Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (2024)

Data analysis can be beautiful, but it’s data visualization's job to make it beautiful.

The standard-of-beauty for datavis is not abstract. A table/chart/graphs ‘beauty’ is directly proportional to how effectively it conveys its data to its target viewing audience.

If a data visualization can effectively convey the data behind it to the humans viewing it, it has succeeded.

This can best be achieved by:

  1. Understanding of your audience - What are they looking for?
  2. Choosing the right data visualization type
  3. Applying effective design tweaks
  4. Leveraging the best possible datavis tools to shape and hone the resulting graphic

With this in mind, we’ll explore what a beautiful and effective end product data visualization looks like as well as the value it can add.

We’ll breeze through what data visualization is and expand on why you should strive for great datavis. Then, we’ll jump into some examples of the best datavis out there.

  1. What is Data Visualization
  2. Data Visualization Examples
  3. Takeaways

What is Data Visualization

Data visualization is the presentation of data or information in a visual format. Humans aren’t machines and have trouble interpreting long rows and lists of numbers - if the data is curated in a pleasing, understandable visual format, it is much easier for us to draw helpful conclusions.

Data visualization, or datavis, is the science of effectively displaying that data for interpretation. But it can also be an art form. Finding the right format, design, and color palette for your data can leave you with eye-catching, pleasing to behold results.

This is easily demonstrated by going through some examples. We’ll show you different datavis samples, then unpack why they work.

Data Visualization Examples

Here are 6 examples of data visualization, explained:

  1. Coronavirus World Map Tracking: Geographic Datavis
  2. Flight Radar Map: Heatmap Datavis
  3. Google Trends: Analytical Datavis
  4. Visualizing Customer Feedback: Suite Datavis
  5. Climate Time Machine: Geographic Datavis
  6. Human Body Visualization: Interactive Datavis
  7. WW2 Bullet Holes on Planes: Creative Datavis

We are going to explain each example in a similar manner to the approach we took in our ‘14 Types of Datavis’ overview - we’ll categorize each example by its datavis category, then explain why that approach works for its data.

Off we go!

1. Coronavirus World Map Tracking: Geographic Datavis

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (1)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (2)

Via The New York Times

Type: Geographic (specifically Choropleth!)

While the New York Times article that features this suite of Covid-19 datavis offers a ton of different ways to look at the data, the choropleth world map (above) is the most prominent.

The map is geographic (self-explanatory) and choropleth, meaning that it conveys information via sections of various color sections.

In the above sample, it conveys national coronavirus rates by coloring in the different countries on a scale of light tan to dark red, indicating their lack of, or high amount of coronavirus cases.

Choropleth datavis is great because most people are familiar with maps from early education and are able to locate the countries they are curious about. They are not so great at conveying exact data, as the shade of each country does not convey an exact figure, just a generalized estimate on the color swathe.

2. Flight Radar Map: Heatmap Datavis

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (3)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (4)

Via FlightRader24

Type: Geographic

A twist on geographic datavis is the increasingly popular ‘heatmap’ variant. As you can see in the above flight tracking heatmap, this helps illustrate where data points cluster across a geographic landscape.

This can be applied more in the abstract when it comes to the geography of, say, a website.

Via Hotjar

By applying this type of datavis, you can effectively track where your customers put their attention, and thus tweak your business strategy to match.

3. Google Trends: Analytical Datavis

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (5)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (6)

Via Google Trends

Type: Combined

Here we take our first steps into the world of ‘big data’ and ‘datavis suites’.

The Google Trends datavis suite gives you the options to explore search engine data. As you can see above, it can collate the amount of searches for ‘Summer Olympic Games’ and surrounding trends, map it on a time-scale (temporally) and by region (geographically).

It also hints at related terms that are linked and may be worth exploring, like ‘badminton olimpiade tokyo’ (for the hardcore badminton fans out there’), or ‘hockey olympics 2021’ (presumably people curious if hockey would be played).

This is also our first suite style datavis-type. Let’s expand on what that entails.

4. Visualizing Customer Feedback: Suite Datavis

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (7)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (8)

Free public demo dashboard

Google Trends demonstrates a great framework for datavis suites. But other suites expand on their options, generating and suggesting further types of tables/charts/graphs and offering access to all the underlying programs used to generate them.

MonkeyLearn Studio’s datavis suite, is an all-in-one text analysis and data visualization platform that lets you visualize actionable insights from your business data.

In this demo model, for example, you can visualize a detailed analysis of Trustpilot reviews of the company Chewy. This allows you to detect trends and patterns at scale, to perform informed business decisions.

Here, you can see a donut chart showing the overall sentiment of the reviews. 38.2% of comments are positive, 21% neutral and 40.8% negative:

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (9)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (10)

To gain even deeper insights, you can also see the sentiment specifically applied to each topic mentioned in the reviews, to quickly detect which areas need improvement in your business:

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (11)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (12)

5. Climate Time Machine: Geographic Datavis

Tracking back to the general category of ‘geographic’ datavis, it's worth exploring visuals tied to factors other than time or density.

Let’s explore climate change. Specifically, the effect that rising sea levels will have on the Louisiana and Florida coastlines.

A sobering topic, but one worth exploring. And this choice of datavis makes its point extremely well.

Courtesy of NASA’s Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets, here’s where our region stands now:

Via NASA Global Climate Change

Type: Geographic

The red spots thinly dotting the coast indicate the rise in sea levels due to global warming that has already occurred.

The data behind this graph notes that Greenland’s lower ice shelf is melting at an alarming rate. In the coming years it could melt as much as 5-7 meters if the progress of global warming doesn’t slow drastically.

Let’s see what this looks like in two intervals. First, we’ll look at what a 2 meter partial melt would look like. Then, we’ll see what a 6 meter, complete melt would entail.

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (15)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (16)

Via NASA Global Climate Change

As you can see, at 2 meters we already lose most of New Orleans aside from a tiny sliver of high ground and the surrounding bayou as well as the southwestern Florida coast and most of the Florida Keys.

Now let’s look at a 6 meter rise.

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (17)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (18)

Via NASA Global Climate Change

Just wow. That’s a complete loss of Miami, New Orleans and all of the Florida Keys, as well as the majority of the Louisiana and Florida coastlines (where most of the cities happen to be). This isn’t even the worst case scenario - losing the entire shelf could even push the estimated sea rise to 7 or more meters.

Hopefully this demonstration underlined the efficacy of choosing the right type of datavis for your dataset. By choosing a geographic display and coloring in the sea rise with obvious landmarks noted on the map, we are able to understand the severity of the problem.

This approach could make a cogent point in a corporate war room or a university classroom - great data and clear datavis are able to make clear points regardless of context.

6. Human Body Visualization: Medical Datavis

Not all datavis is meant to inform board or product team decisions. Rather, some skews towards the informative, interactive, and fun.

Take this human body datavis software. We start with a default person:

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (19)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (20)

Via Zygote Body

By dragging the bar down the column on the left, we can explore the various life systems, types of tissue, muscles et cetera. Check out what happens if we move it down to the musculature level:

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (21)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (22)

Via Zygote Body

At this setting we’re able to see the muscle systems and even some of the veins, especially where they overlap the muscles. We can also pick out where the bones are exposed and where they aren’t.

Testing this datavis offering in this manner lets us determine its type as well as infer some uses.

Type: Interactive

This software could easily be used for educational purposes, or even to produce custom medical diagrams which could explain situations to patients. Because it is intuitive to explore and the display responds to what the user wants to see it's a great example of effective interactive datavis.

7. WW2 Bullet Holes on Planes: Creative Datavis

Finally, thinking outside of the box can be key for great datavis. Take this analysis of where WW2 bombers were shot. This was collected by the Center of Naval Analysis who would take a look at every bomber post mission and record where it had taken fire.

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (23)

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (24)

Via Center for Naval Analysis

Type: Geographic

The minds at Naval Analysis took a look at this combo geographic/scatterplot visualization and drew an obvious conclusion - armor up where the bombers were getting shot the most.

Logical, right? Absolutely. But it misses a key variable.

In datavis, as in art and data analysis, it is just as key to look at what is not there as to what is there.

Take a look at the negative space on the plane diagram above. It’s clustered around the engine (the length of the fuselage by the tail wing), the co*ckpit (only three shots taken), the propellers, and where the wings meet the fuselage.

Why might that be?

This is when data visualization is absolutely crucial. If the Center for Naval Analysis had just logged each incident (hit mid-right wing, hit far left wing), and collated it all on a large, excel-like sheet, they would have never realized what they were missing.

By plotting it on the mock plane here, and having experts think about the diagram, they were able to unlock human intuition and get on the right path.

Planes were sustaining hits in the dark areas. It’s just that the planes getting hit in the dark areas were not coming back. The Center could only collect data from surviving planes, and planes hit in the engine, propellers, or co*ckpit tended not to survive.

So, rather than doubling down on armoring the hit-many-times but likely survivable damage areas (the white dots), focusing on protecting the black areas was much more critical.

Datavis can, in this way, make the most of human intuition, prevent calamity, and save lives. For another example of the disaster-prevention capacity of excellent datavis, check out our datavis focused analysis of the Challenger launch.


Of course, not every situation is life or death. But, when it comes to your data, it pays to get it right. ‘Getting it right’ can mean reduced customer churn, improved product safety, better target audience identification and much more.

The ideal is to have the datavis you need (tables/graphs/whatever is required), when you need it, without having to spend time and money searching for the best software.

If you want to have all your data in one place and ready to analyze at the drop of a hat, look no further than MonkeyLearn’s all-in-one datavis studio. It comes with a comprehensive repertoire of graphs, all kept up to date in real-time, so you can monitor an overview or sample individual graphs to your heart's content. And it's API is easily integrated, with an open coding library for those who want to customize further.

Play with our public dashboard here and see it works. Or, sign up for a demo with one of our feedback and datavis experts today. Free trials are also available for those ready to dive right in.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on various topics, including data analysis and data visualization. I can help you understand the concepts mentioned in this article. Let's dive in!

What is Data Visualization?

Data visualization is the presentation of data or information in a visual format. It involves transforming raw data into visual representations such as charts, graphs, maps, or interactive visuals. The goal of data visualization is to make complex data more understandable and accessible to humans, allowing them to draw insights and make informed decisions. By presenting data visually, patterns, trends, and relationships can be easily identified, which may not be as apparent in raw data or text form.

Data Visualization Examples:

This article provides several examples of data visualization. Let's briefly discuss each example:

  1. Coronavirus World Map Tracking: Geographic Datavis

    • Type: Geographic (specifically Choropleth)
    • This example uses a choropleth map to represent national coronavirus rates. Different colors are used to indicate the level of coronavirus cases in different countries. Choropleth maps are effective in conveying geographic data and are familiar to most people.
  2. Flight Radar Map: Heatmap Datavis

    • Type: Geographic
    • This example uses a heatmap to show the clustering of flight data across a geographic landscape. Heatmaps are useful for visualizing density or intensity of data points in a specific area.
  3. Google Trends: Analytical Datavis

    • Type: Combined
    • Google Trends provides a suite of data visualization tools to explore search engine data. It allows users to analyze search trends over time and by region. This example demonstrates the temporal and geographic mapping of search trends.
  4. Visualizing Customer Feedback: Suite Datavis

    • Type: Suite Datavis
    • This example showcases MonkeyLearn Studio's data visualization suite, which combines text analysis and data visualization. It enables users to visualize actionable insights from customer feedback data. The example shows a donut chart representing the sentiment of customer reviews.
  5. Climate Time Machine: Geographic Datavis

    • Type: Geographic
    • This example focuses on visualizing the impact of rising sea levels on the Louisiana and Florida coastlines. It uses a geographic representation to show the potential consequences of global warming. The data visualization effectively communicates the severity of the issue.
  6. Human Body Visualization: Medical Datavis

    • Type: Interactive
    • This example demonstrates an interactive data visualization of the human body. Users can explore different systems, tissues, and muscles. It can be used for educational purposes or to create custom medical diagrams.
  7. WW2 Bullet Holes on Planes: Creative Datavis

    • Type: Geographic
    • This example showcases a creative data visualization that analyzes where World War II bombers were shot. By plotting the bullet holes on a diagram of the plane, experts were able to identify areas that needed better protection. This example highlights the importance of data visualization in uncovering insights and making informed decisions.

These examples illustrate the diverse applications of data visualization and how different visualization techniques can effectively convey information to the intended audience.

Remember, data visualization is not only about making data beautiful but also about effectively communicating insights and facilitating better decision-making.

Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis (2024)


Beautiful Data Visualization: 6 Examples of Great Datavis? ›

You can use bar charts to compare items between different groups, measure changes over time and identify patterns or trends. Other popular forms of data visualization include pie charts, line graphs, area charts, histograms, pivot tables, boxplots, scatter plots, radar charts and choropleth maps.

What are some examples of data Visualisation? ›

You can use bar charts to compare items between different groups, measure changes over time and identify patterns or trends. Other popular forms of data visualization include pie charts, line graphs, area charts, histograms, pivot tables, boxplots, scatter plots, radar charts and choropleth maps.

What are the 3 C's of data visualization? ›

The three Cs of data visualization are correlation, clustering, and color.

What is data visualization answers? ›

Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data. By using visual elements like charts, graphs, and maps, data visualization tools provide an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in data.

What is the golden rule of data visualization? ›

This is the golden rule. Always choose the simplest way to convey your information. Identify the relationships and patterns of your data and focus on what you want to show. Depict nominal data.

What are the 4 pillars of data visualization? ›

The foundation of data visualization is built upon four pillars: distribution, relationship, comparison, and composition.

What is data visualization in simple words? ›

Data visualization is the process of using visual elements like charts, graphs, or maps to represent data. It translates complex, high-volume, or numerical data into a visual representation that is easier to process.

What is the main goal of data visualization? ›

Data visualization is the practice of translating information into a visual context, such as a map or graph, to make data easier for the human brain to understand and pull insights from. The main goal of data visualization is to make it easier to identify patterns, trends and outliers in large data sets.

What makes data visualization successful? ›

Data visualizations should have a clear purpose and audience. Choose the right type of viz or chart for your data. Use text and labels to clarify, not clutter. Use color to highlight important information or to differentiate or compare.

Is visualization scientifically proven? ›

Scientific research demonstrates that visualization can improve immune system functioning, relax the body and improve athletic performance, improve memory and academic performance and more.

What are the three types of data Visualisation? ›

The three most common categories of data visualization are graphs, charts, and maps. By choosing the right type of visualization for your data, you can reveal insights, tell a story, and guide decision-making.

What is visualization with an example? ›

Data visualization is the graphical representation of different pieces of information or data, using visual elements such as charts, graphs, or maps. Data visualization tools provide the ability to see and understand data trends, outliers, and patterns in an easy, intuitive way.

What is an example of real time data visualization? ›

Data visualization examples

Line charts that draw themselves, heat maps based on social media traffic, scatter plots depicting complex data, and pie charts are just a few examples. The type of visualization chosen often depends on the type of data and the data points in question.


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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