Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (2024)

Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (1)

Written by Miriam Published on in Soups

This soup is simply delicious and so simple to make – and the rewards lie in the taste. My young daughter loved it, and she is a fussy eater, I have to say.

The combination of ingredients result in a very satisfying taste and texture – one of those ‘must repeat’ soups. Gentle, yet full of flavour. Enjoy with some crunchy brown bread. Nutritious and delicious in a bowl.

Serves 3 to 4 as a starter

2 leeks, chopped
2 Tbsp olive oil, for frying
1 large zucchini, chopped
2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
3 cups water
2 tsp vegetable granules or 1 vegetable stock cube
the juice of half a lemon or lime (or adjust to your tastebuds)
½ tsp turmeric powder
salt to taste
¼ cup vegan milk (non sweetened, soya or other)
a handful of flat leaf fresh parsley, roughly chopped


Fry the zucchini and leeks until they have a little colour, stirring frequently.

Next, add the garlic and veg granules, and mix for a minute or so.

Now add one cup of water every 5 minutes, and allow to simmer gently for a half hour.

Add the milk, lemon juice, and remaining ingredients, except for the parsley.

Remove from the heat, and, using a hand processor, add in the parsley, and process until the parsley is minced in the soup.

Serve and enjoy !

All recipes and content © Miriam Sorrell www.mouthwateringvegan.com 2010

These are free recipes for your pleasure – all we ask in return is that you take a few moments to leave us a constructive comment !

suitable for vegans, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike

Post Views: 4,329


  1. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (2)

    Susan N. Pearl

    July 17, 2012 at 2:02 pm

    HI – Soup looks mouth watering delicious. Ready for it now. I AM Canadian and unfamiliar with oveg granules?

  2. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (3)


    July 17, 2012 at 2:24 pm

    Susan Hi there and welcome. Apologies for typo (just correcting it) – I mean vegetable granules, or vegetable powder to make vegetable stock with – I am sure you have those in Canada in some brand. I look forward to your trying this and get back to me with your feedback. Best to you in the meantime !

  3. Pingback: fab. Mouthwatering Vegan recipe of the day: ‘Leek, zucchini and fresh parsley soup with a lemon twist’ « world news for life

  4. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (4)


    July 18, 2012 at 10:46 am

    Thanks for sharing & cheers !

  5. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (5)


    July 18, 2012 at 11:46 am

    Yum ! Just made this- I didn’t have parsley so used some thawed frozen spinach (I add spinach to everything!) and really enjoyed the combo of the leek and lemon. I’m sure my fiancé will enjoy it aswell when he gets home 🙂 thank you and I’m now planning to make the other soup recipes you have.

  6. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (6)


    July 18, 2012 at 2:43 pm

    Jessi Hi there and welcome here, spinach is great and so versatile, so it would have gone down well with this – do try it with parsley at some point. I have a spinach soup (with other ingredients on my blog if ever you wish to make a soup of it with a tinge) since you say you love lemon, I think I used lime for that one – soups with a zest are my favourites, they just take the soup to another level/dimension. I very much look forward to your future comments here Jessi. Best Wishes to you in the meantime !

  7. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (7)


    July 22, 2012 at 11:33 am

    your blog has inspired me

  8. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (8)


    July 23, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    Jacquelne Hi there and thanks for dropping by with a short and sweet comment. Hope you enjoy my recipes, best to you in the meantime.

  9. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (9)


    July 26, 2012 at 9:28 pm

    Hello Miriam,

    I made this soup last week for my friend and I, it was so easy and quick but most of all it’s was absolutely delicious!!!

  10. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (10)


    July 27, 2012 at 6:45 am

    Hi there Paula, thanks for taking the time to give me feedback on this soup and it appears that you are doing well on the cooking and tasting front. Yes, it is one of those soups that one would make again, especially because it’s also easy to make. Cheers to you and I look forward to your future comments on my blog !

  11. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (11)

    Ruth Brunotte-Tsavousis

    August 1, 2012 at 4:40 pm

    Made the soup for a second time again – it was delicious, I love the leek and zucchini combo with coconut. Very satisfying.

  12. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (12)


    August 2, 2012 at 3:10 am

    Thanks there Ruth, it’s a staple in our house too !

  13. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (13)

    Michael (from Facebook)

    August 25, 2012 at 2:56 pm

    Shared on Facebook! 🙂

    Yes, this does look like a healthy and refreshing dinner soup that can be served in big bowls with crunchy brown bread! 🙂

  14. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (14)


    August 25, 2012 at 3:52 pm

    Michael Hi there and thanks so much for dropping by here with your comment. I agree about the big bowls, and the crunchy brown bread as the accompaniment !!! Best wishes your way and thanks for sharing on FB, that’s very kind of you !

  15. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (15)

    Leah Troiano

    August 25, 2012 at 9:27 pm

    I’m so very happy that I have found your website. The recipes are simple and amazing! so very happy!

  16. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (16)


    August 26, 2012 at 11:25 am

    Leah Hi there and welcome here. I am glad that you are happy to have found my website. I do hope you enjoy this nutritious soup – it’s a time again soup in our household. I look forward to your feedback on it. Best wishes your way in the meantime !

  17. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (17)


    August 27, 2012 at 1:26 am

    Good evening! 🙂 I made this soup for dinner tonight for my boyfriend and myself. He really enjoyed it, although for myself I think I would add a little less lemon juice. I love how easy this was to make, with very little prep work. Thank you very, very much for sharing such a delicious recipe! 🙂

  18. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (18)


    August 27, 2012 at 6:05 am

    Heidi Hi there, thanks for your feedback. Am glad that your boyfriend enjoyed my soup recipe. As for the lemon – lemon is one of those things that is rather personal, some like the zing, others prefer less or more zing – adjust according to your palette for next time. Best wishes your way in the meantime and hope you continue to enjoy my recipes !

  19. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (19)


    September 5, 2012 at 11:45 am

    I made this soup today, the whole family loved it. Very very delicious. Definetly will make it again. Thank you for sharing the receipe

  20. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (20)


    September 6, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    Hi there Janina and thanks again for dropping by here with your comment and feedback. So glad you and your family are enjoying my food !!! It is a make again one I reckon and agree with you ! Thanks for all your kind words. Best wishes you way and I very much look forward to your future comments on my blog !

  21. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (21)


    September 24, 2012 at 12:43 am

    I made this soup for company tonight – served it with Socca and a raw kale salad. The soup was delicious. My guest had seconds. I immediately emailed the recipe to my sister! I made a vegetable stock with vegetable scraps that I collect in the freezer and used it in place of the water and the vegetable granules as they contain ingredients I cannot have.
    Thank you for this recipe. It’s a new favorite!!

  22. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (22)


    September 24, 2012 at 9:04 am

    Laura Hi there and welcome here. I am delighted that you made, served and enjoyed my soup (hope your sister enjoyed it too !). Homemade stock is great ! I very much look forward to your future comments on my blog ! Best wishes to you in the meantime !

  23. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (23)

    Evelyn Malcolm

    September 26, 2012 at 1:17 pm

    Hi Miriam, made this soup this morning and husband and self had it for lunch. Absolutely heavenly soup! We both liked the delicate flavour, so it will be a regular! Thank you once again. I made a large amount as we had just harvested lots of courgettes, so will freeze for later use. Instead of flat leafed parsley I used curly as it is growing in abundance in the garden.

  24. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (24)


    September 26, 2012 at 2:23 pm

    Hi there Evelyn and welcome here. I am delighted that you have made this soup of mine and that you have shared it and enjoyed it – more to the point you have made more that you can freeze with the vegetables and parsley that you have. Great move. Best wishes your way in the meantime and I look forward to your future feedback and comments on my blog !

  25. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (25)


    October 10, 2012 at 9:39 pm

    I made this soup for lunch yesterday and it was really delicious and all gone the same day! I loved the zing it had and will definitely be making it again soon, although, I will double the ingredients so there is more of it 🙂 My husband enjoyed a portion too which is a great success as he doesn’t normally eat courgettes. Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes!

  26. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (26)


    October 11, 2012 at 9:46 am

    Silvia Hi there and welcome here. Many thanks for your feedback on my soup. I must say I am delighted that it was enjoyed thoroughly and that your husband who does not like courgettes enjoyed it too ! It is my pleasure sharing my recipes Silvia and thanks so much for your kind words. I look forward to your future comments on my blog !

  27. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (27)


    October 14, 2012 at 10:06 pm

    Thank you so much for posting this recipe. This was the best soup I have ever had in my life!!! 🙂

  28. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (28)


    October 15, 2012 at 7:17 am

    Olga Hi there and many thanks for dropping by here with your comment. Another thanks goes to you for putting a bright smile on my face 1st thing on a Monday morning ! I have to agree it is a pretty sublime soup – when I created it in my mind, I knew that it would be extraordinary, but when I tasted it I felt pretty much like yourself. Thanks and I look forward to your future comments here. (Do try my latest soup, although different from this one, it is also quite delicious). http://www.mouthwateringvegan.com/2012/09/28/split-pea-spinach-leek-soup/ Best Wishes your way !

  29. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (29)


    October 20, 2012 at 2:12 pm

    As much as I loved any other recipe I have tried from your blog, I have to admit this one was not for me. My boyfriend and I love soups and just about anything lemony but really weren’t keen on the texture and found the lemon juice quite overpowering compared to the otherwise relatively delicate flavours of this soup. If I try this again I may just use lemon zest instead of juice as I find it to be more subtle but still give this lovely, fresh lemony zing. I ended up straining it through a sieve and adding frozen green peas which gave the soup a beautiful yellow-green colour with bright green specs and toned down the lemon nicely. Thus adapted to our palates the soup made a lovely light and quick supper. Keep up the great work!

  30. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (30)


    October 20, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    Esther Hi there. Thanks for dropping by with your lengthy comment. You say that you have tried my other recipes with success as you say you love the other ones that you have tried from my blog – and yet, I have never heard from you before until now with a lengthy criticism, which I find rather odd since your comment is all about how you adapted the soup to your taste buds. When it comes to lemon, salt, sugar, and chilli these 4 ingredients in particular, we need very much to adapt them to our personal taste buds. As you will see from most of the comments this soup has been the opposite of a disaster, which I get the impression from what you have described in having to alter it to your liking. Again, I hope this response acts to alert others to act with caution when it comes to lemon, sugar, salt, and chilli. Regards.

  31. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (31)

    Brett Cummins

    October 20, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    This is yet another knockout recipe from my favourite source – Mouthwatering Vegan. I have always loved lemon in soups, but this one had just the right amount to set off the other ingredients, and it was an outright winner in the Cummins household. Your site has turned mealtimes into the meeting of the neanderthal primates as we compete for who gets to lick the saucepan first . . . I’ve been known to hide behind the curtain in the kitchen, ready to pounce when the coast’s clear and the others are in the dining room !! Thanks yet again MWV !!

  32. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (32)


    October 20, 2012 at 5:56 pm

    Brett Hi there and welcome here. I am delighted to hear that you have enjoyed this soup so much. I look forward to your future comments on my blog ! Best wishes your way.

  33. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (33)


    November 13, 2012 at 8:32 pm

    Dear Miriam, I made it today and it tasted very delicious. Thank you for sharing. Please let me know the title of your book and where I can purchase it. Be well.

  34. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (34)


    November 13, 2012 at 9:01 pm

    Mina Hi there and welcome here. Thanks for dropping by here with your comment and feedback on this soup, I am glad you enjoyed it. My book is out late next spring (some months from now). I will let you know by e-mailing you notification of this Mina, meantime I have added your name and e-mail address to my list of interested people on here. It will be published by Random House and will be entitled as “Mouthwatering Vegan”. Thanks for your interest and look forward to your future comments on my blog. Best wishes your way in the meantime.

  35. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (35)


    November 14, 2012 at 9:10 pm

    WOW!! Again, I am amazed. This is extremely delicious!!!! THANK YOU so much for sharing it!!

  36. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (36)


    November 15, 2012 at 9:53 am

    Lidia Hi there and thanks for dropping by here. I am delighted that you have enjoyed this soup and hope you enjoy my other recipes too ! Best to you !

  37. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (37)


    December 8, 2012 at 1:01 pm

    Hello – This looks wonderful and I will try it this weekend. About how many lbs is the “large zucchini”? The sizes vary so much. Thank you!!

  38. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (38)


    December 8, 2012 at 1:33 pm

    Alice Hi there – I would say approx 6 inches each give and take. Hope this helps, and taste before serving for lemon and salt – the balance between the two is both crucial and personal, but it’s a wonderful soup ! Let me know how it goes and best wishes your way !

  39. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (39)


    December 8, 2012 at 2:44 pm

    Hi Miriam- How on earth do you come up with theses recipes! You are very creative and talented. Thank you very much for the work you do!

  40. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (40)


    December 8, 2012 at 3:05 pm

    Nan Hi there and welcome here. Thank you so much for putting a huge smile on my face ! I work with passion and am endlessly inspired. Please come back and comment on my blog anytime. Also we are introducing a new monthly newsletter with exclusive recipes, ideas etc. . . if you wish to be added, just say the word. Many greetings your way Nan !

  41. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (41)


    December 26, 2012 at 6:51 pm

    Hi Miriam Just had this delicious soup for dinner as I only wanted something light to eat. It was so easy to make and was absolutely delicious. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe. Could you add me to your newsletter and your book list. Best wishes. Teresa

  42. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (42)


    December 26, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    Teresa many, many thanks for dropping by here and I have just added you to both my lists (book and newsletter) bear with me, it will be some weeks from now before it’s out, but worth the wait. Best wishes to you and thanks for your interest in my book and my recipes. Cheers and Happy holidays to you and your loved ones too !

  43. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (43)


    January 10, 2013 at 4:59 pm

    Hi Miriam, I just tried this recipe out, and it is fantastic. It tasted amazing, and my non vegan friends shared this sentiment. I will definitely be making this recipe lots in the future. Thank you for sharing this~

  44. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (44)


    January 10, 2013 at 5:38 pm

    Bridget Hi there and welcome here. I am delighted to hear that you and your non-vegan guests enjoyed this ! It’s a regular recipe in our home too ! 🙂

  45. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (45)


    January 13, 2013 at 1:26 am

    thank you for this delicious soup! last weekend we were blessed with your curry recipe and this weekend this delightfully tangy soup. i have a small one and was not sure how my palette would accept the tang, so i used the juice of half a lime. it was so perfect for us. very delicious! mouthwatering is an understatement.

  46. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (46)


    January 13, 2013 at 12:41 pm

    Wendy Hi there and thanks for dropping by here with your comment/feedback – so glad you all enjoyed it and the curry too ! That’s awesome news. Thanks also for your kind compliment. I look forward to your future comments on my blog ! Best wishes your way !

  47. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (47)


    April 5, 2013 at 3:16 am

    Love love love this soup! I made it a couple of times already and will be making it often! Easy to make and the flavours are so wonderful. Thank you for the recipe!

  48. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (48)


    April 5, 2013 at 10:57 am

    Katya Hi there and welcome here. So glad you enjoyed this soup so many times and I have to agree with you about the flavours and that it’s so easy to make too which makes it all the more appealing ! 🙂

  49. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (49)

    Liz Pip

    October 16, 2013 at 9:26 pm

    Hi Miriam, I made this soup tonight and was amazed how great it tasted 🙂 It was delicious ! I loved the taste of the lemon in it. Only thing was , it didnt look as nice as your photo. The colour of my soup was more green than yellow.Not that it really mattered of course . I can’t wait to make another of your soups tomorrow :-)I have always loved cooking but now am ‘in love’ with cooking all these new wonderful dishes. Many thanks !

  50. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (50)


    October 18, 2013 at 4:03 pm

    Liz Hi there. Am so glad to hear you are enjoying your cooking time and also that you liked the soup. If you want it yellower, then add a little more turmeric to it ! 🙂 I look forward to your future comments on my blog !

  51. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (51)

    Nicole Wagner

    November 22, 2013 at 3:52 am

    I made this twice so far . I liked extra lemon juice. This was a delicious recipe I’ll be making repeatedly this winter. I’m making the similar asparagus leek soup at this time. Smells great. Thanks for this website.

  52. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (52)


    November 22, 2013 at 8:44 am

    Hi Nicole and welcome here. So glad you have made and enjoyed this soup and I very much look forward to your future comments on my blog !

  53. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (53)


    November 30, 2013 at 12:09 am

    Hi Miriam, I just made your soup on on this rainy day. It was simply delicious and a perfect way to fend off the “cold” — well, 60F is cold in Southern California 🙂

    Your website is a gift and I am so happy I stumbled upon it a couple of years back. Happy holidays!

  54. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (54)


    November 30, 2013 at 11:46 am

    Wendy Hi, I am so happy you made this soup and enjoyed it, I have to say that it really is ideal for the cold weather ! So glad you found my site and Happy Holidays to you too ! 🙂 P.S. Did you see/browse our new digital magazine entitled VEGAN FOR LIFE Magazine which features my exclusive recipes for the magazine ? Just a thought. Cheers ! 🙂 http://www.veganforlifemagazine.com

  55. Pingback: CSA and Juice Feast for June 11th | Something Good

  56. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (55)


    August 1, 2014 at 9:23 pm

    Hi Miriam. I am in the midst of preparing this soup for the first time and wonder if you recommend it served cold, room temp, or warm. If I am very lucky, you or a reader will answer by 8PM tonight when I will be serving it! Also,btw, since I am on a low sodium diet, I am preparing the soup without the water and without the veggie cube and replacing that with three cups of rich homemade vegetable stock. I think that will be fine! Thank you so much. Jacqueline

  57. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (56)


    August 1, 2014 at 10:29 pm

    Hi Jacqueline and welcome here. I personally don’t like cold soups, so I am not sure how it would taste cold. The vegetable stock will work beautifully, so that’s a great idea ! I think that warm would be fine, hot would be great. Either way, I hope you enjoy the flavours ! 🙂

  58. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (57)


    August 2, 2014 at 4:22 pm

    Hi Miriam. Thank you so much for your reply…and for this very delicious recipe. I served it room temperature and it was a hit. Now that I have discovered your website (by googling “parsley soup” to use some of my bumper backyard crop) I can’t wait to try your other recipes. You are very talented and generous to share with the rest of us! Jacqueline

  59. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (58)


    August 3, 2014 at 1:36 pm

    Glad to have you here dear Jacqueline and thanks for your feedback. I very much look forward to your future comments on my blog and truly delighted that it was a hit ! 🙂

  60. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (59)


    January 28, 2015 at 1:07 pm

    I made this last night after seeing your post and it was delicious!

  61. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (60)


    February 3, 2015 at 1:23 pm

    Glad you enjoyed it Emma !

  62. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (61)


    May 14, 2016 at 6:31 pm

    Do you use only the white part of the leeks or the full leek in this recipe?

  63. Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (62)


    May 16, 2016 at 8:17 pm

    Hi there Cindy and welcome here. You use all of the leek for this recipe – discard any pieces that are too hard though. Hope you enjoy this ! 🙂

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Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (65)

Miriam Sorrell

Hi, I’m Miriam - award-winning recipe developer, photographer and author of ‘Mouthwatering Vegan’. My food is, sensual, mouthwatering and rustic, with Middle Eastern & Mediterranean flair . . .

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Leek Zucchini & Parsley Soup With Lemon - Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™ « Mouthwatering Vegan (2024)


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