (1915-1997), and John H. Rowe (1918-2004). I also

profited from sitting in on a seminar on historical demography offered by Massimo Livi Bacci, himself

then also at UCB as a visiting scholar. An invitation to participate in a conference at the Newberry

Library in Chicago, organized by the inimitable Henry F. Dobyns (1925-2009), allowed me not only to

interact with a pioneer in the field but also to strike a partnership with Noble David Cook, with whom

I have co-edited two books dealing with the ravages of Old World disease on Indigenous peoples in

colonial Spanish America (Cook and Lovell [1992] 2001; Cook and Lovell 2000). My research has been

funded over the years by several agencies, sustained most of all by the financial assistance of the

Killam Program of the Canada Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of

Canada. Teaching for forty years at Queen’s University in Canada, and for a quarter-century in Spain

either at the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía in La Rábida or the Universidad Pablo de

Olavide (UPO) in Seville, have been immensely rewarding. Affiliation with both institutions has enabled

me to distil research findings into the courses I teach, at undergraduate and graduate level, to

generations of students, from whom I learn immensely.

“Columbus and COVID-19” had a previous iteration, long before the global pandemic was ever

imagined, as “Heavy Shadows and Black Night,” a piece solicited by Karl W. Butzer (1934-2016) for

an edition of the Annals of the Association of American Geographers (1992) to mark the Columbus

quincentenary. Its enhanced present form I owe to the prodding of my UPO colleagues, Juan

Marchena Fernández and Tristan Platt, and the critical eye of William M. Denevan. The equally critical

eye and copy-editing prowess of Maureen McCallum Garvie run throughout. To those four, and a

litany of unnamed but much-appreciated others, I extend my most grateful thanks.

Aceptado para publicación: 18/04/20

Americanía. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Nueva Época (Sevilla), n. 11, p. 4-31, ene-jun, 2020


Referencias bibliográficas

Alchon, Suzanne A., Native Society and Disease in Early Colonial Ecuador, Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge, 1991.

Amigo, Ignacio, “For Brazil’s Indigenous Communities, Pandemic Revives Memories of

Earlier Plagues”, Science, April 15, 2020.

Benedictow, Ole J., The Black Death, 1346-1353: The Complete History, The Boydell

Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 2004.

Borah, Woodrow, “Renaissance Europe and the Population of America”, Revista de

Historia, 105: 47-61, 1976.

Borah, Woodrow, Introduction to “Secret Judgments of God”: Old World Disease in

Colonial Spanish America, edited by Noble David Cook and W. George Lovell,

University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 3-19, 1992.

Borah, Woodrow and Sherburne F. Cook, “The Aboriginal Population of Central Mexico

on the Eve of the Spanish Conquest”, Ibero-Americana, University of California Press,

Berkeley, 45, 1963.

Chaunu, Pierre, Conquête et Exploitation des Nouveaux Mondes (XVI Siècle), Presses

Universitaires de France, Paris, 1969.

Clendinnen, Inga, Ambivalent Conquests: Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1517-1570,

Cambridge University Press, New York, 1987.

Cook, Noble David, Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520-1620, Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge, 1981.

Cook, Noble David and W. George Lovell, eds. [1992], “Secret Judgments of God”: Old

World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman,


Cook, Noble David, “¿Una primera epidemia americana de viruela en 1493?”, Revista de

Indias, 63: 49-64, 2003.

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